Lot tutorial: NEW chapter!
I've made TWO important changes to the Lot Submission tutorial.
Firstly, I'd missed out something important when testing your lots: your Downloads folder MUST be empty of everything except the CEP file (_enableColorOptions) if it exists.
Secondly, I forgot to talk about what to do when you use meshes that borrow their textures from other meshes (known as 'master/slave' meshes). You probably already know about bedding (if you don't, I've covered that too), but the same also applies to custom meshes and you need to know what to include in your lot when you use them.
You can download the revised tutorial here:

Who's responsible for these errors and omissions? Well, if I had a secretary, I would blame him, but I don't. It is the ill work of my own hand. So, sue me.
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