Jezabel Wrote

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Jezabel_Wrote's Blog


A lot of people knows I'll runaway from Spain as soon as I can, but that doesn't mean I cannot see its beauty.


Beauty, isn't it?

I'm crazy

I've gone absolutely crazy. No kidding this time. Wednesday, 14 I will have my German Certification Exams, then Tuesday 15 I have a maths exams and... guess what? Yeah, i've just decided to do the English Level exams -which are the same day.

Wish me good luck ^^


The more I listen to it, the more I like it:

(She's hot like California...)

Some people...

... are idiot. There's no other explication.

Ok, ok, this is 'coz the last time I was foolin' around tuenti - the spanish facebook its name comes from the deformation of twenty because the social net was starded by university students, I saw lucers instead of losers and WTF girl, if you don't know how to use another language nor how to use it colloquially... Well, then don't fuckin use it.

I love to say gonna instead of going to but, well...


Yeah, we nearly sold all tickets for the concert and then we proffesional grade (ya know, lasts years of conservatory ) did our best singing Notre Pere (Maurice Durufle) and All Alone (Popular Chinese) which are both bloody difficult to sing. Oh, and with the orchest and all the chorus we sang Ameno and the Suite Galiciana (Lela and Para Vigo me voy). There was more, but we were on the dressing rooms so no idea about it jajaja


I'm seventeen! Yi-ha.

It would be better of course -i could have less exams right now, for example xD,  but I'm enjoying the jokes with my mates and it's a year less to say fuck you to a big part of the familie -nevermind, idiots will be idiots everytime. Also I've had a concert just yesterday, it was my first time alone in the stage so yeah, I had some -tecnic!- fails but... what the hell?! It was the first time, we had a week to prepare it and I'd do it again. Well, I'll do it again if I don't give up singing. Btw, we were doing it because of the Letras Galegas day here in Galicia so it was all music from here -folklore but not only. Look for Lela in youtube and give it a try if you want to know something about our music -Astarot version, please ^^


Well, in just seven days is my birthday and I'll be seventeen so one year less to get my driving licence -yay! Also I'm going to start the English Intermediate Exams next year, instead of ending my A Levels before.

Alien -WIP

Hiya guys, come an' see my newest Sim WIP

Yep-yep, he's an alien inspired in Cameron's navi, and some kind of faeries. He don't have any name nor hystory yet but he'll we when I update him. I'm triying to keep him off of CC even If I usually use lots and lots of it and I think I will succes.

So, I am definefely going to submit here this sim but until then... what do you think 'bout him?

Happy New Year

I'm just posting to wish you a Happy New Year. I'll be back Sunday afternoon and maybe with a TS3 house if the computer stops shuting down randomly when playing sims 3... Agh! Wish you a good night ^^


Hi all! I've just finished a set of paintings for The Sims 3 that you can get on Simcontrol ^^. Go to Otras Creaciones>Mobiliario/Furniture and loof for Cocktails Collection I and II (I'm Chess there).

I have also submited there two houses: Antique House and Neo-fantastic House which can both be found under the Casas/Houses section, also in Otras Creaciones.

Hope you like them ^^.

Latest Headlines

Galicia I'm crazy Hot Some people... Success! Concert Random Alien -WIP Happy New Year Simcontrol
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