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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
With this mod, the teenage Sims have the opportunity to start their freelance career.
Compatible with patch 11-07-2024 1.110.311.1020
The following issues have been reported:
- Teenagers lose their freelance careers if the save file has been reloaded.
- When a gig was selected, a loading circle appeared.
To get it to work properly I had to split the files.
If you do not own Paranormal Stuff Pack,Moschino Stuff Pack and Eco Lifestyle PLEASE DO NOT PUT THE FOLLOWING FILES IN YOUR MOD FOLDER!
You might get the loading circle back.Please only use the Base Game file MSQSIMS_FreelancerCareers_For_Teens_BaseGame
MSQSIMS_FreelancerCareers_For_Teens_EcoLifestyle (Freelancer Career Maker)
MSQSIMS_FreelancerCareers_For_Teens_Moshino (Freelancer Career Photograph)
MSQSIMS_FreelancerCareers_For_Teens_Paranormal (Freelancer Career Paranormal Investigator)
If you own them please put them in your Mods folder,otherwise your sim will lose the careers after reloading the save file.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1551072
ItemID: 1551072
Revision: 18
Filesize: 33 KB
- Recoloring Allowed: No
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