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Illandrya's Guestbook

flody888Dec 23, 2010

Omg! I can't believe you're thanking me for reading your stories!!! I'm thanking you for writing and sharing them (and feeding my simstory habit!)!!! But you're welcome anyhow! \:D This update was great for all the surprise peeks into people's heads! Simon's guilty point of view on the other night, Az's turn-around-sort-of-breakthrough point of view about his tatts and his flirt with death, Veronika's analytical point of view on Simon's take and Az's take of the last 20 years or so, and then even Perry's very cool and together point of view - which seems really restrained even though I think something traumatic for him is coming (speculation!). I hope you know what I mean! I thought we, the readers, know everything that's happening and know all about these characters but you've shown that there is always something else to keep us surprised, interested and dying for the next chappie!

DOTDec 23, 2010

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

RatRaceRobDec 22, 2010

Fond greetings, Illandrya...  thank you sincerely for reading and complimenting Flip(6), although as soon as I saw your avatar my furry face went scarlet \:o ((no lie, it did)) ... I haven't been to your site in waaaay too long, and I hope you believe me when I say my neglect is in no way related to how I feel about your stories.  No excuses from me ((I have them, of course, but they're not worth a drooping whisker)).  Expect a site visit soon.  Slap me around if I break that promise \:rolleyes: \;\)

simsjeanieDec 21, 2010

Dearest Judi, just dropping in to say I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart. Have a great time and may all your wishes come true! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa ... \:wub\: One of my x-mas presents will be to have the time to read your stories ... \:wub\:

flody888Dec 19, 2010

Congratulations on all your upsides! \:D I had to laugh when I read the related downside to cleaning. That totally happens to me too! All the adjacent rooms are filled with crap when the one room is cleaned up! Christmas elves are going around TSR. \;\) Merry Christmas Judi! Thank you for all the wonderful stories and messages throughout the year! Also, all the cliffies, food for speculative inquiry, story highs and lows! \:D You are a superb storyteller! Best wishes to you and your family! \:wub\:

flody888Dec 19, 2010

Haha! You couldn't resist! \:D It's so cool to see how the sim genetics play out! Are they all teens in these pics? I've noticed in my game that their faces change again when they age up to young adults. But I do have a 'that's so curious!' question: why did Charlie and Melissa name their son after Aaron? Did he save Melissa's life/baby? Did he die in the story arc? Hmmn? \:cool\:  (Don't tell me if it's actually in the story!! \:eek\: ) I love the names 'Kensi' and 'Arizona' too! \:wub\:

flody888Dec 19, 2010

I will totally check that out! Thank you! \:\)

flody888Dec 17, 2010

Speaking of Deyon again...\:D I was wondering about his 'aloofness' (just read your VS mosaic \:D). Is that a cultural Balendan trait or is his feeling that he doesn't fit in with Merandyls or is it maybe family issues that made him seem so private or is it a sense of professionalism or a mix? Simon's pic on his mosaic page was such a teaser! I was like 'OMG! Judi made VS and Simon have a baby and that's what she looks like!' LOL She's totally adorable btw! \:\)

simsjeanieDec 17, 2010

Dear Judy, coming along with some latte macchiato and a plate with homemade x-mas-cookies. No need to leave them for Santa, he'll get enough the next days! It happened a lot in the last six months. The time I didn't visit The Sims Resource in July my lovely Lordy, our old dog, had a stroke and we thought we had to let him go. We visited the vet every day for about 14 days and he did a great job. He couldn't walk, he couldn't eat and I had to carry him upstairs to his bed. The first days I slept in the living room, but then I carried him upstairs again. But the medicine helped and he got much better. After three weeks he even managed to climb the stairs by his own with a little help. The following weeks and months actually he was fitter than before the stroke. But he is a 35-kilo-dog and I had pain in the back after those three weeks. Couldn't sit on a chair longer than a few minutes. As I wanted to join all of you again, my pc had a crash and then my internet ran riot. After five minutes it said good-by to me ... Now I have a much faster internet-connection. When I wanted to join again, the last days of October, Lord had another break down and this time the vet couldn't help him anymore. We had to let him cross the Rainbow-bridge. All of us were very sad and I didn't want to play the sims or something like that. It was my daughter who told me to write his story and join the NaNoWriMo. And I did it. In November I didn't do anything else than writing. And then the first Sunday in Advent was there and I had no decoration at all. But now all the little lights I fastened at my windows and on top of the cupboards and so on brighten up my mood again. The cats "help" me a lot, they take care that I can redecorate again and again. I spent a few days in the kitchen and baked a lot of x-mas-cookies but I fear there will be only a little rest next week ... We love them a lot and we show it by eating them. My hubby got me the "Late Night" at the end of October but it was not until yesterday that I installed them. Didn't work though. So I have to search for some help in the forums. But not before saying hello to my friends here. I hope you are fine. Here it's very very cold, icy, and the best place is in my study with the radiatior in my back. Though I have no x-mas presents by now I won't leave the house - the icy conditions are not inviting. I don't know when I will read your amazing stories, but I will do it! One by one. Lots of hugs and kisses from me to you! Your old admirer Jeanie. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

flody888Dec 15, 2010

Yes, Deyon is complicated! He's searching for something and in the last update you ruled out ambition as a motivation. He's definitely restless too. I wonder what it is he's searching for if it's not love (sex) and not ambition (job-occupation)? The only other thing I can think of is religion/god(s/desses) and travel/knowledge. Btw, the screens for Bruises are just beautiful and perfect! They looked like captured stolen moments. And Simon's pic is amazing! Those eyes ooked like they were drilling for answers! Not the normal idle sim eyes from the game!

flody888Dec 15, 2010

Oh! I had no idea there was software for that! Neat! \:confused\: I really loved the Deyon feature and the comments that followed! Originally, I thought he had a crush on Vasiily but then I thought it was Illandrya and now I think I'm cleared up on it being a man-crush on Vasiily? Which I think was more common and less stigmatized a long time ago. I immediately thought of Frodo and Samwise and all the ribbing they received when the movies came out. I totally get what Tolkien originally meant. There are some people that just attract our respect and who we value as the human beings that they are and who we'd die for. At least that's what I'm thinking is going on with Deyon and Vasiily??? I alos loved the profiles for VS! The picture collages are beautiful representations of their characters too! I hope that each character eventually knows how beautiful they are especially to the people who love them! \:wub\: As for the update, I'm still hoping the people behind all this get their butts kicked by the Chases b/c they totally deserve it! Once again, you've made me feel sympathy for someone I thought I wouldn't. Poor Tash!

fabrizioammolloDec 12, 2010

Hi Judi! You are very welcome! Have a lovely week-end, F.

fredbrennyDec 11, 2010

(((Judi)))  I am so sorry I haven't been looking aor reading up on Veronika or Illandrya... I am soooo busy ( I bet you know what that is like \;\) )  I want to do so many things, but having an arm injury (can't play on the comp for more than a couple of hours and I am really done for for the next day....)   I promis I will read up. I can't miss too much, they are in my head, (both V & I)... bear with me... I will in a while... wish there were more hours in a day \:\(  Love ya!!! hugggs, Fred

flody888Dec 11, 2010

Super chapter! Simon and Veronika's love scene totally made sense. And the comments on your site say everything better than I can! \:\) Loved the insight into your writing world too! Can I ask what's LSB? Have a great weekend/week!!!

flody888Dec 8, 2010

Oh, no, thanks for rambling! \:D It fills in a lot and stops my mind from speculating on and on about this and that! \:D

fabrizioammolloDec 8, 2010

Hi Judy! "I'd be good for you" is really brilliant. It's so charming, and I just love the open ending. Keep up the great work. Bye, F.

flody888Dec 7, 2010

Oh, my condolences on the crashing lot!!! I really hate when that happens! \:mad\: I hope you figure out what cc is the culprit! Melissa: I found it odd that she and Veronika weren't really close till the 'Pass' series. I mean, they were the only girls and around the same age! (Speculation: Maybe Aaron's not the only who felt rivalry with VS except maybe Melissa is the healthier version? \:confused\: ) I totally agree that she's a smart and tough lady. I can picture her with an artistic career too - also something that allows her the flexibility to be close to home / available to Charlie if he needs her. Thanks for the wcif answer too! \:\)

fabrizioammolloDec 7, 2010

Hi Judi! It was me, indeed. I'm really enjoying your stories and I'll keep reading Veronika adventures \;\). Hugs, F.

flody888Dec 7, 2010

It was a nice mix switching gears. \:\) Kind of a gentler, sneakier cousin to the cliffhanger. \:D Really loved the backlot tour of VS!! Rob and Perry's home is definitely classy and masculine. I really LOVE their bathroom though! I also love how you created two homes on one lot for that mirrored lot look. That's a common style in cities and I had wondered about it when I first saw it a few chapters ago! I also loved that Melissa's decorating influence appears to be stronger than Charlie's in their bedroom. \;\) Some guys just don't care and that's totally ok! (Although it's totally kind of her not to go overboard with florals! \:D) One wcif (if that's ok?): the tulips in the large white square pot in VS's living room? \:\)

fabrizioammolloDec 7, 2010

Hi Judi! As you may have seen I found it! Thanks! \:rah\: F.

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