Sanctimonious yap - in triplicate!
Yes, my senile ramblings are appearing THREE times on my new minisite. I don't believe anyone else has yet achieved that dubious accolade. Therefore, I expect you think that my ego is SO huge that I want you to read what I write three times over and have been given special privileges to frame my sanctimonious yap in every available space...
Of course, that is true. It is nothing to do with my impatient CLICK CLICK!!! behaviour yesterday when trying to click these pod-thingos we add to our sites...
At first, my thought was simply to walk away, whistling innocently and, when challenged about the state of my page, I would simply put on my best shocked voice and exclaim: "It wasn't me! Oh NO! SUCH a mess! What HAS someone-who-is-not-me done?!!!"
But as I always do that, I guess my game would be up anyway. So yes, I borked my site through my own usual bad temper. Now you have to pay for it by being greeted by the messy result - in triplicate!
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