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Hellfrozeover's Guestbook

simboy161Aug 9, 2008

K ive never heard f silverburn...is that a real place? What u working on? Another nosy question\:eek\: :What was your first job when you were 16? i see blue sky just now(14:33 pm 9th August\:eek\: \:eek\: )xx

hardCORPSEAug 9, 2008

You're welcome! Nice! You from Scotland too, or elsewhere in the uk? Either way, you've still probably got the shitty weather xD You're stories rule by the way! I love them! Keep up the good work! xx

converse02Aug 6, 2008

of course!\:D I love Chris and his ingenuous ways.\:wub\: And trust me, it was quite the shocker of the day! But my only hope... is to see Javier again!!\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

newbie.t.Aug 6, 2008

Thank you! Um... sorry to disappoint you on the Swindle front, but the next series will have different characters... [ducks Alyx's punch] \;\) BUT: I think you'll like Vadamar. He is a man of very loose morals. Just the way we all like them. \;\) Thanks again \:\)

simboy161Aug 6, 2008

LOL. What are you going to steal next, McArthurglen-view\:rah\: Im only free from education for another 2 weeks\:D with all this freaking crap wet weather,it doesn't look fun\:mad\: hope life is better with you, whens the next chapter up\:\) xx

samcactus101Aug 6, 2008

lol\:D but isn't there a hack which can change their expressions too? a TSR tutorial or some sort?

joker52455Aug 5, 2008

Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get! \:D

newbie.t.Aug 5, 2008

\:D I'm with you on the boobophobic front! \:eek\: Once -IF- they publish the first series of MediEvil, I'll be ready to start publishing the second series, although I'm thinking I'm going to have to be VERY careful... I don't think a serial killer in one episode is going to go down well.... Gonna have to word that well! Hope you'll enjoy the man candy too! I have my favourite... Gotta love a 'horny' guy. \;\)

samcactus101Aug 4, 2008

Hey HFO, good to hear from ya. When you wanna describe something in the story & want your sims to demonstrate it, is it always difficult to get your sims in the position you want? is it possible to manipulate their pose (how they stand, sit, talk etc) they way you want them to? just to snap pics? \:D

newbie.t.Aug 4, 2008

Men, who needs em. Go and find yourself a nice girl! \;\) I have been writing! I'm six episodes through MediEvil 2, but I don't want to start publishing until I've got more. I'm also re-publishing MediEvil 1, with a lot of little changes (and a few big ones). The censors have changed, haven't they!? Now you're not allowed to use the word 'murder'! Even Disney isn't that strict. BTW I forgot to say before but that last shot on your last story. \:wub\: it! When people write about boys who like boys, they usually graciously sidestep the fact that we actually do the dirty deed. Good on you! \:D

WarrayfinsonAug 3, 2008

Your stories totally rock! Love the plot and storyline. I also love your creation. There so wonderful and beautiful, especially the Fairytale hair. Your a talent artist who reallt should be a selected one. You totally rock! Keep Creaing!!\;\)

newbie.t.Aug 2, 2008

Hello stranger, long time no see! \;\) What a coincidence that we've both been away for nearly the same amount of time. Great minds... Loving the stories, thanks for letting me know they're out. And good for you, writing them into a novel! I for one will definitely buy it! Sorry to hear about your man trouble. Men are all rubbish. \;\) Do let me know when you do another part, I love reading your stories! \:\)

joker52455Aug 2, 2008

awesome! \:rah\:

S.CainsJul 17, 2008

Hi thanks for letting me know I will check it out \:D

PhatnoteJul 16, 2008

You know, I have no idea what it's like, I haven't been to that part of Ontario. It's on my list of places to go to though! Finding Asian routes is pretty cool! I haven't found anything beyond England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany.

PhatnoteJul 15, 2008

Thank you for commenting on my story and for continuing to read it!!! It means a lot, especially since I was/am glued to your Chris and Arch story. I just read that your Scottish! Recently I've been doing research on a particular branch of my family that emigrated from Lanarkshire Scotland, and helped to found and settle Lanark, Ontario, Canada. Oh the irony!

jennnnnie02Jul 10, 2008

you're welcome [:

Landau Jul 6, 2008

I hope things go well for Chris!

samcactus101Jul 5, 2008

Oh you're Scottish?\:o Didn't know that, i read your flag wrongly, you're from UK, not USA\:o \;\) \:P \:D lol, sorry! but have a great day!

lordeverglotJul 5, 2008

OK, thanks for signing my guestbook! \:wub\: Again LOL anyway See ya!

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