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Illandrya's Blog

Story Updates

Good morning everyone!

Isn't it wonderful to know the weekend is almost here?

For those of you who follow my stories, last night I published updates to both Veronika Storm and The Merindylen Chronicles.

Here is a little preview of Veronika Storm and the Great Agent Heist: Chapter 02:


Veronika Storm and the Great Agent Heist

Finally, she's back! Veronika and Simon are off on another whirlwind adventure, this time trying to find out the connection between a series of art heists across Western Europe and the disappearance of several agents.

Masquerading as Tempest and Sebastien Sierra, our two favourite agents are turning the little town of Champs Les Sims upside down trying to find a clue - perhaps they will find more than they bargained for?

Chapter One is available now at



The Merindylen Chronicles: Chapter Two

Hi everyone

Chapter Two of The Merindylen Chronicles is now ready for your reading pleasure! This chapter is in a similar style to chapter one with flashbacks filling in some of the missing detail, but it is told from Ekraine's point of view.

I hope this helps you all understand Ekraine a little better and get a feel for why she acts the way she does.


Creating a Fantasy World in Sims 3

Hi everyone!!

I have been working hard building a fantasy world for my new story The Merindylen Chronicles. It has certainly been a challenge as there isn't a lot of cc out there for medieval/fantasy worlds. However, you would be surprised how many ordinary items can be turned into something different by adding a different texture!

Just because there isn't a lot, doesn't mean there isn't any - artists like Cyclonesue, Neptune Suzy, Apple, Angela, Shakeshaft, Gosik, and a host of others both here and on other sites have a lot of deco items that are either perfect just they way they are or can be tweaked by simply adding a new texture. Even some of the EA store items aren't half bad!

Following on from the prologue, almost eighteen years ahead, Chapter One: For a Mother's Love has just been published. It is set only a few weeks before Vasiily and Illandrya's eighteenth birthday.

This chapter focuses on Illandrya, her hopes and fears for her approaching adulthood and reminiscences of some of the more memorable moments of her life so far.



My new story - Prologue now posted!!

Hi all!

I am pleased to be able to post that the Prologue for The Merindylen Chronicles has been published at

This first instalment is titled Prologue: A Tale of Two Children and introduces most of the main characters.

As the story progresses (and I eventually finish off the castle) I will be adding any shots that aren't published to my "Merindylen Castle" gallery.



King Reosin and Queen Esobel of Merindylen

The Merindylen Chronicles

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I have posted anything of substance here on TSR - real life has a habit of getting in the way of my leisure time!

However, I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you a new project of mine. I am currently working on a story called "The Merindylen Chronicles". Unlike my other stories, this one is set not in modern times but in the fantasy kingdom of Merindylen where magic, evil, politics and love blend together to make life ... er ... interesting! This is a story I have been writing on and off in my (infrequent) spare time over the years, since before I had even heard of the Sims. The main female character is Illandrya, my namesake.

As a sneak peek, I offer you the (extremely) unfinished Merindylen Castle. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation (and apologies for making it "pretty") go out to Cyclonesue for her wonderful "Castle Lore" sets, without which this project would have not been possible. I have based the architecture on Bodiam Castle in England in the vain attempt to create an authentic looking medieval castle.

Stay tuned, there is more to come :D


Edit: Image updated

New Veronika Chapters!

Hi everyone!

I have had an extremely productive week this week and am pleased to offer two new chapters in the Veronika Storm series! They are a little longer than normal and hopefully answer a lot of your questions (as well as raising some new ones, of course :D)

If you have a spare moment or two, please stop by Veronika's blog and check up on her latest exploits.

Happy simming!



The Return of Veronika Storm

Hello everyone ~ long time, no chatter.

Real life took over during March and left little time for anything else. While I'm not yet out of the woods, there is definitely a light shining at the end of the tunnel and I have had time to catch up on all that happened while I was gone - including writing the latest chapter in the Veronika Storm series!

For those of you who have faithfully followed Veronika from the moment she set foot in Butterfly Bay, I thank you! Your support means more to me than I can say.

To find out what happens next, or if you would like to start at the beginning, you are welcome to pop over to Veronika's blog at any time (

Hope to see you there soon!


Power Girls Down Under

Yay! Finally the girls have arrived in Veronika's homeland of Australia and they are itching to get the party started.

Veronika has rented out an old Queenslander on the Sunshine Coast so that the girls can truly experience Queensland in summer (unfortunately, this comes wtih flooding, but I'm sure they'll manage).

Stay tuned for more fun with the power girls!


PS - The first few images of their arrival have been posted in my screenshots, but I'm having difficulty submitting the rest of them. It could be that it's after one in the morning and I'm tired and probably not doing this right. I will try again when I wake up.

Sims, Dropa Stones and Veronika Storm

When I first found a Dropa Stone in the game I had no idea what it was. Imagine my surprise when I did a little research and found out there is (supposedly) such a thing as a Dropa Stone!

Legend has it that they were found in a cave in the Himalayas back in 1938 amongst the graves of dead aliens - I kid you not! Of course, that story has never been proved, but we can still have a little fun with it.

I am adapting the legend of the dropa stones for the latest chapter in the Veronika Storm adventures, which I posted yesterday.

If you have read any of Veronika's previous adventures, or would like to find out who she is, please feel free to visit us any time at her blog:

Hope to see you there sometime!


Latest Headlines

Story Updates Veronika Storm and the Great... The Merindylen Chronicles:... Creating a Fantasy World in Sims 3 My new story - Prologue now... The Merindylen Chronicles New Veronika Chapters! The Return of Veronika Storm Power Girls Down Under Sims, Dropa Stones and Veronika...
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