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Hanefcik's Guestbook

elainearoraJun 20, 2007

Hi,Thankyou for commenting on my screenshot ever since I installed seasons my sims wash in the sink if their hygiene is low and the bathroom is occupied. Elaine

confideJun 19, 2007

Hello Hannah \:\) Well you deserve to be bookmarked. Your creations are wonderful for a beginner \:\) I hope everything worked well with the interview and the driver's license(?) I think that skinning is very addictive ( meshing too ) but it's so much fun. Not only creating but also when you receive feedback. Btw I just love that song.. \:\) Take care, *hugs* \:wub\:

sweetcharmingJun 19, 2007

Hi! Thanks for your lovely comment on my last screenshot!\:\) I used a lot of cheats like moveobjects, boolprop constrainfloorelevaion or boolprop snapobjectstogrid!The animation is from the Season water slide...I think... Have a nice day!\:D

laxulikapJun 18, 2007

very thanks for your nice comment on my GB\:rah\:

olisekJun 18, 2007

Hej, dzieki za komentarz pod obrazkiem z zapychaniem pana 'mlodego' ciastem \;\) milo spotkac kolejna osobe z Polski \:cool\:

Magical MetamorphosisJun 17, 2007

Hi Hanefcik, Thank you for taking the time to add your detailed and very lovely comments on the first installment of my story - The Legend of Whispering Willow Woods. It is greatly appreciated!\:D Look for the next installment coming soon. Chapter 1 - Greencastle: The Elysium Family. Hope you like my elves! \;\) \:\) Angela

confideJun 17, 2007

Hi Hannah \:\) Congratulations for the exam, you got a great mark \:\) In here the highest mark is 10, until now I have three 9, one 10 and a 8 :/ I had 3 exams in 4 days, I can't keep up with anything.. I have 3 more to go and then I'll die =)) I hope you will get 5 at every exam from now on! All the best wishes \:wub\:

SunairJun 17, 2007

You are welcome and thanks for the lovely comment\:\)

DragonessGirlJun 17, 2007

Keep working at it, I'm sure somedal you'll be an SA. I kond-of do the same thing, except I go: "Hmmm... that looks like an evi outfit" or "Oh look! That's the kind of thing [Sim's name] would wear!" Your type of thinking is a lot more productive than mine, though... //Dragoness

DragonessGirlJun 17, 2007

Yes, they're lovely, and I could see myself wearing something similar too, as a sort of casual-formal dress. I can't believe you turn out such wonderful things as you first creations. Many people who have been creating for years can't make such good things. //Dragoness

LianaaJun 17, 2007

Hi! Thank you for the comments you left on my creations! Have a nice day!\:wub\:

confideJun 15, 2007

Everything works just fine for me \:\) They look great ! I hope you did well in ethics \:\) Have a lovely day \:wub\:

laxulikapJun 14, 2007

Very thanks for your comment on my screenshot.\:D

BBKZJun 14, 2007

Hej - gratuluje udanego debiutu. Wczoraj cos mi sie merdalo z netem i dopiero dzis rano sciagnelam sobie sukienki z kolekcji Hibiscus... Sa nieziemskie!! Kojarza mi sie z beztroskim latem w jakichs tropikach... Hmm... Na Hawajach? Polinezji? Naprawde wygladaja rewelacyjnie \:\) Mi dzis zatwierdzili kolejny zestaw (cos ostatnio Wena mi sprzyja, ulalala), a dzis opublikowali wczesniejszy... "Interes sie kreci", hihihi... Zycze kolejnych sukcesow \:D Powodzenia i pozdrawiam!

DirtdevillJun 13, 2007

Thank you for your kind & lovely words on my screenshot 'Fingers in my ears!" I'm verry happy you took the time for a vieuw and that you liked it!\:wub\: BTW: You have a georgious avatar, I love it! \:wub\:

DragonessGirlJun 12, 2007

Yes, exactly! YOu cna create so many characters, just like you or the complete opposite and find a style that suits them. I think that's why I like cc so much, because it appeals to my imagination. Of course, if it's too revealing or inappropriate I won't touch it, but my sims can dress much more revealing than I ever would (or at least some of them) and that's pat of what makes the game so appealing to me *steps off soapbox* //Dragoness

skywalker_16Jun 12, 2007

Gratuluje Hanefcik! Jak na twoje pierwsze kreacje to twoje cami topsy wygladaja swietnie! \;\). Nie ma sie czym denerwowac jezeli sciagniec jest niezbyt wiele, bo jak to swietnie ujela BBKZ- userzy ze Stanow maja strasznie dziwny gust \:D. Ja tez tu jestem poczatkujacy w tej branzy i zauwazylem, ze najwiecej sciagniec mam przy rzeczach, ktore mi akurat najmniej sie podobaja \:\). Widzialem twoje kolejne kreacje i powiem ci, ze idziesz jak burza, bo ja co najwyzej stworze na raz 4 "takie sobie" ubrania a nie az 25 calkiem niezlych kreacji \;\). Zycze wytrwalosci i powodzenia w dalszym tworzeniu. Pozdrawiam Lukasz \:cool\:

DragonessGirlJun 12, 2007

Hello again! I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my screenshot. I love family interactions best too. It really bothers me that there is so little tioddler-toddler and kid-toddler interactions available. //Dragoness

DragonessGirlJun 12, 2007

Hurrah! COngratulations! The cami tops look wonderful. Maybe not something I'd wear, but exactly what I was looking for one of my sims (in case you're wondering, she's a daughter of fairly well-to-do parents with a keenly developed fashion sense)! Thank you so much. \:rah\: //Dragoness

BBKZJun 11, 2007

Hej \:\) Moglabym powiedziec: nie tremuj sie tak... ale doskonale pamietam swoje poczatki na tej stronie jako kreatora. Na poczatek naprawde swietnie Ci idzie. Moje slowo, co do sciagniecia, tez masz, hihihi \:\) A skad wiem, ze to juz? (Ty mozesz sprawdzic wchodzac w Submit/Sims 2 Creations i klikajac w Approved - tam jest data publikacji podana).. Ja dzis weszlam do Downloads/Clothing i jak otworzyla mi sie strona tego, co juz opublikowane, to po lewej masz zawsze "Coming soon" - wyzej sa przyszle juz zatwierdzone ciuszki FArtistow, a na dole nas "zwyklakow" hihi. No i ciekawa bylam, co jeszcze 12go bedzie opublikowane - bo kolejne moje ciuszki wlasnie w ten dzien zostana udostepnione. I tak "przelatuje" strony... i \:\) O! Mila niespodzianka w postaci Twoich ubranek \:\) Ot, i cala tajemnica \;\) ... Jeszcze jesli chodzi o ilosc sciagniec - najwiecej userow jest ze Stanow. Oni maja strasznie dziwny gust, ale zdarzaja sie tez "normalni" ludzie, hihi. Czasem cos, co mi sie bardzo podoba, jest tutaj totalnie pomijane i traktowane jak kicz jakis. Czasami mam pomysl na ubranko, ale wiem, ze sie tu nie przyjmie i rezygnuje. Ale ogolnie to jesli dobrze zaprezentujesz ubranko na zdjeciach i bedzie widac wklad pracy, to sukces murowany \:D Dla mnie np. totalnym zaskoczeniem jest ilosc sciagniec przy Leary Dress (white). Tej z mojego zestawu. Juz ponad 1000!! Tyle to tylko jeden z moich domow mial i to w dodatku byl on Featured Download'em (no to reklame mial). A tu zdziwienie, bo ponad 1000 ludzi docenilo juz ta prosta sukienke z elementem z koronki \:\) Tutaj trzeba byc cierpliwym i do wszystkiego podchodzic z dystansem. Nie ma sensu sie zamartwiac i tracic nerwy \:D A jak cos... ja cwiczylam rok, zanim wystawilam te dobre ubranka. Wczesniej robilam... dno... calkowite dno \:\) Nic to... lece dalej, bo jeszcze paru osobom trzeba odpisac, hihi \:D Pozdrawiam! BasieK

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