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DEANNA73070's Blog

I'm Still Around.....

Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that I haven't gone away. Just a little busy here lately. I do have a new lot that I am working on and will soon get it finished and uploaded. My children are just in so much and I am working a lot lately so I haven't had a whole lot of time to create houses and wallpaper. I do hope to get back to it on a regular basis. I love submitting here at TSR and I just love the site!!! I hope you'll keep checking in to see if I have something new to offer because I'm going to try to get back to it as soon as things get back to normal. Below is a preview of my new lot. Hope you all like it!

Summer was a busy one!

Hi all who read my blog and visit my site regularly! The summer has been a busy one for me and I haven't gotten to create like I want to, but fall and dreaded winter are around the corner so I'm sure that I will have some new lots on a more regular basis. I do, however have a lot finished and uploaded and getting ready to be published the 1st of Septemeber called Cape Cod Lane, which you can already see a preview of on the upcoming lots download page. I also have one that I finished last night called Lazy River Rd which is another rustic type house: Again, I'm hoping to start creating more as the fall and winter approach with some other new and exciting lots and even some wallpapers and floors. Hope everyone's summer was a great as mine was! Happy Simming!

Updated! Updated Again!

Well, I've updated my minisite yet again, and I think I may keep it this way for a long while. My homes are now known as SIMplistic Homes "A place to hang your hat". I've been, trying for a long while, to think of something catchy and it finally came to me today after creating the lot "Smokey Mountain High", my next lot soon to be available, which is sort of the theme of my new site, if you couldn't tell. Hope you like it as much as I do!

Two New Lots Coming, Plus.....

Well, I finally have two new lots coming soon and one in the works. The first is Trinidad Island Marina and the second is 1 Trinidad Island Way. The marina is a community lot built for entertainment and the 1 Trinidad Island Way is a residential lot that I just love! ....wouldn't mind living there myself. Here are screenshots of them both: I am also working on a hotel, simply called Trinidad Island Hotel. I love it as it's so colorful and tropical-looking: Bon Voyage has been working, to date (cross your fingers and knock on wood), as I got rid of some of the stuff packs loaded onto my computer and that, so far, has fixed any issues I had been having with crashing allowing me to build more beach and vacation lots.

Modern Elegance

This is a new lot that I am working on, although it's filled with custom content from artists who prefer to not have their items published on "pay sites", so I don't know if I'll be submitting it or not. I would have to clean it up to "substitue" some of the things in it. It's my first attempt at an all modern lot. I've seen several modern lots and am blown away by some of them so I wanted to try my hand at one. I hope you like it.

Fixed the Problem for Now

I thought I would give those of you who read my blog and who enjoy my lots an update. I have uninstalled Bon Voyage for the time being as I could not find a remedy for my crashing problems. Since uninstalling it, I haven't had ANY problems with playing or creating lots, so all of my forthcoming lots will only include EP's up to Seasons. So until there is a "fix" for the crashing from either Nvidia or EA, I will not be uploading vacation lots in the future. Hopefully, though, there will be some kind of remedy for this as I did enjoy playing Bon Voyage and sending my simmies on vacation. I have two new lots waiting to be published; one is pending and the other is uploaded but not submitted. Here is a sneak peak at them:

Small Setback

Well, I finally went and got a new graphics card for my computer, and I must say that the graphics in my game are so much more better. I now can see all sorts of things in my game that I hadn't seen before like the fishies in my fish tanks, the fish in the ponds, and the beautiful reflections on the pools. There's a small problem that I had been having though, but I'm hoping that I have resolved it. My computer was crashing to a black screen and the monitor was going into power save mode, and nothing I did made the screen come back up except for hitting the button on the CPU and rebooting. It was only letting me play for about 5 to 10 minutes, and that's when it would go black. Well, I thought that I would look at any updates to the video card, and I found one and downloaded the update and installed it. I was also playing on max settings, which I don't think helped matters. So, after installing the update, I started the game and lowered the graphics settings and it actually let me play for almost two hours. So, I'm hoping everything is fixed, although, it would be nice to play on full graphics settings. I also kept saving in certain spots so that if it did go, I wouldn't lose the progress that my Sim family was making in occupations, relationships, and skills. Cross your fingers for me that I've, indeed, fixed it!!!

So Much Talent!

I've been browsing some of the lots here at TSR and I have come across so many beautiful lots, not too mention, very, very talented artists! I am increasingly amazed at the architecture of some of the lots and I always wonder, "How did they do that?!" I am a big fan of srgmls23 and the architecture there on his profile. Take a minute and check out his site here on TSR and you'll see what I mean. I also want to take a little time here to express to the other very talented lot builders how big of an inspiration they are to me, and how I strive with every single lot of mine to make it more interesting than the one before. I can see how I've grown in my own right as a builder and can only thank the other builders here for my ever-increasing need to "fine tune" my talent and creativity. It's a bit of a challenge for me, if you will, to be as good as those around me, and I can name so many artists who have taught me SO SO much just by example (and it didn't hurt to ask, how did you do that?)....Tiko, dinad2610, iZazu, srgmls23, hatshepsut, MonteBoy24, Pinecat, Madisim, Alyosha, Huabanzhu...and I can probably name so many more. Thank you so much everyone!!!!

Getting Back to Normal...

Well, my downloads folder is starting to fill up again, thankfully, and my lots are looking a little bit more interesting since the submission of 2021 Ligoneer Dr and Morris Place. Thank you to all of the creators out there who help to make my lots so much better than Maxis content only!

The results of the poll I recently had on my minisite only had 14 participants, but thank you to those 14 who chose to add their two-cents (even the one who said that he/she didn't like any of my lots) lol, but to make a long story short, the vote went to 10 Ocean View. So again, thank you to all who voted! I appreciate your enthusiasm!

A Little Bummed/Creative Block

Well, I finally had to do it....I had to get rid of one of my expansion packs to make room on my computer, not to mention, getting rid of a very annoying bug with buying clothes on community lots (which I couldn't do). Plus I deleted all of my downloads and am starting entirely over again downloading things from TSR. And I have to say, that I'm being very picky now when it comes to downloading. I still don't have some of the things showing up in my game that I have downloaded, like windows and doors and some other things, so my lots are going to be a little blah for a few submissions, but I hope to be back up to speed in a few weeks. With the onset of having to get rid of my downloads, it makes it really difficult for me to create lots of the kind that I previously was submitting, but I hope in the coming weeks that they'll be as impressive and creative as before!

Latest Headlines

I'm Still Around..... Summer was a busy one! Updated! Updated Again! Two New Lots Coming, Plus..... Modern Elegance Fixed the Problem for Now Small Setback So Much Talent! Getting Back to Normal... A Little Bummed/Creative Block
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