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Hordriss's Guestbook

anguaNov 4, 2006

I am also a big Jane Austen fan and a huge Pratchett fan, as you can probably tell by my nickname. I wanted to thank you personally for the beautiful Regency period costumes and please also pass on my gratitude to your sister for her truly wonderful Pride and Prejudice lots. I have started to recreate the 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice and I will be uploading the first part of the story shortly. I'm a primary school teacher in Swindon, so I'm kept pretty busy, but I'm adding more where I can. I'd be grateful if you could take a look and let me know what you think. I will credit your work when it is published on The Sims Resource. Once I have completed the full story I would love to try a Pratchett novel, maybe Wyrd Sisters or one with Angua in. I've already attempted to make her in wolf form but need a watch uniform for her and Carrot etc. If you can help I would very much appreciate it. With regards Angua, Claire Amor \:P

MsBarrowsAug 29, 2006

Love the costumes you've been making! Happily making off with the WW1 uniforms and flapper dresses for use in my Legacy story. I've noticed you mentioning meshes several times as something you have problems with - have you looked at the site All About Style? They allow their meshes to be recoloured, if I remember their terms of use correctly, and they have a plethora of quite nice ones for a number of different eras.

sammishJul 31, 2006

btw, its sam (formerly samharr01). my last account stopped working and tsr did nothing about it, so i made a new one (three-ish months later) and got put on probation for having two accounts.. good old moderators

sammishJul 31, 2006

btw, its sam (formerly samharr01). my last account stopped working and tsr did nothing about it, so i made a new one (three-ish months later) and got put on probation for having two accounts.. good old moderators

sammishJul 31, 2006

Hey Hordriss! There's a lot more uploaded on here since last i visited! your sister's (i guess) student union is truly unique. i've always been rather blown away by her reproduction of classical styles, her reproduction of ettington park is one of the best houses ive downloaded, next to lyme hall. your bishop outfits are great! i'm going to download them when i next take out a free subscription. I'm not around tsr so much any more, i find the competition a bit too much. so at the moment i'm uploading for a new website set up by an old creator from on here; www.simsfashionbarn.com. check it out! youre 'romantic white dress' is a favourite of mine, i usually use it for my heroines when i get round to having sims families (not all that often..) Its nice to have a few creators who recreate classical styles \:D

oldmember_Frazzle 90000455555Feb 26, 2006

I like the midevil period, and anything like it. Romance style if you will. I am very much into Swords and such. I would love to be able to mesh as well. I would love to be able to make weapons to put into my sims houses. I have some but I would like more better ones.

oldmember_Frazzle 90000455555Feb 22, 2006

Thank you for doing the Norrington clothes. I think it is cool. It is not too long. It is just right.\:cool\:

piyopiyo66Oct 7, 2005

I loved your "Hornblower" clothes !

HordrissJul 1, 2005

I considered learning how to mesh, but I'm not the sort of person who can become an expert overnight, and one mistake with meshing can ruin the game files (and that would make me very unpopular in my home). Sorry I have to disappoint, but thank you for the compliments. In point of fact, I don't think corsets were overly popular during the Regency (at least in Britain, where I believe they really took off again with Victorian fashions). However, I suspect you will be able to find a mesh for that, as someone did one for a Civil War theme a while back. Best of luck!\:\)

oldmember_Samharr01Jun 30, 2005

yeh, you rock! lol. thats a first. i just downloaded your latest student union building. its beautiful. i suppose its your sister? or you? well kudos to whoever. pass on the compliments if it was her. dont let some people (who storm on scene with amazing things) get her down! (yeh remembered from last email AGES ago) your skins get better as they come along. i am really impressed. can you mesh? i would love a 'corset & big bum' dress for some regency sims. or is that phase over? i can download everything of yours now. i got a month free subscription! i cant believe i didnt have you bookmarked! i will do that now. anyway old friend, you rock! \:D Sam

oldmember_mickeymousepantsJun 17, 2005

Okay well umm just for the heck of it why not give me the ninth one please becuase i have not downloaded it yet oh and here is my email address doom5020@bellsouth.net

oldmember_mickeymousepantsJun 17, 2005

Hordriss you have got to tell me what's going on first of all everysingle dr who skin i download from you is not showing it as a package when it should i have no idea what's going on but you have got to tell me so i can fix it.

theatrefireMay 28, 2005

hordriss, you rock! \:D \:D \:D

oldmember_mickeymousepantsMay 20, 2005

Sure here is my email addres doom5020@bellsouth.net and also your dr who creations looked great and also i want it to be the one with the long scarf please.

oldmember_mickeymousepantsMay 20, 2005

Hordriss your doctor who clothing does not work it says it's an empty package and i'm using sims 2 clean pack insatller.

oldmember_tinkatinka7May 6, 2005

Thankyou!!!!!!I love pride and prejudice and I've been struggling to make a neighborhood based on it. So many people make Victorian clothing, which I suppose is alright, but almost no one makes the simple, empire waisted creations of the time.

PoApr 22, 2005

Hi H! Thankies for the teen skin, it is of course fabulous! So sorry to take so long in reply, I've been mostly offline, *trying* to make skins. Flood-fill recolors are easy, but that's too much like ripping off someone else's work, and too embarrassing to upload something like that. Skinning well is HARD!!!! But it does make me appreciate you even more! \:rah\: Thanks again for the teen skin!

SarabandeApr 15, 2005

I like your style, and your stuff, and you like Terry Pratchett, so that makes you OK in my book. Keep up the good work!

PoApr 11, 2005

oh god i'm subscribing, now i'll never get *anything* done! lol But at least I can grab your other skins, yay! Oh, I did download a head here at TSR (i think) of just the wedding veil, don't remember offhand who made it. so far, i've made some walls, but don't think they're nice enough to share just yet, this makin' stuff is HARD! lol and there are already so many talented peeps, i would want my stuff to be worth downloading! \:o

PoApr 11, 2005

Oh, what a sweetie! Actually, the easiest(?) thing would be to just make the adult vicar skin fit the teen mesh. Really, I wasn't just saying so to make you feel good, that skin is really well done! And, if you don't want to mess with the head on the females, just do a simple black dress, but which mesh? Something that looks religious, but could be used for any denomination, maybe with a cross around the neck. Mmmm, maybe a good mesh hasn't been yet, oh well. Tho, I did notice the wedding veil would make a good headcovering, if it was solid black with a white band. Anyway, you're sweet, and thanks for what you have done, yay! :-)

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