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Illandrya's Blog

Veronika Storm: the next chapter

Hello simmers!

As some of you may already know, after some soul-searching I have made the decision to move my Veronika Storm story series off-site and it now has its own blog at

I'm very grateful for the opportunity that TSR has given me to share this series with all of you; but it seems to have taken on a life of its own! I felt it needed a dedicated home.

All previous chapters will stay here on TSR where they were first published, but all new chapters will be published on the Veronika Storm blog.

In fact, Chapter 2 is available now!

If you get the chance to visit Veronika and me at our new home, we'd love to hear from you!


Illandrya's Sim Stories:

Veronika Storm:


Bred in captivity

I do love the new aquarium featured in the "High End Loft Stuff" pack. In fact, it's probably the major reason I shelled out the cash for that particular disk.

But little did I know the surprises it had in store for us!

When my sim returned from her trip to Champs Les Sims, she decided to put some of her frogs and snails into the aquarium. I think it was 2 frogs and 3 snails. I made her feed them every day, however some days I did forget and eventually the poor wee things started to die off. After she had disposed of 3 or 4 of them, I decided to click the "manage" button on the tank to see what was left in there. Imagine my surprise when it told me that there was a frog and 5 snails!

I clicked on the frog and it said that it had been caught by Amethyst Legend. Cool, that's what I would have expected.

I clicked on a snail and it said that it had been "bred in captivity". Now, that WAS a surprise! It seems that, in an aquarium, snails bred like rabbits! Not sure if it works with any other fish as I haven't tried it. If it does, it could mean no more endless fishing for deathfish. Just catch 2 or 3 and watch them multiply :D

Where is Veronika Storm?

Hi everyone

I apologise for the delay in getting out the next Veronika Storm. Life has a habit of interfering in my leisure time.

As well, I didn't want to rush this story and put up something I wasn't entirely happy with. However, I have now finished writing it and I think (I hope) there is a little something in there for everyone.

All that is left is to finish the screenies and upload it to TSR. Crossing fingers and toes, I hope to have it submitted by the end of the weekend, so keep an eye out next week for "The Message in the Stones", a Veronika Storm adventure.


Wishing all Aussie TSR Members ...

A fun, safe, and relaxing Australia Day with those for whom you care the most.

I for one will be lounging around the pool with my family (wearing a big floppy hat and plenty of sunscreen if the bureau of meteorology is to be believed).

And for all you non-Aussies out there, just remember ...

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today ... it's already tomorrow in Australia." (Charles Schulz)


It's poll time!

Hi everyone!

Yes, it's time for me to retire my old poll and bring out a shiny new one. This poll is all about stories.

I love creating stories and TSR provides us all with a place to share our stories with the rest of the community. If you are an avid reader of stories her on TSR, or even if you've never visited the storytelling section, please feel free pop by and leave your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.


PS - Thank you to everyone who voted on my old poll, it has been very helpful to me when I have been creating lots to share with the TSR community.

Chapter 5: The Jade Princess

Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to let you know that Chapter 5 of The Jade Princess is out. You can find it here:

This is the last chapter in this particular story, but Veronika will re-appear in the future with further adventures.

I'd love to hear what you think so please drop me a comment if you have the time.


My last two lots: an oops and an apology

My apologies to anyone who has downloaded my last two lots (Summer Retreat and CedarCreek Vineyard) and found empty photo frames :(. 

I tested the house in the neighbourhood in which it was created and it worked perfectly. But silly me didn't think to test it in a clean neighbourhood. Tonight I have and I discovered the ooops - unlike paintings, photos do not seem to survive being packaged as part of a lot. If your sim views them, you still get the pop-up showing the title and such, but there is no image.

It is a real pity, because I had set up some fantastic pics.


PS - if anyone knows a way around this issue, I'd love to hear it!


New Lot: CedarCreek Vineyard

I am just loving World Adventures (well, when it's working) and am having a lot of fun making nectar. Which got me to thinking . . . we can now create a fully-functioning vineyard for our sims to live in! So over the past week I have been painstakingly designing, creating and decorating a lot for your sims to live in that includes a cosy country home, nectary, and vineyard. It's almost finished, I just need to make a few tweaks, but I thought I would share some screenshots of it with you.

The screenies can be found in my gallery and I'm hoping to upload the lot on the weekend.

If you have any suggestions for something you think might improve the lot, I'd love to hear about it.


Chapter 4: The Jade Princess

Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to let you know that Chapter 4 of The Jade Princess is out. You can find it here:

I'd love to hear what you think so please drop me a comment if you have the time.

many thanks

The Jade Princess and the Time Warp

Hi everyone! Like fredbrenny, I too am having a little time warp issue with the location of the third chapter of The Jade Princess. You should be able to find it at this address:

This chapter is a little intense and I have crammed a lot in, so buckle up :)


Edit: I have submitted Chapter 4 so it will hopefully be available by the end of the week

Latest Headlines

Veronika Storm: the next chapter Bred in captivity Where is Veronika Storm? Wishing all Aussie TSR Members ... It's poll time! Chapter 5: The Jade Princess My last two lots: an oops and an... New Lot: CedarCreek Vineyard Chapter 4: The Jade Princess The Jade Princess and the Time Warp
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