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Illandrya's Guestbook

YrS92Jul 20, 2010

Yeah, sure I will change it\:\) That's why I wanted some feedback, to avoid things like that from happening, so thanks for letting me know\:wub\: And thank you for following my blog too\:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

YrS92Jul 20, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) Thank you for commenting the chapter 23, so glad you enjoyed it\:wub\: I have no idea why the boys are so neglectful to their own kids, thankfully both Broccoli and his Belle are starting to take more care of little Cherry... Good for her, maybe she'll grow up a bit less complicated than the boys\:D Anyways, I have been working on my new blog, there's nothing there yet but I'd like to hear what you think of it in general\:\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

daphney1230Jul 20, 2010

this is a nice story.. can you please read mine and see if i got what it takes....

flody888Jul 19, 2010

Merindylen Updates! First off, I love the stone textures and architecture and medieval details. It really feels like this is another time and place. I love the insights into Nikholy and Esobel. Nikholy: He's so young but he's so mature! The thread about him on the borders totally makes me think of a lot of families who have their (really young) men go off on a 'tour of duty' (euphemism!). Esobel: The framed portraits are a lovely idea! It's interesting to know that she's connected to Illandrya on another level too. I bet not being able to have more kids (guessing?) is probably connected to her 'grand plans' for Illandrya and Vasiily and for 'grand' children! \;\) Last: Like Straefyn. Don't trust Deyon or Garvin. But I've been wrong before! \:D THANK YOU!! \:\)

flody888Jul 19, 2010

Yayyayyay!!! \:D I just read all your updates on your blogspot!! \:\) The pronunciation guide is so helpful! I love the names ess-oh-bel (is-so-beautiful) and day-ing (verb for living in the day), vah-see-li (vasiily-sees or vasiily-seelie court/faerie court) even more now that I know how to say them. (my way of remembering in brackets \:D) But the '10 facts' series is so fun and informative!! I'm like the rest and LOVE Simon's #6 but also noticed that he met Veronika either just before or after her parents disappeared! Also, it so fits that he comes from a big family and had access to farm life! Love the psych details and quirks you put in like Simon's strawberries (I know someone who doesn't like eating raisins in baked goods too), Simon's playing up the brawn image, and poor Veronika who seems like she's always been set apart/alone (180 IQ at 12, parents gone at 8, no family, her first boyfriend being a jerk) - no wonder she's so independent and thinks so individually!

flody888Jul 19, 2010

That's kind of cool to know how regional that flavour is. If I ever go to Australia (which would probably be never unfortunately)... \:\) I can't think of any Canadian flavours here that really exist. Most brands and flavours are from the U.S. I can make up a few though: Saskatoon berry (I've never tried but many love it in baked goods and for jam), Tim Horton's donuts (saw donut ice cream on the Apprentice - sounds interesting!), Canadian back bacon (ew), Poutine (nonono), Molson Canadian or Labatt's beer ice cream (that would probably become a bestseller here!). \:D Actually, I've tried a wine slushie-granité-whatever and that was actually tasty and refreshing! This is too late but yes it's probably a good idea to stop talking about ice cream! \:D Take care!

flody888Jul 19, 2010

Nothing to apologize for! \:\) If sims can satisfy the socialization need via the internet, why can't we? \;\) Mango and macadamia sound delish!!! \:D I don't think I've seen that flavour. I've seen mango though and that is so yummy. My fave way to eat ice cream actually is buying a scoop outdoors and trying something different but I usually always come back to vanilla. Boring. \:P Have a lovely week and hope you feel better!!! \:\)

fredbrennyJul 18, 2010

\:D Hi (((Judi))) !! I just got back from a long weekend Berlin. It was very interesting and also .... very HOT... (36 degrees C and just too warm) But... We do a city trip every year with friends, we are 6 and Berlin was our 2010 experience! I have a lot of catching up to do I see... It's weird, being away for only 4 days... LOL \:D Hope your weekend was wonderful too! Your new week started just now, and I am going back to work tomorrow. Next Friday we will leave for 2 weeks and go to Italy (we have a wedding to go to) I will bring my laptop and maybe in the evenings I can get online for a bit. ...LOL

kateknightukJul 18, 2010

Judi - glad that you have had what sounds like an amazing weekend.  Wanted to let you know I read Chpt 8 of the Meridylen Chronicles when I got back last night and thought it was fab, as always.  You are so good at weaving the differenet characters stories together - Brilliant!  Take care, hope you have a great week.  xxx

duckeggpieJul 18, 2010

OOhhhh....sounds lovely!!! I am enjoying my weekend \:\) Just published part 10 of the Dawes Legacy and I would love to hear what you think!!

spitzmagicJul 18, 2010

Hi ((((Judi))) girlfriend thanks for stopping by ....I always love your visits. How winter going for you. I'll trade ya...\:P LOL have a wonderful week...\:wub\:

badangel^^^Jul 18, 2010

Hi, Judi, it's me again \:D Yes, I know how cool the shade outside can be. It's really nice to lay a blanket under a big tree's shadow with a nice book or music, or a bunch of friends. But the curse of living in a big city is the lack of green around and finding such a nice place to relax can be hard. Sometimes I wish I lived in a smaller city near a lake or the sea but still surrounded by a mountain. Ah, a girl can dream \:D So I hope you had a great Sunday and I wish you a warmer and amazing week! \:wub\:

YrS92Jul 18, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) Yeah, that film is great, Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law did great work in it... And Zimmer's music makes the whole film even more enjoayble, it's definitely worth watching and hearing... My school won't start until 16th of August so I should have enough time to get my things prepared but... it's not going to happen in time\:D  Five books(each nearly 200 pages) in History still left and then of course the prep book..And that's just History... Gah, why didn't I start earlier? You'd think that after 11 years of going to school and having exams would teach you to start studying for exams in time but it really doesn't... People never learn until it's too late and afterwards most people still haven't learnt anything\:D Have a great day, hugs, Senja

shaml_sim Jul 18, 2010

Hi Judi! Yum, I bet that hot buttered toast and vegemite was made my mouth water even reading about it \:wub\: I quite often find myself having just that for dinner sometimes when I can't be bothered making anything else but I always have it for breakfast, too! \;\) Thanks for popping to say hi, I'm going especially well because it's Sunday and my favourite day of the week. It does help that it's a stunning day, just perfect. I was quite tired yesterday so I didn't do much besides lodge my tax return online. Today though I was a bit more productive - did some shopping at Carindale, mostly for groceries, and some cleaning when we got home. I hope your weekend has gone well, too \:\) By the way, now that you explained the location you pictured when writing I'd Be Good For You, I can now definitely picture the scene happening there, too.

Jennifer_RJul 18, 2010

Hi Judi, that just sounds scrumptious. I luv vegimite on toast! It has been a quiet weekend for me, although I did visit my grandma, auntie & close cousin yesterday. Every time all us girls get together all we do is laugh. It's great I just love it. And I think I really needed it as work has been getting me down lately. I mainly work with guys and you just can't have the same sort of laugh and um, chin wag I guess, with guys as you can with the ladies. \;\)  I've been working on the blog for my new story too. Downloaded one and then changed all the colors etc. It was fun but took a while. The perfectionist was showing through a little too much. Still a little way to go before I post it though. I'd like to do an introduction first. Anyways, enough about me. lol How is your weekend going? I saw the next chapter of TMC is out. What a fablous picture you have created of Queen Esobel in that frame. I will read it asap! \:\) Oh and thank you for your lovely comments on the final part of Will & Eliza's Honeymoon Collection. Really appreciate it! TC ~ Jen \:wub\:

*sweet_august*Jul 18, 2010

Hello again \:\) I know I JUST wrote to you about my story, but something has just happened \:\( Basically, I have had to undergo the annoying task of reinstalling my game (all my neighbourhoods froze !!??!!) and since Defection was a legacy challenge and I no longer have access to my sims, the whole point of the story is ruined! I am completely depressed! \:\( ARGH! - Leni

*sweet_august*Jul 18, 2010

Hey Judi \:\) Just about to go and read your new story! I will hopefully submit part four of Defection sometime today. So hectic with the move and the uni term starting again!!! I hope you have an awesome weekend too and that isn't too freezing for you. I AM SO COLD! \:\) - Leni

flody888Jul 18, 2010

So nice of you to drop by! \:D You know, some day, I'm going to try vegemite on toast. My stepdad loves it and I know it's popular down under but I keep forgetting to buy it. (Probably b/c I keep walking down the ice cream aisle first!) Anyhow, I only have some hot chicken soup here (even though it's summer) but you're welcome to try some! \;\) And have a wonderful sunny weekend, Judi!!!! \:\)

martoeleJul 18, 2010

Hi Judi! In Europe it's one hour earlier than in Great Britain and on the Canary Islands it's 1 hour earlier than in Europe \:D  Sound complicated but it isn't. I live only 4º North of the Tropic of Cancer; so in the Subtropics. Then there would be a difference of 7 hours! Good to know. The moment I write this it's 23.30 so at your place you are almost standing up to have your breakfast! Good Morning and have a nice sunday! \:D  Hugs ~ Margo

mik0 muffinJul 18, 2010

Thanks for your comment on the Reid Legacy -2- !  Yeah I was hoping to drop little hints about her without making it too obvious, nor making it too unexpected and unrealistic as a twist lol.  Haha you're too nice, my writing could use a lot of improvement still~

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