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DElyMyth's Guestbook

chocolatecraZ92Nov 18, 2006

For Lou, I completed all the goals, bt the Wizard didn't pick it up for some reason. I didn't cheat or anything. This happened all three times I completed the challenge...\:\(

frogger1617Nov 6, 2006

\:D I know what you mean, creating and building takes your mind off a stressfull day.\:D

totobug4Nov 6, 2006

i've never had a sim baby or toddler stolen, but people always want my real nieces because they're so darn cute.

amy_55555Nov 6, 2006

I thought I was alone when I started a thread (ages ago) on my little toddler being kidnapped \:wacko\: . It was pretty shocking watching him walk away with her. We should start a trauma group, hee \:P . Anyhow, have a great day!

totobug4Nov 6, 2006

whenever people try running off with my infant niece, i tell them to make sure they send her to college... they usually send her back with us though

frogger1617Nov 6, 2006

Your very welcome and by the way your creations look great, if i had sims 2 I would download them\:D

lara_kristinaNov 4, 2006

Thats brill, I had him marry Cassandra Goth, but when they got back after the wedding and were getting out of the limo, Dina wallked by so I had him greet her, they kissed and Cassandra was mad. Its so funny. They have since made up and still 'happily' married, but Dina and Cassandra are enimies and Dons with a lot of new women. Including 3 children Cassandra is unaware of. Its so fun\:wub\:

Olga2102Oct 29, 2006

U r welcome!

Olga2102Oct 28, 2006

great story!

PhotoSigsOct 26, 2006

Your welcome,thanks 4 signing GB.\:\)

csolis2Oct 23, 2006

Thanks for your comment on my "I'm so shocked" screenshot \:D

csolis2Oct 23, 2006

Thanks for your comment on my "I'm so shocked" screenshot \:D

simariOct 22, 2006

Thanks for your nice comment on my screenshot. Much appreciated\:\)

Cerulean TalonOct 21, 2006

Hi DElyMyth, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my Grand Staircase tutorial. It is always appreciated. FYI Somehow I managed to leave out one important number. On Step 7 it should read "EXACTLY 8" clicks. I hope you enjoy the staircase. I have done a half dozen different versions of this staircase by splitting the two sides or adding additional height to allow for a foundation...If it wasn't that the tutorial was running so long I'd have shown a few more variations -- maybe in another tutorial. Smiles, Cerulean Talon

Dr. MacabreOct 18, 2006

yeah and the guy yells and walks away and the cat hops up to take a nap. such a cat mentality.

Dr. MacabreOct 17, 2006

I saw the one of the cat, and boy did they get that right. \:\)

Dr. MacabreOct 17, 2006

Yea I have to agree with you about pets. I remember Sims 1 and pets could be such a pain. And also very messy.\:\)

Dr. MacabreOct 16, 2006

Your welcome for the comment. Your pic made me laugh so I had to respond. Keep them coming!!!

AyaniOct 16, 2006

I totally agree about cleanbots mess making capabilites. Add a dog chewing on cleanbot, and then rolling in the garbage and we have a real mess \:P

kkffooOct 15, 2006

I''m enjoying reading your forum posts\:\)

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