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Ilerya822's Blog

The Chaumont uncovers building problems...

Is it just me, or do warped walls drive you insane? Especially when you think you have it all put together and, regardless of the MAJOR alterations to a floor plan that you have to do, it seems to look alright? Play testing the next installment in the Sweetwater Loop Estates series has given me a bit of headache. Not only that, but now I have some major alterations to do before upload.

The big issue is the stairwell.  It's become quite the interesting little thing, not that it needs much done to it, just a few minor fixes.  Take a gander at the floor plan:



See the stairwell?  Making stairs that look exactly like those pictured is IMPOSSIBLE!  At least, not without warped walls or wasted space.  I had to create a conservatory look to the stairwell (huge amount of wasted space!!!) because if I didn't, the half wall level creating the landing would warp and the stairs would be unusable.  :(  So the planned space becomes this:


Yes, it's a giant box because you cannot place walls against the structure and have them appear normal... It creates that lovely warped wall effect.  I had to go at least two tiles out for the area that did not have walls when the stairs were built to have them not be warped and the stairwell landing not to be warped beyond repair.  It's really frustrating. 

Then, there's this little problem: 


There's one little section of stairs on the way up that is discoloured, rather it's shaded and dark... :(  I like creating things that are esthetically pleasing.  To me, four shaded stairs look odd when all the rest are illuminated.  I think that staircases like these with a landing, should be added to the game itself.  It would make this builder happy, that's for darn sure!!!  Either you get warped walls to get the effect you want, or you wind up with a whole heck of a lot of wasted space. 

Builders out there - do you have any suggestions?  Any stairwells you have built or tutorials you have seen to create something similar to what was needed in this plan WITHOUT the warping to the walls of the outside structure?  Comments are much appreciated!

Yay! I finally got Generations!!! :)

:rah: I got Generations today!!! I'm having a little fun with the build mode already, haven't really "played" the expansion yet, just playing with build mode again.  I'm excited to test out the next edition to Sweetwater Loop Estates with it though.  It's just about done, decorations only remaining to be added to the lot so it will be play tested with Generations installed and may feature some of the new items. 

But that will have to wait... I'm taking a little trip with my little man to visit his Nana - leaving tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until Tuesday.  Leaving my fiance home alone means I can only imaging the laundry and cleaning that will be awaiting me on my return, so it may not get uploaded until late next week!  Watch for it - it's much larger than the others that have gone up so far and it's a two story.  I put my building skills to the test with this one!  Had some flukey stair issues, but they seem to be alright, play testing will tell though! 

Happy Father's Day to the Daddies on TSR! 

And Happy Simming!

Next up - The Beaufort!

I've finished another home in the Sweetwater Loop Estates series!  Yay me!!!

I have another one on the go, but I'm curious to know, they are mostly bungalows in this community, would you like to see a few multi story homes as well?  There are a couple of floor plans in the collection that I think would just look better if they were multi story.  What do you think? 

Incidentally - if you are a world builder and would consider building a world for me to put them in - Sweetwater sounds like a nice name to me... - please let me know!  I have some great ideas for it, but no concept or ability to build a world myself. 


Happy Simming!

Introducing Sweetwater Loop Estates!

I finished it!  I worked my little butt off and I finished the first of many homes in my new little project, Sweetwater Loop Estates! 




Watch for The Oxford - coming soon!





What would you think of a neighbourhood of homes?

Somehow, I've gotten it into my head that I should build a community of homes, ranging in prices based on a community that is being built near me.  For anyone that would like to check out the real community and floor plans:

I like the neighbourhood and the look of where they are being built.  I wish that I had any idea how to create a terrain map for TS3 so that I could put these homes into a well rounded world to play.  One that would have this community on a beachy/marshy waterfront area, a set downtown area including apartments, businesses and shopping, and another residential area.  I tried downloading the World Creator, but to no avail!  I heard it has been rendered obsolete anyhow since all the patching and expansions have been released, but it still would have been cool to try!  I have never, in any of The Sims versions created a world for them to play in.  I've played custom worlds, dreamt of creating one, but I have never built one myself. 

The first home up for bids is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath.  I may alter this floor plan a little bit, but here it is:


I like the idea of a double garage, single story home that's elegantly decorated.  I've fully furnished almost all of my homes so far, but I kind of wonder if some people wouldn't just like the bare bones in the home to decorate and furnish as they would like.  I know that I personally HATE having to decorate and furnish when I download a home.  I like that it's all done for me.  I may change a wallpaper here or there, but I like that it's all laid out for me.  If I have to landscape a little bit, I don't mind.  It's fun trying to match up the property to the world that I have created. 

Incidentally, if anyone has seen any dressers that are modeled like closet doors (I know I downloaded one here years ago for TS2 - I think it was Windkeeper's model) I could really use them.  I like to try and stay as close to plan as possible, but if I can't then I always alter the plan a little bit. 

What do you think?



Yay!! I got The Happy Hideaway to upload properly today!!!


Apparently the fault was completely mine as I should have known better than to try and use Internet Explorer.  Bugger Microsoft, I'm sticking with Foxfire!  I just got this computer and never thought that that could possibly be the reason but, oh well, at least there is now a grand success!!!


I hope you all get to see it and enjoy it soon!


And now back to building ;)


Am I the only one having upload problems???

So... Finished the lot that has consumed all of my time recently and I really want to upload it to share with you all.. BUT I CAN'T!

It's so frustrating!!! I've been trying for days but the submission system is just not working for me! So I will have to show off pictures here instead.

Am I the ONLY one with this problem?


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Special Thank You's go out to Pralinesims and Takdis for the patterns that are featured throughout this home.  I loved them, I hope you will too!

Do you build to suit?

I've been trying to get the tiny lot out of my mind to little avail!  I've started three homes recently, one is almost completed and ready to go. (Pics coming soon)  None of them are anything fancy, at least in my mind, but I like them and I think that they suit the sims that I designed them for.  So I ask you, when you build your homes do you already know which family is going to get them?  Are you anything like me and you tend to create a few sims, play around with them, and try to get a handle on the neat little careers and hobbies the game has to offer before you fall into your normal role?

 My current obsession is a gardener sim.  I don't know why but I made her a gardener/author.  She was the original intention for the tiny lot.  Eco-friendly, Green Thumb, Angler, Natural Cook and Loves the Outdoors being the perfect combination for my "green" sim.  As I build, geared towards other families, I keep coming back to her and finding I'm throwing in some "greener" options to these homes.  I don't think the idea will ever leave my mind until I have built the home, so I'm not giving up.  I'm hoping Generations treehouses and bunkbeds will give us the option of ladder stairs - it's an exciting prospect! 

I guess I'm wondering a couple of things - am I the only whack job that builds with a particular family in mind?  and is too much greenery a bad thing? 

What do you think?


Why won't you get out of my head!

Do you ever start building something and then get frustrated that the item you need is completely unavailable?  I've had this idea for a lot popping in and out of my head.  It's a lot for an eco-conscious Sim, a starter meant for one to two sims, that really makes the most out of square footage while leaving a beautiful. lush outdoor lot.  Unfortunately, because I'm following a real floor plan and when I do that, I like to make the final outcome as close as possible to the original, I'm stuck!



You see, the original calls for a ladder to be used as the stairwell up to the loft space.  I may just have to reinstall TS2 to get this out of my head.  You see, I can get one-two tile ladder stairs for it, the capabilities are there for them to be made.  The frustration is that no matter what I try to build right now, I keep coming back to this.  I keep thinking about this lot.  It's like a song that you can't get out of your head!!!  I just keep being drawn back to the lot that I've started with and I wind up playing with the landscaping and planting veggies and fruits... I've tried other things, but six tile stairs (LillieBou's being the closest I've found but they just don't seems to fit right.  The house wind ups being too big on the tiny lot that I have them placed on and it cuts away from the landscaping provided for the outdoorsy Green living Sim.

I had a thought, sort of a brainstorm, but I don't even know if this is possible because I'm not animation savvy - Could a pool ladder be converted to do the job?  The climbing animation is there and it would help them get from the main floor to the top floor, but can it be done?  Any creator's that see this, if you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them.  I've posted this idea in the wishlist category on the forums too...

Well, best get back to my scratch pad! 

Happy Simming!

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The Chaumont uncovers building... Yay! I finally got... Next up - The Beaufort! Introducing Sweetwater Loop... What would you think of a... SUCCESS!!! Am I the only one having upload... Do you build to suit? Why won't you get out of my head!
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