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Foxi_ivey's Guestbook

zaligeloverAug 25, 2011

Hello! Took your poll, but the most annoying glitch I often encounter is babies disappearing completely when I try to grow them to toddlers. I have to exit and reload just to get them back in the game.\:mad\:  Anyway, have a great day and thanks for the kudos from your polls.\:\)

FikcijaAug 24, 2011

Hi, thank you for your comment on my Veronaville Chronicles \:\) It's not meant to be a real story with a plot really, it's just a way of telling "what I did with my pre-made neighborhoods", although Veronaville does have a plot that connects all the families, did you read the "Intro" part? That explains a lot of it \:\) But I had to get through the whole "sims in college" thing somehow and I hate even playing that myself, because it's boring! So I hope the next part will be better (and I will try to do my best to make it better). Thank you again for your comment! It's really good to have someone say something more than just "great, waiting for more", your opinion is very welcome \:\)

MajuchanAug 24, 2011

Hello! I'm glad that you like the angle in my screenie "Arrgh! The Monster!" =3

lemon_angelAug 24, 2011

Hi Foxi \:D I'm agree with you sims is a crazy game with supernatural beings \:\) We're free to express ourself at sims \:\) by the way, thank's for your nice comment on my "the wedding" screenshoot \:D

TagonnaAug 23, 2011

Hi, Foxi! Now i try to explain you a name of my screenshot with my bad bad english\;\) It means that if you realy want something, but you are hesitating to do smth to get that, you must forget all your fears and meet your destiny with open heart. And if you do so you will win in any case. This girl (on screenshot) is in love with a boy. It was hard for her to say it to him. But she do it. Now they are together and very happy (i think so\:D ). And... Who dares wins!

spladoumAug 23, 2011

"Odd" is a very generous way of describing her. \:D :P

IeHeLiAug 23, 2011

Oh, thank you for explaining how the stairs work for kids. (: I'm now going to try that.

altea127Aug 23, 2011

Thank you very much for your lovely comment\:\) \:wub\:

IeHeLiAug 23, 2011

Aww.. thank you for your sweet comment on my scrennshot! \:wub\:

ArneroAug 23, 2011

thanks for you comment on my Elevater moment screeny. Ja odd things pop into sims heads under different circumstance, a sim day earlier I missed a shot of her thinking babyshoes while flying through that door (maybe I should get that elevator fixed \:o) Have a great day

muggelx1May 2, 2010

i like your story....very good work...\:rah\:

AbsintheBessDec 6, 2009

Heya Foxi \:\)! Thank you so much for reading and commenting on 'Apple' for the last time! I'm so glad you liked the story. I had a new story published today, just a one off that I did for fun, if you wanted to check it out at some stage I would be really greatful \:\) It is called 'The Window'. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It is so hot here! \:\) -Bess

AbsintheBessDec 4, 2009

Hey! Just dropping by to let you know that the very last part of 'Apple' has just been published. Hope you have an awesome weekend \:\) -Bess

AbsintheBessNov 26, 2009

Thanks so much for the support for 'Apple'! Im going to hopefully have the last part does in the next few days \:\) -Bess

AbsintheBessNov 25, 2009

Hey Foxy! Just wanted to let you know that the next part of 'Apple' was just published if you want to check it out. Look forward to your comments. The next part will be the last. \:\) -Bess

DragonQueenNov 8, 2009

I can't wait for World Adventures, either!  Looks so \:cool\:

AbsintheBessNov 8, 2009

I hope you're having a great weekend! I just thought I would let you know that parts three and four of 'Apple' were published today \:\) Love to hear what you think whenever you get a chance to read them \:\) Bessie

AbsintheBessNov 7, 2009

I'm not sure what you mean by your question then, use the instructiond from my other comment, you just do it in 'Create a Sim' as I explained. Only in sims 3 though, of course.

AbsintheBessNov 7, 2009

Oh, and parts 3 and 4 of 'An Apple A Day' have been submitted, so hopefully you wont have to wait to long to see them! \:\)

AbsintheBessNov 7, 2009

Hey Foxi, I smiled when I saw you included the fact that you liked my story in your 'about me' section. It is quite easy to change your sims skin colour. You will notice in 'Creat-A-Sim', on the first tab where you type in their name and choose their body shape, there is the bar that allows you to choose how tanned, dark or light your Sims skin is going to be. Immediately next to that bar, on the left hand side, you will see a button with a flesh coloured (or darker brown) circle in it, with an upside down triangle next to it. You simply need to click on this button and it will expand to give you a few different colours to choose from, you can choose red, Green or Blue. Just click on the colour you want and then 'voila!' the 'skin colour bar' will change to represent the colour you selected, and all that is left to do is decide how light or dark your sims skin will be. Hope that makes sense \:\) - Bess

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