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Hellfrozeover's Guestbook

newbie.t.Oct 14, 2008

Hi Alyx! I think you're probably the only person who got the relevence of that title! \:D Glad you like Murk and Dania together, there'll be more of them \:wub\: As for Yarilo and Vadamar... \:ph34r\: ... Sorry to disappoint, but Yarilo just doesn't bat for that team [unlike Vadamar, who bats for every team going]... although I think Vadamar could change that \;\) \:cool\: Glad you're enjoying how it's going along! Ooh, and thank you!! \:wub\: \:cool\:

newbie.t.Oct 4, 2008

So, what you're saying is, I should get the other characters to be horrible to Yarilo? I'll try! \:P I know who you're talking about with Swindle. I didn't realise the similarity until someone else pointed it out. \:o I can assure you, it's not him! \:eek\: I just like that hair... \:ph34r\: Now you see why I believe all computers are evil and must be destroyed. It didn't just die, it went kamikaze on you. More new stories! I WANT them!! [stamps foot]... [pounts]... Pretty please? \:D

simboy161Oct 4, 2008

Thanks\:D M&D's was great, Me and my now xgirlfriend went on the ball thing that pings you up in the air\:rah\: Amazing!!!That's a pity, how different is the written version to tsr version? Can I get peek\;\) omg im so nosy, 9 am saturday morning weather is crap. Need to go into town today to spend\:eek\: Bye\:wub\:

newbie.t.Oct 2, 2008

Hey ho! \:cool\: Glad you're liking the new series, they always take a few episodes to get into, but I'm liking this one so far. Especially now I'm getting to know my characters. I had an idea Yarilo might find a fanbase [everyone loves a vampire] but I had no idea he'd get so many. OMG you can be a groupie! \:D Thank you! \:wub\: \:D

simboy161Sep 21, 2008

thx\:wub\: squee does rock, we piss off the teacher by whispering it uber loud\:D ooh 2 at once, its my birthday on thw 27th\:rah\: Im 15\:D Goin to M&D's with jenna and dad and i cant wait, gettin a new phone, parent know i peeked at it i didnt put it back exactly right\:confused\: lol.xxx

simboy161Sep 16, 2008

hey HFO\:D SQUEE SQUEE i have sims again and 2 new stuff packs squee squee-sorry thats my new word\:D it rox, hows life down ur way, we havent drowned yet, just\:eek\: Any idea when the next story will be up, id like something interesting to read. OMFG i have prelims so soon, panick attack, do you have any idea how to kill the complete panick? cya x

newbie.t.Sep 15, 2008

Ah, so I wait ages for a new Times Change story, then two come along at once? \:D I can't complain! It all sounds 'citing! And no, Atra will not be 'de-priesting' Grastion. [You have no idea how long I sat looking at the screen trying to put two and two together on that one... I am really dense...] I'm like that with spiders! They terrify me! I'm always like "Get rid of it! No, don't kill it! No, don't put it outside, it'll crawl back in!" People are always like 'what do you want me to do, book it a taxi?' \;\)

newbie.t.Sep 14, 2008

Afternoon! \:D Glad you're getting into the story. It gets better, I promise (I'm 5 episodes ahead). I glad - if surprised! - you like Atra's personality \:D . She screams 'spoilt cow' to me! \:wub\: I'm surprised Murk has been so popular with the ladies! I suppose women can't help but fall for a man who kills things \;\) . Thanks for reading! See you soon! \:\) P.S. Do let me know when you get a new story up!

newbie.t.Sep 4, 2008

Research purposes, eh? He's just a teen! \:eek\: But then, that's what 'aging on' is for... \;\) I'm glad you enjoyed MediEvil, it's been a long time coming, so thank you! \:\) I look forward to the next Times Change, however long that may be. \:wub\:

newbie.t.Sep 3, 2008

You like stories about boys? \:eek\: I never would have guessed! \;\) It wasn't supposed to have any words, but they rejected it... Thank God for Bryn! I'm I made you squee, you are a kind of conoisseur! \:P Which brings me to... Times Change! \:rah\: Will times be a-changing again any time soon? \:D

PhatnoteAug 22, 2008

Thanks for sticking with my story! I'm so pleased. \:\) And thanks for commenting. \:\)

simboy161Aug 16, 2008

Sorry, ASDA is much better though\:rah\: Well I am doing Standard Grade computing so I should be fine\:\) Well anywy, we are moving into our house today which is brilliant, MY OWN ROOM AGAIN\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: But our fridge isn't coming until wednesday\:wacko\: My parents forgot it takes ages for them to arrive because they like just ordered it. Woo more gold medals for the UK, I should have sims by next weekend \:\)\:\)\:\)\:\)\:\)\:\)\:\)xx

hardCORPSEAug 15, 2008

They cost my dad loads, even more when he has to go abroad for work, so he's switched. Their prices are rather shitey -nods- I like O2, you get better benifit packages with them =]

newbie.t.Aug 15, 2008

\:confused\: What's wrong with smelling of kebab? \:confused\: Mmmm... kebab.... \:ph34r\: Thanks for your comment! I'm the same, I still get tense even though I wrote the bloody thing! \:D [Prepare for not-so-subtle nudge] So.... *twiddles thumbs*.... got any stories coming soon...? \;\) \:P \:D

hardCORPSEAug 14, 2008

Yeah, but I really don't fancy smelling of kebabs, curries and drunks every night xD Besides i've got like a strick schedual because I go to stage school, it's fun but tiring! 16 hours a week i'm there! But thanks! I'll need it - do you know in Orange the minimum age to get a job is 25!!! =O I actually shouted "Jesus Christ" and stomped out in distgust, before the manager threw me out x]

simboy161Aug 13, 2008

hahahaha Morrisons\:P Sorry, is the pay acceptable? I will either get a job in GAME or NEXT, both discounts suit my tastes. OMG it is now starting to flood\:confused\: The road is covered in water (surprise) and water is starting to go down people's driveways\:eek\: I hope our new house isn't flooded, wallpaper and carpets just in. Hey ho, bye for now\;\)

hardCORPSEAug 13, 2008

Nice! Glasgow rules =D I love it, just the fact that no one employs 15 year olds is really bugging me, and burning a hole in my piggy bank! Hee, aye it'd be great! We could install haggis into the sims xD

simboy161Aug 11, 2008

hey im gettin a small job as son as im 16 i shop too much so money is a bit low\:eek\: i know the cashiers in TOPMAN, NEXT and Schuh by name, I've been there so much\:rah\: . Where you workin just now? x\:cool\:

Landau Aug 9, 2008

I'm doing pretty well. I can't wait till the next part of Times Change, though. I need to start writing some new stories cause I lost the neighborhood my one story was in.

hardCORPSEAug 9, 2008

Wooo! I think we Scots could take over this website xD Yay! I now have something to look forwards too! So what area are ya' from in Scotland? I live in Glasgow, or atelast just outside it^^ xx

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