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Hordriss's Blog

Sense and Sensibility

As my Aztec theme runs out of steam, I find myself drawn back to my old love... namely Jane Austen (and the Regency period). Next to come: Barton Cottage, from "Sense and Sensibility" (the 1995 film version). I have tried to use no expansion pack items for this lot, though there is a chance I might have used some unwittingly (in which case, drop me a private message and I'll try to rectify it). I also hope to bring out more period clothes. If anyone has any requests, please feel free to make them (Especially if you have any really good photographs of clothes which you'd like me to do, as I am tired of having to paint by hand and would sooner cheat any day ;) ).

Leotards and Loincloths.

Continuing my Aztec theme, a simple loincloth for peasanty types will soon be available (Also suitable for other historical periods, such as Ancient Egypt). Also to come: recolours of my turtle-neck leotard, by request. I am always happy to recolour any of my items, if they do not appeal in their present form.

Aztec Theme

Spurred on by the new Aztec-style items and building materials in the Bon Voyage EP, but rather disappointed by the accompanying clothes, I have decided to try my hand at some historically accurate Aztec gear, and maybe one or two lots. Currently in the pipeline: three skirt and blouse sets for Aztec ladies (done as a whole outfit rather than separates).

Cyber Helmet

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way (without hacking) to access the Thinking Cap in Body Shop for recolouring as a custom hairstyle. That would do quite well as a finishing touch for my Cybermen, could I but see my way clear to doing it. All advice most welcome.

US Cavalry

As per request, I shall soon be making some clothing and accessories for US Cavalrymen, 19th century style. I think I shall start with a nice hat. :) There are quite a lot of good pictures online, so if anyone has any requests for anything specific, please let me know.

Apology re: German Uniforms

I have been requested once or twice to make SS uniforms, and am getting slightly uncomfortable... I appreciate the needs of historical re-enactors, but at the same time I would ask you to consider why a person would naturally shun a reputation for designing such things. I don't mind doing regular military (even German WW2, if that's what's in demand) but SS is a step too far. Sorry, and all that, but that's one request I will automatically have to decline.

Flapper Gear

After a good rest and some appreciative comments (cheers, folks :) ) I am resuming my 1920s range. More flapper gear (dresses, nightwear) and some menswear will be materialising in the pipeline shortly. As always, I am open to requests, as long as I can find a suitable mesh for them.

WAC Uniforms

I have been asked, of all things, to make some WW2 uniforms for the US Women's Auxiliary Corps, and having nothing better to do, am now doing so. Expect them shortly. They'll be drab and glamour-free, but at least they'll co-ordinate nicely with the assault course (if nothing else).

Cry for help...

Does anyone know if it's possible to export the ear muff meshes out of Body Shop for recolouring, as with regular hair styles? I can't seem to do it, though I know I have seen re-designed ear muffs on other sites. I'm not allowed to hack the game, though, so if it can't be done normally I must resign myself to doing without. :(

New "Prisoner" Lot

Next to come in "The Prisoner" lots range: the Stone Boat, seen throughout the series. It was used as a hideout, an electioneering platform, and a climbing-frame for old folks, of all things... but I am releasing it as a residential lot, so there. ;)

Latest Headlines

Sense and Sensibility Leotards and Loincloths. Aztec Theme Cyber Helmet US Cavalry Apology re: German Uniforms Flapper Gear WAC Uniforms Cry for help... New "Prisoner" Lot
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