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Created for: The Sims 4
Hey there!
this posepack is for best friends, and it can also be used as couple poses, you can use as you like :)
how to use:
1. download the package and place in your mods folder
2. open the sims 4
3. place 2 sim teleporters from build and buy in the same spot
4. teleport the sims you want to pose, then click on the sim and select "pose from pack"
5. look for my pose pack, and choose the pose you want and A is the sim on the left, and B is the sim on the right
thats it!
please credit me if you use these poses, and please comment too.. i love reading comments alot :)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1399427
ItemID: 1399427
Revision: 2
Filesize: 87 KB
you will need the andrew's pose player here:
and the sim teleporter:
Credits: all the wonderfull cc makers, inspiration from google images
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