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Hanefcik's Guestbook

Cora99Aug 29, 2007

Hello \:\) thank you so much for the nice comment on my screenshot! The picture was taken outside one of the wonderful houses Galilea gives us, it is called "Bijou ' s Place", I believe; she made that realistic looking path. You can see why I just love her stuff \:\) Anyway, thanks for looking, and happy simming! \:wub\:

qvisnAug 28, 2007

Thanks for comment on my ghostly painting pic. I love your pictures.\:wub\:

DragonessGirlAug 26, 2007

I agree that some of the pictures look nice, and I suppose there must be hairs that are nice, too. I've just never seen any. Well, with TS3 just round the corner, who knows what'll happen to any of us? //Dragoness

DragonessGirlAug 26, 2007

Haha \:D Poor Peggy! Good on you! i got my Peggy hair from the exchange - loads of people have uploaded her stuff there, just search for "Peggy". Then I deleted them as soon as I saw how they looked. I really wonder what people see in her hairs? //Dragoness

Molly1877Aug 26, 2007

Hi, Thanks for commenting on my screenshot. You have some nice ones yourself. Molly

DragonessGirlAug 25, 2007

Rose is okay. I like some Rose hairs, but many of them are just too much anime for my tastes. And besides, I hardly ever pay for downloads if I can help it (I get my FA content via the free Kudos days and go on downloading sprees:P) Well, 10 dollars a month is a leetle too much to claim to use it only for bandwidth. Considering how many people use Peggy hairs. And yes, the colours look plastic, and peggy's idea of red is very wierd. As is the binning. All in all, Peggy does not pass. Besides, her site's enough tp gove one an epileptic fit! Hysterical Paroxysm at MTS2 is also great, I love her cherub hair. And her untucked shirts are perfect for my "normal" sims. //Dragoness

DragonessGirlAug 25, 2007

Yes, some people are very lazy when they create, and you can see that in their creations. Peggy, for example. Most people are practically in love with her hair, but really, some of them have neck gaps so you can see the teeth from the back of their heads! I much prefer Nouk's hair. And besides, Nouk's free! I hope we're talking about the same woohoo hearts. To think that there might be two outfits out there! *shudder* //Dragoness

DragonessGirlAug 25, 2007

No, there are some people who come up with some truly awful stuff. I know not everyone wants a realistic game, but that doesn't mean one has to go completely overboard, does it? (I once saw an underwear/swimwear with woohoo hearts - can't really remember where. Who'd come up with such things?) And homecrafter, well, it might be easy to actually create the walls and floors, but then you have to make sure they work well when you cover a whole floor or wall with it, as well as work on its own. So it is more complex than it seems. But I'm sure yo'll do fine! Good luck! //Dragoness

ZayuryAug 25, 2007

Your new creations deserved the compliments I gave them and more! You are a sweetheart to leave such a beautiful comment on my 1st story! \:o You have always been very kind with your comments on my pics, and I respect your opinion greatly! \:wub\: The dresses were definetly Sussisogood's creations! She is a master at those period clothing and I miss her site a lot! \:\( Thank-you again for your kindness! I can't wait to see more of your outfits! \:D \:wub\:

DragonessGirlAug 25, 2007

Well, people want swimming suits without heels, or that aren't terribly revealing. YOur stuff is te sort of thing I might wear to the beac, and there's little enough of that kind of beachwear around. Isn't there some special tool to make walls and floors? I have no idea, my artistic abilities are roughly zero. Good luck! (And I'm sure you will get to meshing, some day. If not, that's no biggie. Our own FA evi is only a recolourer, and she does amazing stuff) //Dragoness

DragonessGirlAug 24, 2007

8000???? Wow, that's amazing! Congratualtions! It shows what I've said from the very start: you have talent! Well, some sims need "special" clothes. Good luck with creating! (and hopefully you'll start meshing before TS3... or you might mesh for TS3 \;\)) //Dragoness

DragonessGirlAug 24, 2007

Hello again! How are you? How's the creating going? I saw your red dresses, the look stunning! And your screenshots are really good. That new pose hack sure livened things up in the screenshots section, didn't it? Almost everyone's trying it out! (Not that the screenshot section needed livening up!) //Drgaoness

wideopeneyesAug 24, 2007

Hi! Thank you for commenting on my Caretakers Cottage screenshot. The ivy covered walls are by mayskaya here at TSR. \:\)

lug12Aug 24, 2007

Thankyou for sharing your creation.

DarkBorderRAug 23, 2007

Hi! Thank you for your kind comment. All yours screens are just beautiful!

ValgridaAug 23, 2007

\:\) Hi! Thank you for commenting on my screenshot of Duchess Isotta. I've recolored the dress but the mesh is not mine. The dress is great, that's why she wants to wear it all the time\:D !! I got married a year ago and I'd love to wear my wedding dress every day! It is a bit unpractical at work, though...!! I like your creations! Happy simming!\:\) \:wub\:

confideAug 23, 2007

Hi dear Hannah \:\) Thanks for the lovely comments, I'm glad that tsr is finally working for me.. and that I find your feedback \:wub\:! Have fun creating \:\)

sion678Aug 22, 2007

Hi,Hanefcik!It's been a long time!yea,Your SIM is soo good!I love it too.Oh,and...Thankyou soo much for your lovely comment on my pic!I'm very glad!I sleep recently..HAHA Have a nice day!\:wub\:

hollandgirlAug 21, 2007

thank you for commenting on my winter wedding screenshot! \:\)

cariadbachAug 21, 2007

\:\) Thanks for commenting on my latest screen shot Autumn , much appreciated.-Keep safe and happy- Jane.

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