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Grandbear98's Blog

Greetings All

I have been away for awhile because I went back to Sims 2 and I started creating again. I have fully restored my game and created a bunch of New Homes in the base game which after the New Year I plan on bringing them up to TSR. I am also in the process od making a website for my created families in newly restored Hoods. I want to thank everyone for stopping by and for downloading my homes. I plan to also have full Neighborhoods on my webiste soon and great homes here at TSR. Thanks for reading and stay in touch. GB

Back to Sims 2

Well after playing Sims 3 for awhile, I decided to go back to Sims 2. Sims 3 to me is a great game, fast loading, Homes are a breeze to make, and it's nice to match anything to go with your home. In aspects I find it great game, which I will go back to from time to time. My turn off is the way the neighborhood plays out, families around you age faster than the one you are playing. I went back to Sims 2, because I like the way the game plays, the sims look better, and i can control them. yes the loading time is a pain, but i can deal with it. Sims 3 gave me new ideas and new creations to bring to the Sims 2 world. look for new homes, or maybe making Sims again.


My Sims 3 creations and my views on Sims 3.

As most of you known Sims 3 has hit the airways. For the moment I am taking a break with Sims 2 and am not giving up it totally. I plan on going back to it which I do from time to time. For now I am having fun learning, recreating, and making newer stuff for Sims 3. My projects are recreating my favorite Sims and homes from Sims 2 and bringing them here to you. I find Sims are harder to make in Sims 3 than sims 2 but am doing my best. As I recreate Sims I also build their house they lived in while playing Sims 2. All my work and some some work are exclusive to TSR and alot of it on the exchange. Feel free to use my creations anyway you wish. Thanks for stoping by and for downloading my creations. It's nice to known that fellow simmers are enjoying my downloads and request's are welcome.


New Project.

Hi All,

I haven't posted any homes for awhile because I have been working on a huge project since July 10th and it still has aways to go before it is finished. I posted a screenshot of my new project. I am recreating the town of Colorado Springs from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and am making it a community Lot. It will feature a store from each expansion pack up to Free Time. Once it finished I will upload it here for download. Bt watching the intire series is helping me construct the town.


Bach Lots

Hi All, I have made a few Beach Lots and some are having a problem placing them, These lots I built were made in Bluewater Village and will also work on Twikki Island. As for other templates in other hoods. The land may be too steep for them so they can't be placed. If you have a custom hood and have FreeTime, use the modifyneighborhoodterrain on to reslope the ground, Make sure you turn it off afterwards. Other than that Bluewater or Twikki Island is where they can be placed. Enjoy those lots anyway you like. Any problems let me know. GB

Rebirth of Pleasantview

Hi All, I have fully restored the neighborhood of Pleasantview to the original state of the way the neighborhood should have been. The neighborhood before it was restored had alot of charactors in it never before played and lots of corrupt people with things not adding up. I have now resotred them with the help of SimPE. Over the course of time I will be submitting the stories on each family from past to present with new edition to this neighborhood. Goth, Crumplebottom, Lothario, Broke, Newbie, Oldie, Dreamer, Pleasant, Caliente, Bachelor and Burb families have been fully restored and they live on. New families that tie in with these are, my legacy family the Foley's, Barrows, Kimball, Kat, Beaur, and Wilburlab. A few more forgotton families are, Ruggbyrne, Darong, matlapin as well as others. Looks for these and thanks for keeping in touch.


Restoring Done

Hi All,

I have fully restored my game and am now back in business again. I also baught a brand new Dell XPS 420 with higher processors and a better performance machine. This new computer allowed me to fully restore my download folder which now has 30000 files. My old one has 20000. The new computer loads in 10min and less than 1 min a neighborhood. Old machine 35-40min and 10min a neighborhood. Big difference.

Now that the restoring is done and I have installed up to BV. I will be subbmitting my new homes from differenet expansions soon about 3 a week. I have a total of 20 homes to submit which you will see in my stories when you read them. They would say coming soon to TSR.

That's it for now and Thanks for stopping by.



Hello Everybody,

First I want to wish all the great people of TSR and those that downloaded and commented my downloads and stories a Great Happy Holiday Season. And to all those that make great creations as well which makes the homes I create even better a joyous Holiday Season.

As most of you know if you read my Blog that I have been restoring my game and I weeded out my downloads and am only using things that make my game run better. At one time I had 27000 downloads and I am at 15000 which I am maintaining. All my hard work is finally paying off. It is a lot of work restoring and a slow long process but my game is now running better than ever. I am up to Nightlife and am going through my neighborhoods one by one. As I get a neighborhood done, I plan on submitting a short story on what neighborhood I created and the families who reside in them. Some stories are already at TSR for viewing.

Homes I created and built are used in all 20 neighborhoods. 5 of which are not restored due to a expansion pack not installed yet which includes 3 in Pets and 2 in Seasons. Homes I have downloaded from TSR and the Exchange also had alot of work in redisgning or a face life to make homes ready for Seasons. As for Seasons you have to make sure your home is ready and compadable which I redone all my lots and submitted an upgrade to TSR. Homes I first created are now fixed and expansion pack ready.

Thats it for now and thanks for stopping by my Mini Site.


Restoring Still in Progress

To keep everybody updated, In the past I have done alot of work with the base game of Sims 2 and later found conflict with items in my downloads that created crashes and expansion problems. I have repared my download folder of unwanted things and am still restoring my neighborhoods and families, to get them ready for future expansions. In the process of restoring I am finding more homes I have built but never submitted them except to the exchange. A few new homes that will be made available soon are, Smallville Mansion, South Fork Ranch, Dynasty Mansion, and Wayne Manor. These are huge homes that will be coming soon along with a few others. To everyone who have downloaded my homes and enjoyed them I thanks you very much. Keep on the lookouts for more new homes.

Still Restoring

Hello All, I am still restoring my game and I have finally weeded out the bad parts of the game. I also am restoring my old and new neighborhoods to make them ready for all expansions. In the process of doing this, I am finding old homes that I have created in the past and am restoring and fixing them. Some homes had problems since the arrivals of Nightlife but they have now been fixed and restored. The files have also been replaced with the new ones that say Newly Updated. I have also found some of my original designs that I am also restoring and will be bringing here. Some you have seen in my stories, but were never made available to anyone unless on the exchange with family. These homes are now coimng to TSR soon. So keep on the lookout for new homes and improvements.

Thanks to everyone for keeping me active in this fun sport.

Latest Headlines

Greetings All Back to Sims 2 My Sims 3 creations and my views... New Project. Bach Lots Rebirth of Pleasantview Restoring Done Thanks Restoring Still in Progress Still Restoring
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