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Illandrya's Guestbook

flody888Nov 13, 2010

I really like the idea of the bonding. It's another cultural/biological/genetic 'thingy' that makes the Maje the Maje. I'd forgotten the Maje were magick b/c we've been so caught up in the human story and the coming war. It was a nice balance to the human story and a great way to keep the reader off-balance as to what to expect! \:D I'm looking forward to see how it affects Vasiily and Illandrya! Oh, thanks for your insight into Veronika! Ah, that will be a hard adjustment. I mean, there's a lot of compromise in the first place when people co-habit, etc. I wonder if it'll be harder/easier for Veronika or Simon? (Don't tell me!!! \:D) And, yes, it totally made sense how they picked on Aaron. Grr. I totally hope the Chases-Storm kick their butts with spike-toed boots!!! (If they find out who they are and if they get to do some butt-kicking!!! \:D) Yay! Have an epic weekend!

flody888Nov 12, 2010

Hello!!! \:\) I just caught up with all of your updates! \:\) Your blogs look wonderful! Loved your Late Night cityline screens and your celebrities! Vasiily and Illandrya's bonding was a very big surprise! I totally thought it was 'romantic' and didn't understand the more serious aspects until you revealed that Ekraine and Nephraim also have the bond! That just rattled my brain as to how difficult it must be. I like how you balanced the 'romantic' idea with how serious it is. I loved your opening sentence for Veronika too. We've been seeing this happy, in love, softer side of her for a while, so it was nice to hear her crisp, clear, effective voice that's so central to solving the dilemmas in this series. She's my sim role model! \:D The 'reveal' at the end was a shocker for me but at the same time it was like everything fell into place! I'm so curious as to what is happening! I feel like it was a real low blow too for the 'suspects at large' to pick on Aaron when he's so vulnerable. \:\( Thanks for stopping by my gb too! And good luck with your classes!!! Have a lovely week!!!

RatRaceRobNov 11, 2010

Good day to you, Illandrya!  *bows, but does not need to remove hat since one is never worn in your presence already*  Please accept my humble apology for the delay, but I am here to thank you for your lovely compliment on Flipside (4)... we blushed over here all the way down the cast line to Danielle.  I'm happy to have changed your mind a bit on that girl; it means I'm doing my job somewhat correctly as I wring the screenplay out of what was once a fairly average paragraph by paragraph story... every time I finish one episode I tell myself:  "Self, that had to be the hardest one. The next one will transition easier, it can't be as difficult as this last one."  But oh ho, that is sooo not the case lol.  I hope the real life is going well for you, and I thank you so very much again for your kindness to me \:wub\:

spladoumNov 8, 2010

Mwa ha ha ... well, it would be quite Poe-like to still have Titus flitting around out there, wouldn't it? ... I'll have to mull the possibility.  I haven't written any of Chapter 5 yet so it's still a possibility!  And thank you kindly for the compliment.  Coming from such an accomplished writer as yourself, it's very gratifying. \:wub\:

martoeleNov 7, 2010

Hi Judi. Nice to hear something from you. You must be very busy. Thank you very much for commenting part 5 of my story 'Moon'. Part 6 has been submitted about 3 days ago but you know how that goes here. Sometimes they publish it in 1 hour and sometimes you have to wait during 1 week. Yes, Cynthia has given honour to Raphael's esoterical lessons. Let's see if she can keep it up. \:\)

fredbrennyNov 7, 2010

Hi Judi!!! How wonderful you stopping by here!!! It's always good to hear from you, and I do understand about the time going by so fast with work and all... I hardly have time to keep up with all the different blogs I should visit. Thanks for commenting on the Hanky tale... Yes, it is a tragedy, and the emporium sank (as I said in the intro) But HOW it sank... we will have to find out LOL I am still working on these character pieces, they are a hand full but oh... so much fun. So it is a bit cartoonesk, I have to goover and read Veronika's and Illandrya's story...Tomorrow at work I might have some time..\;\) Big HUGGGS, Fred

FlatterNov 7, 2010

Hi Judi, thanks for feeling with Jake. As always I am very happy about your feedback, oh and thanks for not guessing the happenings of the next story - because you tend to be right and that makes me feel less inventive \;\) Nay, no problem with that. I am glad you enjoyed it and that at least some part of the next chapter is still in the dark according to comments. That helps to keep the tension high...

flody888Oct 29, 2010

Ooooh! I was wondering about that! (the last thing you mentioned!) Can't wait to see what happens! (But I must! \:D)

flody888Oct 29, 2010

Oh, but if there's not, that's ok too b/c whatever you write will be awesome! \:\) I'm so glad you wrote this series! The realism of Aaron's world/headspace is so jarring. It's almost like the reader takes a 'trip' to experience Aaron's life!

flody888Oct 29, 2010

Hi Judi! Everyone else's comments said a lot for me! \:D I just love the fifth pic of Aaron in the dark. It's almost like we're seeing him through the filter he sees himself through. \:\( And poor Veronika, carrying this guilt all this time. It gives her another dimension as to how vulnerable she can be socially. It's so eerie that these two could've been the best of friends with their similarities (genius brain and social awkwardness) but thanks to Aaron... One thing I want to comment on is how everyone including Aaron thinks he's so weak or needs help. But I have to say that I think he is probably one of the most powerful personalities in your stories. Because of his incredibly warped and unrelenting vision, he's changed the lives of so many people and has his entire family running around trying to help him. (He even had an entire series created for him! \;\)) I truly hope there's a happy - or at least sober - resolution for him. \:\(

RatRaceRobOct 27, 2010

Greetings, milady Illandrya... *grins, smoothes fur, pleased with self* You're welcome. Very. I really had to think about what I wanted to say in that comment (Storm 6.04 & 6.05) to get my point across, I hope I succeeded. On a completely unrelated and much more frivilous note, thank you for witnessing Jesse's tribute to the subject of his most recent lust. I'd say crush, but no matter how arrested his development is, crush is just too kiddie to cover it. Your compliments to my imagination warm me more than my fur. \:wub\:

flody888Oct 25, 2010

P.S. Loved the beard detail with Vasiily - LOL! That kid has a good sense of humour. \:D

fredbrennyOct 25, 2010

Hi my dear (((Illandrya)))! \:\) How have you been? Still very busy and a lot to catch up with? I wanted to let you know that I have a new story started. It is still in the making, but the intro was published. Let me know what you think... It is a bit different....\;\) Have a great week girlfriend! I will talk to you later!

flody888Oct 24, 2010

Oh, I'm so glad you like my comments! \:\) I know I get carried away sometimes. \:o I am totally a fan so if I ever write anything confusing just chalk it up to my being too excited and not writing clearly. \:\) I LOVE your stories! Btw, congrats on your real life success!!! You totally deserve it! Just remember that! And a big thanks for my story fix for today! \:D

flody888Oct 24, 2010

About Aaron, he totally looks like a Chase but like you said, he's experienced some hard living. \:\( I imagined that when I look at his face. It's so weird because I see lovely, capable, healthy, sunny Simon and then I see the 'etches' and 'hallows' of Aaron's life cutting deep into the basic Chase facial/social structure...trying to make it his own and hurting himself in the process, physically and psychologically and socially. He makes me feel sad when I look at him (and a little frustrated!). \:\( The last shot was especially sad. \:\( Good job! \:D

flody888Oct 24, 2010

5Hihi! First, 'Vigil' was wonderful except too short! \;\) You're very good at leaving us with wanting more! :P I really loved the exterior Chapel shot. Love the stone and the shape of it! Also, loved the breakfast shot! I was thinking the same as Vasiily (or was it Illandrya) about when they were all going to be eating together again. \:\( Also, couldn't help thinking about The Last Supper! \:eek\:

flody888Oct 22, 2010

I'm with Simon in that I wish I knew what Veronika was thinking! Love the party!!! Everyone has their own style and looks like they're having fun! Love how Fee and V revert to giggling when discussing Simon and the romantic proposal! \:D (ya, we women do that don't we? No matter how smart or independent or liberated we think/believe/know we are! \;\) ) Me like Benji!! \:wub\: And Aaron has such an interesting face too! Loved how you had the song caption the party shots to show atmosphere especially the last shot with Aaron. I feel so badly for him. He's in such a bad place and he doesn't seem to feel like a part of the family or the party. \:\( Really loved the interesting take everyone had when Veronika was introduced to the family too! It's like you said in your commentary how the family is more complicated and layered than that first family portrait you showed us weeks ago! Excellent!!! I love this social/personality complexity! It's just as compelling as plot/action/mystery/suspense! \:cool\:

RatRaceRobOct 21, 2010

Greetings and may your recovery from procrastination go well lol... I myself suffer from "You want it done when...?" and "Grin and ignore it" syndrome... so I do indeed understand.  ((Supernatural Season 5 is out on DVD here, so perhaps you will have it there soon... it's because of that release that I caught up (and I had recorded the new ones to watch after, thus I'm completely caught up), so since you are not I won't spoil it for you.  My fav part about it way back at the beginning was always the characterization and dialogue; now that I'm back into the show, it's still my fav part \;\))) ... Until next we type, take care of yourself and your muse! \:cool\: \:D

RatRaceRobOct 18, 2010

Hello there, Illandrya... I am visiting again to thank you for your kind visit to my guestbook, and to wish you all the best for your upcoming exams! Also, a very long time ago I bashed Supernatural to you, and as I just caught up with the entire series to date, I wanted to recant some of that... I'm rather enjoying the thing now lol... I'd make a few comments in specific as to why I changed my mind, but since I don't know how caught up you are, I'll wait on that \:\). Sooo, there is one other thing, too... something new recently went into My Gallery... it's ah, different than what went in there before, and this isn't exactly a recommendation that you check it out, but... well... it's in there *shakes fur out uncomfortably*. Take care of yourself and I hope you have an absolutely fabulous week! \:D

FlatterOct 17, 2010

Hi Judi, your much appreciated comment on the latest Sparklewood episode gave me something to think about, thank you!! I am always curious how a story is perceived and what the expectations of the readers are. I value your feedback very high \:\)

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