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Created for: The Sims 1
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Want something creamy for a house? I'll let you in a little secret... Creme de la Creme is one of the more affordable houses around. With 3 bedrooms with their own private baths, a Japanese style family room, a living, entertainment/ study, and dinning rooms, downstairs bathroom, a kitchen and a spare room (which I have no idea what to do with it). Outside, a grand garden and a pool that's just exceptional. So are you convinced, download this baby and your in luck, it's available... Note: Includes New York Brownstone Window #9 and New York Brownstone Window #5 by Stacy Gibbs (through her permission). Great isn't it. Enjoy c",).
Short URL:
ItemID: 58487
- Lot: 5
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs:
- Livin Large
- Unleashed
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