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Illandrya's Guestbook

Midnight222Jul 30, 2010

Hi Judi! Thanks for your comments in my blog and guestbook. Needless to say things have been hectic around here lately! Ive finally caught up with Veronika and Simon! Wow another brilliant chapter, amazing the storm of emotions that one kiss can generate! Im looking forward to the next chapter and the inevitable 'talk' between the two!  Im hoping to catch up with the Meridylen chronicles too ...... I love a great fantasy read! I hope you and your family are well Best thoughts, Kaz

Nygirl08Jul 29, 2010

Sorry for the late thank you on your comment from "Pieces of Me" chapter 2, been a little busy, I am glad that you enjoyed it and hope you are going to continue to read the 3rd chapter and i have a bonus chapter coming as well that puts you through Ari's eyes which will be out before the 4th chapter! Thanks again!

martoeleJul 26, 2010

Thank you Judi! I'm off to your blog to look at those links. \:\)

RatRaceRobJul 26, 2010

Thank you, thank you more than I can say for your comment on Cribt (3)-- and thank you again for all your comments on the Cribts, you have been so kind and I love that you love them \:wub\:

flody888Jul 26, 2010

Oh, when I said 'keep on track with the spy storyline' I meant, how could they not keep thinking of 'the kiss'! LOL The whole time I was thinking - 'go tell her you love her or something!' \:D But, of course, that would be too easy! \:D

badangel^^^Jul 25, 2010

Hey, Judi!Somehow I have missed Chapter seven of The Merindylen Chronicles \:o But I just caught up on it. It was great - Queen Esobel sounds like the perfect lady - loves her husband with all her heart but in contrast to Lady Ekraine still has a really big place in her heart for both her sons and her guardian's daughter. And strangely both the Queen and Lady Illandrya have some majick in their blood. I don't know why but in the very first picture of Esobel I see a great resemblance with the lovely agent Veronika (also seen such a look-a-like in the face of Claire).. hm, maybe I shoud go have my eyes checked \:D I still admire how you made everything look so medieval. \:rah\: Thank you for sharing your great tallant with us!!! \:wub\:

flody888Jul 25, 2010

And thank you for letting me know about the chapter too!!!! \:D

flody888Jul 25, 2010

AAAGGGHHHH! \:D After reading every one of your chapters, I feel like I'm screaming for more! \:D I LOVED the latest Veronika Storm chapter! It so worked that Veronika was just clueless to Simon's feelings (and maybe her own??) with the life she's had. And I found it difficult for me to keepon track with the spy storyline so I don't know how Veronika and Simon managed to stay so professional! (Probably b/c they are professionals! \;\) ) My heart just went out to both of them and I am hoping they get together!!!! (Although I read on your blog that you'll make us wait a bit which will make the get together that much more well deserved! \:D) Also, I loved how Veronika wears the World Adventures outfit in the flashback and loved the pumpkin wheelbarrow too - so perfect for the farm! And the pigtail pulling reminds me of Anne of Green Gables! \:D Oh, and I totally relate to your hesitation with mods. For me, that extends to custom content too. But like you, I came to the conclusion that if everyone else is using them then it must be ok? Although I'm still conservative with it. Anyhow, super wonderful terrific great fantastic lovely beautiful job and thank you for sharing your hard work and creative genius with us!!! \:D

ataylor69Jul 25, 2010

Thank you for letting my know about the next chapter! Off to read it now \:\)

badangel^^^Jul 25, 2010

Hi, Judi! \:wub\: Thank you for telling me about the chapter. It was amazing - I never thought your stories can get better. This one really shows us what great professionals our two agents are - having to deal with the awkward situation with the kiss but still being able to work on the case together. I do hope those two will get together but still I don't want the Veronika Storm chapters to end. Oh, and I read the 10 facts about each of the agents - wonder how I missed reading those. They were great - made the characters more 'human' and real with all this personal stuff. Hope your weekend was great and wishing you an amazing week! \:wub\:

martoeleJul 25, 2010

Hi Judi! During the biggest part of my life I had a 'bird phobia'. I wasn't afraid of them but I just started to panic when they fluttered. I didn't dare to cross a square where pidgeons were on. I will that explain to you in a pm. \:\)

martoeleJul 25, 2010

Hi Judi! Thanks again for taking the time to comment on my story. Now I guess I will take a long rest \:cool\: so I will be impatiently waiting for the next chapters of your stories. \:D By the way... I love grasshoppers... I always save them from drowning when I find them in my pool, as well as the lady bugs. I told you, I'm hopelessly romantic! \:wub\: Enjoy what left of the sunday! Today my husband and I celebrate our 38 wedding anniversary and we are completely alone... He's cleaning the garden and I, within a moment, will do the laundry and the ironing! How ROMANTIC!!! \:wub\: ~ Margo

kateknightukJul 25, 2010

Hi Judi - Wow - just finished the next Veronika Storm chapter and all I can say is literally Wow.  you are such a talanted writer, I completely agree with all the comments on your blog, this is one book that I could NOT put down.  Thank you for creating such memorable characters and storylines. Hugs Kate xxx

YrS92Jul 25, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) I'm doing fine, working on the next chapter of the Gardeners and of course on my next story... I'm not quite on the stage of creating the sims and the "decor" just yet but writing is advancing steadily\:\) I have been busy with work, that's why I have been so quiet here at the TSR\:D But thanks for letting me know about the next chapter of Veronika, I'll go and read it asap\:wub\: Hope you're doing well, hugs, Senja

duckeggpieJul 25, 2010

Thank you for letting me know!! I had already been on and read it!! Yet another fantastic part (when are they not!!!) I am hoping to get Part 11 of the Dawes Legacy up today so keep an eye out, as always I would love to hear what you think!!

Jennifer_RJul 25, 2010

Hi Judi, Just popping in quickly this morning then we are heading out for the day. I saw some new historical clothing on 'My Sims 3 Blog'. Just in case you hadn't seen it, thought I'd stop by to let you know. I know you said that sort of clothing is quite scarce. Here's the link.  Well hope you having a great weekend. \;\) P.S. I saw Mary Poppins yeasterday, it was fantastic!

catsandbooksJul 24, 2010

Hi there again! \:\) I love your motivational comments on the PlumbBob Quest, thankyou very much. I have submitted part 4 so it should be out soon. Thanks again, have a great day \:D

flody888Jul 22, 2010

I read about the Reosin spotlight on your blog and look forward to it! \:\) Good luck on working through your Veronika writer's block! It makes me wonder what's in store if it's got youstumped! \;\) Have a great week!

Jennifer_RJul 22, 2010

Hi Judi, hahaha - all too young and way to married! Having three brothers would definitely help you handle them. \:P Are you the youngest or a middle child? My week is going okay, thanks, tomorrow is Friday so can't complain about that! \;\) I missed the instruments in the trailer. There was so much to look at, maybe I will watch it again. lol I loved Nightlife in TS2 but for some reason never really played it too much. I think the 'city' aspect of it looks cool. I asked my BF about a realease date but it wasn't even registered on their suppliers system yet. There was a stuff pk though called, Fast Lane. That's due for release in Sep so I'm guessing Late Night will be the same. Boo hoo, the waiting game begins.

Jennifer_RJul 21, 2010

Hi Judi, oh god that must drive you crazy sometimes, all those men. \:confused\: haha or not? :P  I am loving how you have been orgainzing your blog/s. I'm finding though that it's something you can't  quickly rush around and do. lol Maybe I'm a bit slower at these things. Haha. I have just heard that there is a new expansion coming out! It's called Late Night. Check out EA for the tralier. It looks so awesome...we get a HOT TUB!! I am a little excited. \:ph34r\: Hope your having a great week. \:\)

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