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ImmeK's Blog

I am finally back (I hope)

I'm sorry I haven't been around for ages. My girls kept bringing home a new cold or stomach bug at least once a week all winter, and since I still haven't got a properly working immune system, I caught each and every one of them, severely limiting my time and energy all winter.

In the middle of December my youngest daughter lost her daycare place just when I was about to start working fulltime again (the lady that looked after her suddenly decided it was too much work for her), so I spent several weeks juggling kids and job and running around trying to find a new place. We finally found one in February and fortunately she really enjoys it there, too.

Then when things finally began to settle down again, my old dinosaur of a computer, who had been failing for over a year already (and hardly let me play my game any more anyway) broke down completely. It wouldn't let me play Sims2 or log onto TSR, so I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth where the sims are concerned.

I did spend quite some time going back to Sims1, and I enjoyed myself hugely, something I didn't think possible (I had last played Sims1 just after I had first installed Sims2 to my computer).

The good news is that I finally got a new computer last week. I'm still in the process of installing software and transfering data, but Sims2 is up and running again, and I'm hoping to have some of my work-in-progress projects finished and uploaded within the next two or three weeks.

First in line is the long-promised add-on sets to Hannah's and Hester's bathrooms with a stand-alone tub, towels, curtains, new tile walls and floors and more. Hester's add-ons will also contain an alternative shower with all-green tiles (instead of the original green and pink one).

After that, I've got an outdoors set and a couple of country nurseries waiting to be finished, as well as a couple of Arizona sofa varieties. I can't give you a timeframe for those yet, but I'm determined to get back into creating enough for regular uploads.

A special thanks to everyone who has signed my guestbook and commented on my items while I was away. Since my Sims time is still rather limited I'll try to use it for creating and uploading right now, which means I probably won't get around to thanking all of you individually, but I really appreciate each and every one of them (and I have read them all).

Hoping to see you again soon, Imme

I'm still around (kind of)

I'm afraid I've not been around much for the last few weeks. Real life has caught up with me heavily with sick kids, a business trip, and a few other things that have effectively eaten up my energy and left almost none for being online or creating stuff for the sims.

Unfortunately, at the moment it doesn't look as if it'll be any better before the end of the year. I was expecting to have an extended vacation-at-home in December since I've still got several weeks of vacation left this year, but my boss just asked me to postpone the larger part of that until sometime next year, so I'll just have enough free time left to get my christmas shopping done, but not much more.

I still have a few sims projects in my pipeline that are close to completion, among them a set of add-ons to Hannah's and Hester's bathrooms and a light blue version of Lilian's Garden (with pink detail) that will also mix-and-match with the red version, but right now I have no idea when I'll find the energy to finish those. If you're interested in them, feel free to stop by my page every now and then.

A special thanks to the many people who have commented on my stuff or signed my guestbook. I'm sorry I haven't even gotten around to replying to comments for a while, but I'll try to catch up with them sometime soon. Your comments really are appreciated!


A new month, a new poll

I decided to do some housecleaning on my minisite today and have used this oportunity to close the poll that has been running for 6 weeks. Thank you to the amazing number of 226 people who participated! I really appreciate that you took the time to work your way through the lengthy poll!

For those who are interested in it, here are the results of the poll:

Which kinds of objects do you normally put in your family rooms?
Sofa and Lounge Chair92.92%
Desk and Deskchair57.52%

Which kinds of objects do you normally put in your bedrooms?
Dresser or Wardrobe89.82%
Loungechair or Sofa35.4%
Desk (and Deskchair)34.07%

Which kinds of objects do you normally put in your kitchens?
Wastebin or Trashcompactor88.5%
Dining Table and Chairs73.89%
Coffee or Espresso Machine50.88%
Counter Islands and Barstools42.48%

Which kinds of objects do you normally put in your bathrooms?
Table or Counter41.59%
Chair or Sofa6.19%

Which kinds of objects do you normally put in your nurseries?
Toddler Toys85.84%

Do you regularly use decorative objects (statues, paintings, rugs)?

My new poll is mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. My minisite has seen a huge increase of visitors lately, and I was wondering how you all find your way here. Thanks in advance to all that participate!

Have a nice day, Imme

Funky Pink expanded

On Sep 4, 2007, I have added a matching armoire to the Funky Pink Bedroom. If you have Simaddict99's Atomic Age Add-ons in your game you can now design a complete Funky Pink child and teen bedroom, with single bed, desk, bookcase, and more.

Here is TSR Challenge Sim Vera Looney enjoying her new Funky Pink teen room:

If you have downloaded the Funky Pink Bedroom before September 4, you can download the armoire here. If you have downloaded the set after that date, then the armoire is already included.

Have a nice day, Imme

Out with the old, in with the new!

I've taken down the old poll about colours used for decorating after 5 weeks. Many thanks to the 159 people who participated!

Here is the final result (for those who are interested):

What colours do you mostly use when decorating your sims houses?

The new poll is a bit longish, but I'm hoping that people will participate anyway. It's a question about what kinds of objects you mostly use when decorating certain rooms of your houses. Some are obvious (who doesn't have a bed in the bedroom? *lol*), but some depend on personal preferences (for example, I use either showers or combos in my bathrooms and almost never use a stand-alone tub).

If I've missed any kinds of objects that you regularly use in your houses, please tell me about it either by commenting on this Blog entry or in my guestbook.

Have a nice day, Imme

Back to work

As of Thursday last week, I am officially back to work. My doctor declared me well enough to work again after more than 8 months on sick leave.

For now I only work part-time and at home, and I found that since the baby is old enough to go to bed at regular hours now, I actually get to play the sims or create a little most nights, so you should still be seing new stuff from me two or three times a month in the future.

Actually I already have one new set ready for submission, but since that is part of a larger event you will have to wait until next week to see what it is ;) .

I also have several half-finished projects lying around but haven't decided which one to finish first. There is some bathroom stuff, an interesting-looking bedroom that unfortunately has tired me with some not-so-nice texture mapping for now (Maxis objects often aren't the most recolour-friendly), a couple of living rooms, and I am still toying with an idea for a kitchen I have had for a while.

Also I was very surprised on all the nice feedback I got for the Summer Garden Livingroom. I had started that set back when I finished the Safari Lounge and had put it on the shelf several times because it just didn't feel as "perfect" as I would liked to have it, so I finally pushed it out, not expecting people to take much notice of it. I guess I was dead wrong there ;) .

Have a nice day everybody, Imme

P.S.: Being "fit enough for work" didn't last all that long after all, I've been put back on sick leave yesterday, but only until the weekend and only because a regular bronchitis that my daughter gave to me. I'm afraid my immune system still isn't working very well, but that was only to be expected.

I'm back

Hi all,

I just got back from three lovely weeks on the seashore. Things went pretty well considering I went alone with a 4-year-old who likes to have at least one extended public tantrum a day and a 1-year-old who decided to have a total of 5 new teeth (three molar, two cuspid) in the last week alone *lol*.

I guess I'll need a few days to settle back in at home, tackle unpacking (and doing laundry *sigh*), and get some sleep, but I've already got quite a few ideas for new Sims stuff I'd like to make, and I'm really looking forward to that. Hopefully I'll find the time for it soon.

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on my stuff and blog and who signed my guestbook. I'll try to get back to all of you but it may take a while. When I logged in today I found the amazing total of 288 new comments on my creations alone, which really amazed me. Until now I don't think I ever found more than 10 or so at once ;-).

Oh well, I'm off to bed. Have a nice day everybody!

Out of Town

Today my daughters and I will go on a trip to the sea shore for three weeks. I am really looking forward to the time, hopefully I will get the chance to rest and relax. The only drawback is that I will have to survive the three weeks without a computer, which means that I will not be able to log onto TSR or create any sims stuff either.

See you in three weeks, Imme


Hi all,

I seem to finally have my minisite roughly set up the way I want it. I'm still not too fond of the banner, but I'll leave it for now until I come up with something better ;). Many thanks to MoMama for answering all my stupid questions about minisites!

Thanks a lot to all the people who have visited and commented on my new minisite. I really appreciate it :) !

As you can see from my recent releases, I've been playing around with the Arizona meshes by shtinky00 a lot lately. I've especially enjoyed making the Tulip Garden livingroom and safari lounge on those meshes.

I do have a lot more ideas for those meshes that look like they'll be fun to make, but while testing I realized that I already have 80+ recolours of each mesh in my game, and I'm wondering if other people are the same and if they are still interested in more.

I've set up a poll on that question and would like to hear your view on the "Arizona question" :).


Welcome :)

Hi there, and welcome to my brand new minisite. I just bought it and now need to find out how to configure it ... if you find anything not working correctly, please don't hesitate to send me a pm so I can fix it!

Have fun, Imme

Latest Headlines

I am finally back (I hope) I'm still around (kind of) A new month, a new poll Funky Pink expanded Out with the old, in with the new! Back to work I'm back Out of Town Arizonamania Welcome :)
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