Dreamwork's Blog
I'm Back!

May Break :)
I will come back soon with new creations, new hairs, make-up, clothes and everything else. Now I will create stuff for men too :) So don't forget to check my mini-site after May will end (one of beautiful month in year).Happy Easter!
Flowers blooming,reaching out to touch
the morning sun, bring
promises of hope and joy
meant for everyone...
Best Wishes to all of you - wish Dreamwork.
Happy Easter - Happy Simming! ;)
Hello and welcome all on my minisite - I am currently busy setting it up so hopefully, if everything goes smoothly, I should be up and running properly in a few days - Thank you very much to Thomas and the rest of the TSR staff for hosting all my creations - you guys are the best! Am I still dreaming or am I really Selected Artist now? I'm so glad! :) Ps. Please visit my minisite sometimes in your free time to look at my downloads and screenshots! I hope that you will like them. Anyway... Do you like my already uploaded creations? :)