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Hanefcik's Guestbook

mi-halMay 20, 2007

Hi!Thank you for seeing my screenshot!\:D This is Japanese very famous Comedian Mr.Ken Shimura's gag. The jaw and the elbow project toward the other party. It is a lightly strong pose.And, please say. "Aieeeen!" For instance, it is used to evade to the person who gets angry. It was originally an expression "Let's laugh without getting angry". However, an especially deep meaning is not, and is used as a gag of communications concerning the conversation now. My English is unskilled. When it is incomprehensible, I'm sorry.\:o

BBKZMay 20, 2007

Hej \:\) Co do zdjecia z myciem okien. Tez bardzo rzadko mi sie to zdarza. Nie ma takiej interakcji, Sim sam po prostu podchodzi i myje. U mnie w grze zdarza sie to tak niewiele razy, ze teraz, gdy przyuwazylam, ze Simka to robi, musialam pstryknac fotke \:\) Tak "dla potomnosci", by bylo wiadomo, ze Simy tez myly okna, hihi.. Dzieki za komentarz, pozdrawiam i zycze milej i slonecznej niedzieli! Basia \:\)

simariMay 20, 2007

Thanks for commenting on my screenshot in the barn\:D

sweetcharmingMay 20, 2007

Hi! Thank you so much for reading and commenting the final chapter of my "The half-breed - A vampire story"!\:\) I really appreciate that, and also thanks for your suggestions, maybe I'm going to do a chapter about Ashley and Terry in the human world, but I still don't know...Let's se\;\) Thanks again and have a nice day!

monkey6758May 20, 2007

\:wub\: Hi~~thr nice comment on my shot!!!!!\:wub\: \:P

ZayuryMay 20, 2007

Thank-you very, very much for your wonderful comments on my pics! I really do appreciate the positive feedback and I am humbled by your kindness! \:o \:\)

LlyrielMay 19, 2007

Thanks for your comment on my story! ^_^ Glad you enjoyed! Since you're a philosophy student yourself, I bet you do a lot of writing! Maybe you should upload a sims story of your own. ^_~

MekhiMay 19, 2007

Hello! Dzieki wielkie za comment do screenshota! \:D Ciesze sie niezmiernie ze sie podoba! Pozdrawiam, Aga

detimgiMay 19, 2007

Thanks for your comments on the rest of the happy birth-day nursery set.Thanks for the compliments.And I am very happy the teddy could bring back some good memories for you\:\)De

bethbritMay 19, 2007

Hewwo again x Thanks for leaving your comment on my pooh and friends painting xx

MonikaZydronMay 18, 2007

Hej, sorki, ze dopiero teraz odpisuje ale tak dlugo mi zeszlo, zeby zagladnac na ta stronke - nie mam za bardzo czasu poniewaz przeprowadzam sie, mam duzo pracy etc w kazdym razie wpadlam tu na minutke i zobaczylam Twoj bardzo mily wpis i, choc czas mnie goni, postanowilam Ci odpisac. Tez mi milo bardzo widziec tylu Polakow tutaj - a do Irlandii wpdaj - faktycnie jest bardzo pieknie choc zimno \:\) Smieszne ale w Sims 2 to juz nie gralam ponad miesiac - ale za pare tygodni juz sie mi troche rozluzni to sobie mam nadzieje to odbije... Zycze udanego weekendu, pozdrawiam serdecznie, ppappapa xxx

drewsolteszMay 18, 2007

Many thanks for the lovely comment you left on my latest story, "The Best Years", I really appreciate it!!~~\:wub\:

Eve70May 18, 2007

\;\) Saw where you signed my guestbook, and wanted to say thanks! You are very kind.\:cool\: \:P

sims2sistersMay 18, 2007

Hi Hanefcik, thank you very much for your kind words you left on our guestbook. Pekny den praju Lola&Gabi\:\)

detimgiMay 18, 2007

Hello Hanefcik,thanks for your comment on the wobbly rabbit and the nursery wall.I am so happy you like those pieces.\:\)De

confideMay 18, 2007

Oh, thank you so much for the kind words you left in my guest book \:o It's great if you started to make something for sims. You just have to be patient and to try everything. Anyways for me is very relaxing \:\) Don't worry if you don't succeed first, second, third etc. try ! I created first last year in the end of October and I think I've learned a lot and still am. Have lot of fun creating \:\)

clcewest441May 17, 2007

Hi \:wub\: Thank-you for your comment on my screenshot. \:\) Have a good day \:wub\: \:wub\: emily \;\)

bethbritMay 17, 2007

Thanks for you comment you left on my tute, it was funny \:D

BBKZMay 17, 2007

Hej \:\) Dzieki serdeczne za mily komentarz pod moim zdjeciem (ze spiacym kotem i psem na kanapie) \:\) Ciesze sie, ze nie tylko mnie ta fotka sie podoba. Pies (Lizak) i kot (Klimek) zostały przygarnięte tuż po ogromnej wiosennej ulewie przez Damiana i Cecylie Biedakow (Damian to najstarszy syn Balbiny z Milowa). Damian jeszcze nie wybrnal z rodzinnych dlugow, ale mieszka w starej lesniczowce, zaczyna coraz lepiej zarabiac. I choc umeblowanie domku pozostawia wiele do zyczenia, a jedzenie maja tylko dzieki rybom w stawie, to... jakzeby nie mogl przygarnac tak slodkich zwierzakow? Hihihi... Pozdrawiam! Basia \:\)

Emerald_LexusMay 17, 2007

Greetings, thank you for the nice comment that you left on Elder Elegance screenshot. It will be up for download in few days...Lexus,\:wub\:

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