Happy New Year and an update on my troubles...
First of all, a very Happy New Year to all passers by - and even to those who don't ;) *hands out drinks and nibbles of choice* Cheers!
Now the update - well, it still doesn't work >:( I even have a new screen as the old one was (a little bit) on the blink but nada, zip, zilch, nothing - the screen still goes in standby barely a minute in the game. So, there's only one solution left to me (bar getting another top of the range gaming pc, but my piggybank won't appreciate that) and that's looking into getting a new graphics card as the one I have - quite a good one (NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 to be precise) I might add, as 3D benchmark programs haven't got any problems with it - isn't supported by Sims3 (booh! :P).
But imagine my horror when I found out that the forums aren't working - oh noes!! - all those nice people I had gathered to help with my problems, gone, away in limbo! What to do, what to do? *Sigh* Off we go to dig around on the net...
Feel free to add suggestions here, it's not as we're going to walk over one night of ice before we take such a heavy decision on what to alter in the innards of our favourite toy ;)
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