Upload at last!
Here goes a new upload - Little Blue House. It took me some time, but please, understand my situation right now... I'll try to manage time better as to find some for Sims, but right now till the Absurdal Art Festival I have so much to do... and University also fights its rights... As for me, I start getting the feeling it's not exactly how my life was supposed to look like while finishing studies... To begin with the complete mistake with studying this subject... I wanted to be a Japanese Philologist, Fantastic Not-Only-Fashion Designer, Mediterranean Archeologist... I had so many plans, all of which failed. Now I do admire people who just decide - it's not for me, I decide to stop studying a boring subject and go to UK to work just to find out my way. I couldn't do it. I'm not able to. I'm too weak. I admire brave people. Funny that once I considered myself as one... while I'm a fucking coward. And I can do nothing about it... Sad and depresed, Hannah