Hair Meshing! :)
It's easier than I thought it was going to be, yet it is still VERY time consuming. I've only been officially meshing for 2 days. I mean, I just learned how to make planes on Milkshape this afternoon. I went straight into making some Sims 3 hair mesh practices that all in all turned out quite well. I wouldn't say I'm as good as NewSea or Cazy or Ulker or any of the other famous hair meshers, though. I still need to make a signiature hair texture as well...
Who knows. At the rate I'm learning, maybe we'll have a few new free hair meshes here on TSR by the weekend! :D
I think I'll make a "Complete Idiot's guide to Sims 3 hair meshing: for those who've never meshed a thing in their lives".
To anyone reading who would actually like a tutorial video like that, lemme know, because I'll do it.
Peace. =^.^=