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DO5NBR's Guestbook

srgmls23Jan 26, 2011

Hello \;\) thanks for the fantastic comment you made on my lot (Flowers Of Passion) hugs sérgio \:D

jomsimsJan 26, 2011

hello. thank you for your litle comment . ti s every welcome!J\:\)

IrishStarJan 25, 2011

Thank you so much for your lovely comment Ruth. Wishing you a wonderful day \:D Christine !

ayyuffJan 24, 2011

Hi,Thank you very much for your comments on my creations \:\) Have a nice day!

cooneyJan 24, 2011

\:DThank you very much for commenting on Simple.\:D I am glad you like it. Hope you had a nice weekend and have a great week.\:wub\:Cooney

marcorseJan 24, 2011

Thanks again Ruth for your sweet words on Tulipcollage. They are always so welcome!

hunnyb714Jan 23, 2011

Love your creations. Thank you so much! =)

fantasticSimsJan 23, 2011

Thank you so much! Your comment on the Maple House is very appreciated! Thank you again!

magicdawnJan 22, 2011

Hallo Ruth. Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Ich hoffe Du findest in Deinen schönen Häusern auch mal einen Platz für die Türen. \:D

rodentredJan 22, 2011

You're welcome again \:\)

katalinaJan 22, 2011

Hiya Ruth\:D   thank you for the lovely comment on my Sea Captains house, so glad you like it. Have a beautiful day\:wub\:

magicdawnJan 22, 2011

Hallo Ruth. Vielen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar. Ich freue mich immer sehr darüber.

Bugab00Jan 21, 2011

Thank you for the nice comment you made for Little House of Sapphire!  I'm really happy you like it!

PralinesimsJan 20, 2011

Danke dir für alles meine liebe Ruth!!! Für die tollen Kommentar immer und die super-süßen GB einträge!! Du heiterst mich jedes Mal auf!!! Bis bald !!!! danke dir 10000000000000000000000000000000000 MAL

marcorseJan 19, 2011

 . .  and I love your enthusiasm Ruth, my petal.  I think it might be a generational thing?  I tend to only create the things that I would  use in my own game, so there's really nothing too avant-garde or trendy in them . . . with the  occasional one to shock a bit, like the big blue floral one!  :P    Actually, pattern making with the EA tool [not TSR Workshop which just about requires a degree to navigate] is just so simple as to be addictive.  I recommend it to any builder in the situation where they just  can't find just the right pattern . .  with one reservation.  With that strange short-sightedness that only EA does so well, the background colour channel in the tool cannot be changed in CAS.  I get around this now by using one of the other channels [there are 4] as the background - this means it is recolourable in game, and still leaves 3 others recolourable too.   Based on how you have mastered the building process in such a short time, Ruth, I feel you would be an exemplary pattern maker.  If you have the time, why not try it ?  The download is free, of course, from EA and you don't need fancy software, just access to patternable images to a maximum size of 256x256 - so any graphics editor would suffice, even Paint.  What thnk you?  \:\)   Hugs, Marg.

ziggy28Jan 19, 2011

\:D Hi, thank you so much for your comments, Im glad you like it \:wub\: TC Lorraine

Wannabee16Jan 19, 2011

\:D Thank you for your lovely comment on my lot! Happy Simm'g!\:D

marcorseJan 19, 2011

 . .  back again Ruth.  I've only just  now found time to check the Fair Winds comments . . . so, thank  you for  your kind remarks - and apologies for the delay.  \:wub\:  Hugs, Marg

marcorseJan 19, 2011

Hope you are having a lovely day Ruth . . . as I am after finding your comments on some of my patterns. \:wub\:  I think Violetta and Poppyfields are so pretty  . . and Linked was just a bit of fun that turned out to be something quite interesting.  So thank you my dear, and I'm off to have a look at your creations while I'm here, as I don't very often get to check other builders' offerings.  I'm too concerned I'll maybe copy something unintentionally . . with my very poor memory.  Take care. Hugs, Marg

magicdawnJan 18, 2011

Hallo Ruth, lange nichts von Dir gehört. Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut. Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche \:D. Du hast übrigens ein paar tolle Häuser \;\)

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