Late Night EP
I just love the new EP and all the new actions with it. I have been playing a lot, but there are a few bugs unfortunately.
My sim is a celebrity level 3 at the moment and she gets invited to a few parties. But when she arrived the sim isn't even at home. She also gets a few visits and they ask via the intercom to come in but they never arrive. So one day I took her to the Bridgeport Sportsbar and what do I see there?
All these sims outside the club!
They couldn't get away and are standing there all the time! Hungry and feeling awful. Puking and screaming!
I got her up to the club but it was deserted so I sent her down again but the elevator took a very long time to arrive. When it did, 13 sims got out of it!
No wonder the parties gets canceled and no visitors arrive when they say they will.
I hope EA can fix this in a patch as many of these sims are standing outside the club 24/7.