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Illandrya's Guestbook

shaml_sim Sep 6, 2010

Hi Judi!! \:D Haha, yes, I feel like I've been away for quite awhile though in truth I have been snatching a few minutes here and there on TSR. I feel like I am so behind on everything here now, as I get very little time to catch up on the new stories, screenies etc. I have just enough time to catch up on writing my story bit by bit (as you are aware, it took me some time to finish the 2nd chater!) and I haven't had a chance to actually play with my sims for longer than I care to remember \:confused\: Even I wondered if anyone would ever hear about Jack again, haha. It's not really my job that is keeping me busy, as I've got the normal business hours - it's just that I've now got to fit everything else around it. And Chris and I have to share the computer in the time we have got spare \:rolleyes: How are you going anyway? We didn't go to the Ekka this year, it's not really my cup of tea either. It's money that could be spent considerably better on other things \;\) Oh, and the weather, I know! Very strange, it just switched as soon as Spring came around. And now all the rain we've had, too. Thanks for your wonderful feedback on the very delayed chapter 2...I'm glad it was worth the wait. I hope I don't make you wait as long for the next chapter but I probably wouldn't expect it too soon, unfortunately. Well, I better be off but I might stop by your blog soon to see if there's any updates \:D

RatRaceRobSep 6, 2010

Hey there again-- I'm down to the last two chapters of Heist -- suberb work, If I could win the damnable lottery and not have to work this post would be saying 'Hellooo, finished!  Where is the next one?!' LOL... kidding, actually, I'm diving into your epic fantasy next so I've got plenty to keep me busy once caught up with Veronika... loving the super spy soap opera, and I say that with great reverence, I was raised on the classic soaps and I hold them in very high regard to this day ((even though I haven't followed a daytime TV drama in many years , I prefer renting the 'R' rated pay channel series' these days, like Dexter, Tudors, Sparticus and True Blood, sooo I guess I've graduated to skin and violence soap operas now LMAO, hope that isn't a little too much info about me for you... \:o )).  Oh, and I know exactly what you mean about a story keeping your head completely occupied until you let it out, that is exactly why I'm about to risk the ire of all the Jules fans by spewing the parental spoiler-- I can't help it, the thing is totally owning me right now and try writing the antics of a super friendly six year old when you've got his father's nervous breakdown on your brain... whoops, you did get that was what happened, didn't you? \:eek\:  I'm shutting up now before I take over your guest book completely, but what I really came here to say is I love your work, and hey, whatever you want to write, I am absolutely going to read it, no warning required!  \:wub\:

flody888Sep 6, 2010

Last shot and sentence were LOL-perfect! \:D I loved the ribbing in the beginning too. But Simon and Veronika make such a cute couple! (shot 4) I can just imagine the cute toddlers they'd make (probably twins!!! \:D)! \:wub\: I'm glad they finally 'succombed' though. \;\) I loved how you actually worked through that awkward stage for them. It kind of reminded me of a romantic comedy. \:\) I really like your Day 01, etc. format too. Oh, and how the Agent Heist story is still unravelling even while they're on vacation. Can't wait to meet the Chase family! Thanks, Judi!!!

spladoumSep 6, 2010

Hi Judi!  Poor Holden, he's a special case *sigh*  But fortunately he does have good friends looking out for him or a tree would have fallen on him YEARS ago. \:D  His new career as a firefighter is working out fairly well and the city of Sunset Valley is in the process of litigating the civil suits concerning those houses he let burn down because the fire engine didn't get there in time.  It'll probably work out in his favor. XD 

flody888Sep 6, 2010

Love the Minyaka name and interior shots! (esp. the red kitchen - I want one! and the lounge room). So glad to see Rob and Parry got on well even without your help! \:D I totally agree with Jennifer's comment that it's just great to see people in love. \:wub\:

RatRaceRobSep 5, 2010

Greetings, Illandrya! Stopping by to let you know that I finally made the time to finish 'Message in the Stones', and 'The Great Agent Heist' is now at the top of my to-read-list... I enjoyed your earlier adventures of Veronika, as it says in the warning on your blog, 'as a bit of fun' (actually a lot of fun \;\) ), however, I must tell you I am totally into the series now for the ongoing depth of the writing and development of the characters-- it just keeps getting better and better, you are doing a truly fantastic job (and of course, the series is still a lot of fun, too \:P ). One day very soon, I will be joining the ranks of all those to be anxiously awaiting your next Veronika chapter! \:wub\:

flody888Sep 5, 2010

P.S. 2 Loved the flashback of little Nikholy and Vasiily! \:\)

flody888Sep 5, 2010

Hi again! Just read the latest chapter for Merindylen! Love the title!!! Great way to describe what's going on/going to happen! And I LOVE how you keep introducing more elements of your world with each chapter! It's like I'm actually adventuring/travelling around in there! Ooooh! I think Nikholy and Lei-Minh Oh make a cute couple! \;\) I totally agree with the other comments that it seemed like Nikholy's interest was peaked. \:D Can't wait to read the next chappies!!! \:D P.S. Ditto for Veronika and Simon! I think the stories can still remain interesting and romantic now that they've opened up to each other. And I bet Simon's family will be a riot! \:D Have a great weekend, Judi!!!

flody888Sep 5, 2010

You're so welcome, of course! \:\) It's sad to see the series end but I'm just so happy for Simon and Veronika. \:wub\: It was a very satisfying and sweet, romantic ending. \:\) Thank you!!!

spladoumSep 4, 2010

Hi Judi!  Thank you for your very sweet comment.  Alas, Gwen and Holden's story must end, and Chapter Six should be on the site soon.  But I'm really glad that you've enjoyed it so far.  Comedy writing is not my strength at all! 

Jennifer_RSep 4, 2010

Hi Judi! Please, feel free to rant all you want. It's best to get it off your chest rather than keep it all tucked away inside. \;\) I see you have posted a new chapter of TMC, well I will just have to pop over and check it out. I forgot to mention the hayfever in my 'spring' post. lol Actually it's not a laughing matter, my sister suffers pretty bad hayfever so I sympahize with you. Glad that you saw the medieval stuff already. I'm attempting to make a start on a sims 3 challenge this wkend. Which I will post on my blog soon. It's just going to be something fun and silly I feel like doing but damn it can be tiresome creating sims sometimes! I've had to create a few for this challenge and let's just say it has been a challenge in it's self. Anyways, oh the EA goddies...I must admit I don't visit the store very often. I actually had some trouble installing RV and redownloading some items - this was after reinstalling my game. I don't think EA make anything easy for us simmers. Goes for other gamers as well. There's a reason why people call them Evil Arts. \:confused\: Well nuff of that....think I might get back to watching Ironman 2 and then I maybe I'll sim for the rest of the night. lol I hope you enjoy the rest of your wkend and your hayfever clears up. \:wub\:

YrS92Sep 4, 2010

Hi Judi, how are you? Thank you so much for commenting the chapter 26 of the Gardener's Dream\:\) I wasn't completely happy with that chapter, I think my writing wasn't as good as it could have been and the chapter itself was quite boring... Sigh.. \:rolleyes: But anyways, now I can move on to the next one, which hopefully will be much better\;\) Have a great weekend, hugs, Senja

Jennifer_RSep 3, 2010

Hi Judi, Happy Friday! Well I have become a real blogaholic lately. Not so much on my blog but commenting on others. lol Anyways I saw some new medieval stuff thought you might like to have a look at, if you haven't already seen it. Here's the link:  Have a great weekend. ~ Jen \:\)

flody888Aug 30, 2010

I'm so happy that Veronika and Simon are together (last picture was AMAZING!!! sigh....\:wub\: ). Just loved how they hugged to get in tune with eachother. So romantic and speaks louder than any words!!! Just a romantic finish! Loved chapter 8's dream sequence though!!! Very dramatic! It totally reminded me of comicbooks sequences where it's all action shots and no dialogue or narration. Very cool!!! And the blog you mentioned was very interesting!!! I read that as well! Excellent job! Thank you SO MUCH!!! For the story, the characters, the happy romantic ending!!!! \:wub\:

spladoumAug 30, 2010

Hi Judi!  Thank you for taking the time to comment on both of my stories and all of the chapters. \:o  I absolutely should have done the same for the Jade Princess, but it drew me in so fast, and well ... I had to split and I forgot to go back and comment.  I'll make sure I comment this evening.  But I do want you to know that I really enjoyed reading the VS series! \:\)

flody888Aug 30, 2010

Hi! Yes, Deyon is pretty cute. I think it's that sexy hair he has - which I just found -- YAY! \:D Actually, I love all of your male characters (Reosin and Simon - still my faves!). They are all different and special in their own way. Even that general dude who argued with Deyon. \:D

YrS92Aug 29, 2010

Hi Judy\:\) Thank you so much for your absolutely lovely comment you left on my Gardener's Dream\:wub\:\:wub\: It truly made my day, although I'm not sure if I deserve such praising\:\) Have a wonderful day, hugs, Senja

YrS92Aug 28, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) How are you, hope you're doing fine\:wub\: Just popped by to thank you for your sweet comment on the latest chapter of the Gardener's Dream, I'm so happy people read it even after that lengthy delay... Hmm... Broccoli and Broad Bean... *wicked smile* Sorry, you'll just have to wait till the next chapter, which will hopefully be out sooner than the chapter 24\:D Have a great day, hugs, Senja

flody888Aug 28, 2010

Thanks for the explanation on the female knights. I noticed you included Deyon on your list so I'm curious to see how his character reveals itself in the story! \:D

catsandbooksAug 27, 2010

Hello there again! Thanks for your encouraging comments on the PlumbBob Quest, I really appreciate them. I've just submitted the last part so give it a look when it comes out. \:\)

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