DT456 (2518717)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (235 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

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Published Jul 17, 2013
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About Me
Influenced by the nordic woods and design combined with our times contemporary lines I am creating objects for your game play.
My Latest Updates Show All
What's upWritten Jan 06, 2014
Hello there everyone! First of all, happy new year! New year, new goals and new creations from me to wait for! At this moment, I am currently working on a kitchen and a hallway set. I do hope I can publish at least on of them soon. Just a quick update to let you know that I will be back! ...More
Life goes onWritten Sep 05, 2013
And here it is, September. A time when life goes back to normal, work and school starts again. And so for me. A new year in school, one year closer gradutation and one year of commuting (hopefully not so long time now). With this said I want to tell you that my time for meshing is very limited. I have only around 4-5 hours when I get home until it's time for bed for me so I can not guarantee... ...More
Updated the Helmer Built in Shelves set. Written Jul 03, 2013
Hi everyone, I just wanted to tell you that these items in the set have been updated: Helmer's Shelf Left Helmer's Shelf Middle Helmer's Shef Right They have been updated because I noticed that the the uv maps was not correct so please redownload them and re-install them! Sorry for any inconvenience. ...More
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x-creasMar 12, 2023
Hello DT456,
I don't know if you are still active, but nevertheless I wanted to ask if I can get your permission to convert the Helmet-Build-In Shelves for Sims 4.
I would offer them for free download via my Tumblr account and Simfileshare for others if you agree.
I hope to hear back from you.
Warm regards,
proshellDec 16, 2015
Hi DT456, I have not seen any creasions for Sims 4. Will you be doing any? If so can you do your Helmers set, especially the built in shelves. I miss them in 4. Used them all the time in 3. If you are not that's ok. Hope your studying hard.
Shell xx
coconutpopsicleMar 29, 2014
you're welcome, totally love your creations!!
keep up the good work! xx