![Sims 3 — Ginselle Beaudot by Galloandre — Cute and sexy, but put bluntly, Ginselle's a nerd. And she knows it. This is](/scaled/1321/w-600h-450-1321485.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
Cute and sexy, but put bluntly, Ginselle's a nerd. And she knows it. This is why she's neurotic. Ginselle doesn't quite know how to deal with the seeming contradiction (Which it really isn't. Why can't a Sim woman be both?), thanks to Sim peer pressure. Her clumsiness and perfectionistic tendencies also seem to get into each other's way. Should you feel sorry for her? Depends on which side you're on!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/921270
ItemID: 921270
Filesize: 2 MB
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![Harmonia Set 012 ~Full Body~ by Harmonia09 - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1317/w-123h-100-1317841.jpg)
Credits: Peggy Zone (Hair) & the great TSR artist listed here
- Favorite Music: 5
- Favorite Food: 1
- Favorite Color: 0xfff894ae
- Traits : b82d0015b92944b0, b82d0015b9294200, b82d0015b9294190, b82d0015b9294560, b82d0015b9294310
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