Ok, today I'm really pissed off.
Why? Because TSR rejected some of my new creations. I do not consider myself as the greatest goddess of sim-making kind, and do not think that I'm always right, because that's not true. But his time, I think I'm right.
As a kid I was teached to be always sincere and to feel free to criticize stupid actions ("it's not people You criticize, it's what they do" as my grandfather always told me). The reason for rejection was: "the pattern on your tiles does not "tile" correctly, and it looks broken". Really? I checked it in game twice, and I admit it doesn't tile perfectly, because the pattern is quite complicated, but at least it gives the impression of tiling.
But the funniest was the justification: "we do it to to maintain quality downloads". Oh really?
How many creations from TSR actually have more failures than that? I remember downloading some hair that crushed my game, plenty of meshes that didn't work, not mentioning the riddiculous neon-green or barbie-pink hair (why the heck they let people upload SUCH horribe things?!?! where is this quality-download policy in these cases?!?!), and ending on completely non-tiling flooring, that really looked as if a yeti spewed on it. But it was all here, available for download, for everyone.
I'm really pissed off. Right now I started to understand why people delete their creations from here and move to Mod the Sims 2...
Here's the picture of the set which will not be uploaded by TSR staff because of it's horribility. I will not correct it - I hate smashing something that was already completed...
But the point is that I really loved this set of tiles... Maybe I just add a very thin white frame around every tile - it will not look as if not matching any more. I'll do it and tell you how it worked. If they reject it also this time - then I'll report it as an example of the most riddicule and absurd action that I've ever encountered...
Take care,
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