Your wishes and other ...
Hi, as I red in your beautiful comments, you like my creations, now especially "Jolly walls" series. I had a lot of work in past few days in my own business and I need some "therapy", so I�ve decided make some walls for TS2 :).
The bases for these nice patterns I�ve found partly on net and then modified them, some of them are fully from my head. Do you know, one of my "chocolate" carpets is made from the chocolate confection photo ? Which ? Search !
Now, as I wrote earlier, I am working on some wooden walls, but I am not fully satisfied with them now, so wait few days, I am going to upload them during the weekend.
And finally, as I wrote in title - I want to hear about your wishes. I know, what I want to create for TS2 game, but have you some wishes ? Write it me, maybe I�ll be able to do something with it !
Beautiful days for you all ! (hmmmm, it�s raining in Prague now - it�s town, where I live - hope the sun will come soon).
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