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DO5NBR's Guestbook

2freddieNov 13, 2010

Thank you for your kind comment on my sims  HUGS!

wolfspryteNov 13, 2010

Hello...  thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment on "Victorian Charm Dining"...  I appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think!!  Have a wonderful weekend... Melissa

JCIssetteNov 13, 2010

Good morning and thanks for your lovely comments on Howlett Road. \:D I am thrilled that you liked my little house. Have a good one. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

estaticaNov 13, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on the Deniau Starter Home, I'm glad you liked it! \:\)

dorienskiNov 12, 2010

Thanks for your comment on my Kahn house! Glad you like it

cooneyNov 11, 2010

\:DHi Ruth\:D , Thanks for the lovely comment an my starter lot. I am glad you like it, and I hope you are having a wonderful day.\:wub\:Cooney

jomsimsNov 11, 2010

hi. I do not know what to say except thank you again .your comment it s my reward\:\)

dorienskiNov 11, 2010

Thanks for commenting on my Paola house! Have a great day

maxi kingNov 11, 2010

\:wub\:Schicke dir ein ganz fettes und liebes Danke!Hab ein schöne Tag!\:wub\:

PralinesimsNov 10, 2010

Hi du!\:D Danke dir vom ganzen Herzen!!! Deine kommentare haben mich richtig umgehauen!!! Tut mir wirklich sehr leid,dass ich erst jetzt antworte,aber ich habe nächste Woche Freitag meine Abschlussprüfung zur Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellten\:\( Da hatte ich nicht viel Zeit leider...\:\(   Ich habe gerade gesehen,dass du auch richtig fleißig bist\:D Deine Häuser sind so toll\:D Und super spielbar! so ich gehen nun ein wenig lernen\:D Ich wünsche dir alles liebe,viel Gesundheit und Glück!!! Bis bald tschüssieee kussiii\:rah\:\:wub\:

cooneyNov 10, 2010

\:DThank you so much.\:DIt's wonderful of you to take your time and leave that nice comment.\:wub\:

deeiutzaNov 10, 2010

Thanks a lot for your comment!\:wub\:

ung999Nov 10, 2010

Hi, thank you for taking time to leave your comment on 'Bay Creek'. I really appreciate it!\:wub\:

2freddieNov 9, 2010

Thank you for your comment on my christmas tree faberic.. Hugs! \:wub\:

ElutNov 8, 2010

Hi \:\). Thanks so much for your comment on "the Knickers" \:wub\:

Cerulean TalonNov 8, 2010

Hi again! Thank you for that wonderful note you left on my Mountain Home lot, too. It makes me smile to know you enjoy my wor! Smiles & hugs! \:wub\:

Cerulean TalonNov 8, 2010

Hi, Thank you for that wonderful note you left on my Log Cabin Patterns set. I really appreciated it! \:wub\:

marcorseNov 8, 2010

I have just read your remarks on TerraCotta Cottage.  Stop wishing my dear  \:\)   . . . you already create special houses. \:D   They are special because they reflect your ideas and creativity and are not a clone of mine or anyone elses.   I know what you mean, because I too look at some of the awesome work of others here on TSR - gissence, simmothy, katalina and jcisette among them - and I  used to feel something like envy, but I have come to realise that there is no way I could build as they do.  I don't see things from the same perspective and therefore would make a very bad job of trying their way.   I decided that I would continue on my own path and do my thing to the best of my abillity, hoping that the results would please others as well.  Ultimately, I build for me.  Having someone else say they like what I have done is the icing.  You already show that you have talent - so my advice to you is to go with what you know and polish that skill you already have and when you have had as much experience as those I've mentioned, who knows?  Your work might even be superior.    Okay . . . . end of sermon.   :P   Thank you for your lovely comment and good luck with your own building. Regards, Marg

maxi kingNov 8, 2010

\:DBitte schön!\:DVielen Dank für die lieben Worte!Wünsche auch einen schönen Tag!\:wub\:

marcorseNov 8, 2010

Hello again and thank you for your sweet comment on my Calliope house.  That was a fun build, but it turned out even better than in my imagination.  \:D  I'm so glad  you liked it.    I love Summerwind!  \:wub\:

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