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Illandrya's Guestbook

flody888Jan 6, 2011

Actually, I forgot that I know a happy accident too. \:D Pretty much the same situation (they even have a farm!) except she's a she. (Oh, and they don't work for the Agency -- I think! :eek\:\) I love how even the profiles tie into the family theme! Actually, those profiles are so beautiful snapshots of your characters at this moment in time. I realized how different/similar they'd be at different moments in time, like Veronika before and after she found out her parents disappeared. \:\( Different because her emotional state can filter everything she feels/thinks about but similar because she's mostly the same Veronika. I think I thought about this because Perry - the totally together rock of the family - seemed to be swallowed up by his past and had to be reminded that he's not that same helpless kid who was alone without a family. Rambling off. \:D

flody888Jan 5, 2011

P.S. 20 years between Benji and Rob?!?! Wow!

flody888Jan 5, 2011

Hi!!! Benji is a breath of fresh air! His question: "Does Dad know?" Just made total sense! I just love theme of family throughout this series! And I think I figured out the common denominator and maybe the real target of the series! Who stands to hurt the most and who could have made someone angry enough to target his family? \:eek\: Then, again, I could be wrong! \:D If I'm right though, I am just amazed how you plotted their influence and introduction to the end!

fredbrennyJan 3, 2011

(((Illandrya))) I hope your Holidays were good and I wish you a blessed and healthy 2011! I just saw your new home... and... wow... it looks so beautiful! Chapeau my dear! \:wub\:

flody888Jan 3, 2011

Hmmn...this is the first time that we see majick being used on someone without their knowing/against their will... I can't imagine the fall-out when/if someone finds out! \:eek\:

flody888Jan 3, 2011

Oooohh! So it IS possible!'s going to be very interesting to see what happens! \:D

flody888Jan 2, 2011

Oh! Also, I went off on a mental tangent when I read about the Oraylian princess always getting what she wants! When I had paired those two off in my head before (and imagined their wedding and happily ever after... \:D), I assumed that they'd live in Merandyl and Oraylia would be absorbed into Nikholy's kingdom. Well! What if Oraylia is fiercely nationalistic? and feminist? (That tiny kingdom in-between two large powerhouses must have some sort of fierce national pride and heritage after all) What if Nikholy had to give up Merandyl and become consort in Oraylia? \:eek\: What a turn that would be! \:D

flody888Jan 2, 2011

Happy New Year, Judi! \:\) Good chappie for Merindylen! I had to reread it to understand where the title 'Strength' applied. For me, it was about how each person in each section finds their strength or where their strength lies or how they think they need to be strong: for the Merandyls, it's their family (their stoic family time); for Deyon, I think it's within himself (he always relies upon himself not others); for Illandrya, I think it's her capacity to help others (her magick was easiest and strongest when she saved Vasiily from a horse); and for Kiyana, I think it will be (doesn't show yet) in her capacity to love. Speaking of the last scene...I'm sure Illandrya had the best of intentions to help Kiyana but isn't that crossing a line? \:eek\: Can't wait to see if anyone finds out! \:eek\: Btw, love your new home and it's name! \:\)

fabrizioammolloJan 1, 2011

Hi Judi! Too bad your holidays are almost finished, but I hope that you could recharge your batteries, so that you are beginning with enthusiasm the new year! Happy New Year! F.

flody888Dec 30, 2010

Hi Judi! I loved your screens but I won't notice them gone in the new year! Your words are full of pictures and emotions and life! \:wub\: Besides, you should be inspired and have fun with your stories - not feel the opposite! (I personally don't know how you storytellers do it! I have no patience for getting the perfect screenshot!)

fabrizioammolloDec 29, 2010

Hi Judi! I had a enjoyable time with family at Christmas, but since monday I'm back to work \:\(. Fortunately is just untill friday, then will be my turn for holidays! \:\) Best wishes for and happy New Year! F.

flody888Dec 29, 2010

Thank you for the wonderful wishes!!!! \:o I wish the same to you!!! \:wub\: And I have to apologize again for over-speculating again! I tend to get very involved when I'm reading my stories! \:o I tend to forget that they belong to someone else! \;\)

RatRaceRobDec 29, 2010

Hello there, Illandrya, I am here to thank you for the fine compliments on the Flipside (Special)-- and the entire series. Always a real pleasure to read a comment from you, and yes, although the next series will have a new title and a new angle, it is in effect a continuation of the Cribts and Flips. I'll confirm here that Danielle is indeed preggers. Very newly so. Conception one week ago (in-story time, Flip(5)) between about 7:00 PM and 8:45 PM at the Marquis Vineyard. True, Jono and Dani hadn't been "active" for a near-year prior to that (hence Dani got lax with the bc pills)... but it only takes the once. And they did it twice. \;\) Huzzah \:D

flody888Dec 28, 2010

Hihi!!! Excellent chappie! Main takeaway was Aaron. I was thinking if this was a novel that I was reading, Aaron is that perfect character that's always making it tough on all the other characters. He's the character that either ends up dead (because I'm reading a murder mystery) or the one who stays alive through the series (because he's too valuable and interesting to die so soon! Kind of like J.R. Ewing from Dallas!). As much as I wanted to punch the guy, he's just so spot on with his behaviour and attitude! Why wouldn't he want to deflect the situation from himself? It's like you said, he's had the luxury of having a supportive family throughout his entire life. According to him, he couldn't possibly the real reason for any of this! \;\) And I totally agree with what someone said about Perry being so brave to reveal his past. I hope this doesn't impair his judgement in the future - but then again, how could it not? \:eek\: Add me to the list of those who didn't notice the absence of pictures till I reached your note! \:o Happy New Year till next week!

fabrizioammolloDec 27, 2010

Hi Judi! I'm sorry for being in late for wishing you Merry Christmas, but I truly hope hou had a great time with your loved ones. I hope  the New Year will bring you all the happiness and success you deserve. Hugs, F.

badangel^^^Dec 24, 2010

Hi, Judi! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to read your stories and comment but I have been really busy with uni this semester. I promise I'll go visit your blog as soon as I can! I'm just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true and may the next year be better and bring you all the happiness that you deserve! Cheers! \:wub\:

FlatterDec 24, 2010

Hi Judi, merry christmas and a happy new year to you! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RDec 24, 2010

Hi Judi, I am doing the rounds so I thought I would stop by your gb too! lol Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!! \:wub\:

spitzmagicDec 23, 2010

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

flody888Dec 23, 2010

Well, I think you're doing an amazing job of telling us the right bits and pieces of your characters and how they mash up against other characters and then the appropriate fall-out that happens! I don't doubt how complicated it must get, figuring out who has the right bit to say and when!

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