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Illandrya's Guestbook

RatRaceRobOct 17, 2010

Greetings, Illandrya! Long time no guestbook sign from me... just doesn't seem right. I hope you are doing as great as your writing in the last Storm chapter! Also, I am here to thank you hugely for your very kind praise and very intuitive commentary on Flip (3). It seems you need no spoiler to clue you what's going on lol... but here's a wee one anyway: (4: Spiral) gives Danielle her turn at half the script; won't answer everything ((too much material, (5) will have to wrap it up, groan)), but it will start the process of revealing what Jesse calls "the mess that is Danielle Marquis"-- or at least, that is my intent \;\). Thanks so much again, it is always a great pleasure to hear from you \:wub\:

spitzmagicOct 17, 2010

((((Judi))) hi ya...whatz up!!!  LOL thank you so much for your awesome comment on my new spooky tale, won't be too much longer...wishing you a fantastic weekend \:wub\:

martoeleOct 17, 2010

Thank you Judi for taking the time to comment part 4 of my story 'Moon'. You know that I appreciate it very much. \:\)

spladoumOct 17, 2010

Excellent questions ... \;\)

DOTOct 15, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thank you for the nice comment on the  Metal Candle Sets \:\)

flody888Oct 15, 2010

Hi Judi! Know what you mean about learning to make non-default sims. It's interesting! My legacy will totally be filled with default sims though - I wouldn't recognize my little family otherwise! \:D Oh, and sorry I forgot Morgan's name. I pride myself in being familar with all of your stories' characters/places but Simon has a big family! LOL Oh, and re-reading my entry about the auditors. I don't hate the storyline! I just totally sympathized with Veronika's "what the heck are you trying to get at" outrage! Loving every single bit as always!

flody888Oct 14, 2010

Hi Judi! Love Perry and Rob's pics! Yes, Perry is definitely pretty. \;\) Rob is pretty gorgeous too. Love to see the resemblance to Simon! The blue/grey colours are great on Perry and loved the pattern on Simon's shirt. Loved how we learned more about Mattie and Simon's dad's characters just via the telephone conversation! Love the more 'real life' issues you're introducing. HATE the stupid rude auditors. Can't wait to find out what their reasons are. Will enjoy throwing imaginary daggers at his head until then! \:cool\: (Also, curious as towhat is going on!)

dgandyOct 12, 2010

Thank you for commenting on my window.  \:wub\:

flody888Oct 12, 2010

Oh, thank you for letting me know! \:\) Have a super wonderful week!!!

flody888Oct 11, 2010

Holly's baby pic is pretty darn cute too! (Just had to look at the site again!)

flody888Oct 11, 2010

Rain is good for us readers/fans! \:D Hey, can I ask where you got Simon's bowling shirt? I looked forever yesterday and can't find it. \:\( (I did find a whole bunch of other stuff though! \:D)

flody888Oct 10, 2010

Hi Judi!! Thank you for the updates!!! (Gosh, we're spoiled! \:P ) Just have to say that Reosin's portrait is amazing! \:wub\: Love that folded arms stance! Very 'relaxed majestic'! \;\) Both he and Esobel look well for their ages too!... 'Sunset Cuddles' is my fave pic from your Veronika series - the lighting is amazing, plus Charlie and Mel are my second favourite couple in that series!!! (And I totally thought of Simon and Veronika when I saw that rose update!!! \:D)... But my fave is your alphabet legacy! (So many great portrait pics!) Seeing how toddlers age is amazing. Sometimes they look the same all the way through and sometimes they turn out so differently! Calistemon, Ficus, and Gaiac are so adorable (love all the names too!) And LOL@ the situtation for baby I - OMG! \:eek\: And ginormous LOL @ Chloe's 'find the secret to eternal youth' - gosh, she should market and sell that one and I'll be one of the first in line to buy! \:D Thanks bunches and have a glorious weekend/week!!!

YrS92Oct 10, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) Thank you for commenting the chapter 30, I really appreciate it\:wub\: Cherry rushing things? Not at all\:D I guess it's in her genes that she doesn't want to wait, considering both her father and grand-father, let alone her uncles did rush into their relationships\:P Have a great Sunday, hugs, Senja

AngelaOct 9, 2010

Hey! Thank you so much for your comment \:wub\: I hope you'll have a great weekend!!

lilliebouOct 9, 2010

hi! i'm so glad you like my set! i'm glad to know you will use it in your stories =D have a nice day!

ziggy28Oct 9, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Thank you for telling me that you like my Sage pattern enough to using in your blog story \:wub\: How thrilling \:rah\: I hope your story goes well \:D TC Lorraine

Nea-005Oct 8, 2010

Hi ! Thanky you for your lovely comment of my night city poster \:\) Have a great weekend

flody888Oct 8, 2010

P.S. Thank you for creating and sharing!!!! P.S. 2 Love the new banner!!! Can't wait to see why you put Rob and Perry on the end!

flody888Oct 8, 2010

Hi Judi!!! YAYYAYYAY!!! \:D A GREAT chapter! Filled with romance and love (but not sappy), and beautiful screenies and writing! I totally thought Veronika was going to say NO though! I'm always wondering when you're going to slam us readers with a writerly plot twist! (Which are totally fine and necessary but I'm glad it didn't happen at this particular moment! \:D) I'm really loving Veronika's hair and love Simon's bowling shirt style! I'm so happy Veronika and Simon are being carpe diem and I can't wait to see what happens next (even if it's a plot twist!! \:D) And LOL @ Charlie and Simon's backslapping male bonding! \:D Have a lovely weekend!

flody888Oct 5, 2010

Oh, we've (the readers) have been so spoiled with the many, many updates recently!!!! I think that's why my withdrawal symptoms were so strong! \:P Every two weeks or so is usually what I've observed from most series, but whatever works for the writer is what WORKS! \:D Offering weekly updates (including alternating with profiles!) would be awesome!!!! All those little details in sim-story crafting, characters, building, pronunciation, etc. are totally interesting to me. About 'ghost-writing' Deyon: it's amazing that it flows out so easily/creatively for you. But not having written anything myself, it's kind of hard to imagine not recognizing something that I've written! \:D Still, that's a cool writer's insight that I've read about before - where characters take over and write themselves. It's interesting to think about! Have a gorgeous week!

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