I had a great birthday! It was awesome! No one but LaurieR was TRULY evil, and her EVIL wasn't even that bad! She sent me 40 e-cards to my work email (which was pretty funny and the hag sent some sappy ones that made me cry at work!) We had to wait for payday to really do anything for my birthday, which was okay. Mike took me, Heidibear and her mom out to Macaroni Grill (my favorite), and I got my awesome computer suitcase I wanted! I got a couple of movies, and got to go up to my moms house. My big brother and his wife came down and my mom fixed cornbeef and cabbage (YUM!). At dinner the other night, Mike and Bear teased me and egged on the waitress to tease me. It was fun. My rear end has survived the no spankings though!! YEAH and PTTTTHHH to those of you that wish EVIL on my butt! You know who you are!!
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