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MartyPAug 19, 2014

Here's the shirt my model wear on my seductive poses set: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-clothing-female/title/crochet-detail-top-shorts-%28teen%29--set114/id/1223606/

AlessaFayeAug 10, 2014

That seems way harder! To take the pictures then write? Don't know how you do it. Oh wow, you have to translate everything? That really does seem exhausting. I think I'm too lazy to have bothered honestly lol. Haha that's a good theory. I wouldn't ever unleash all this evil that I do on my poor sims, but...boredom does strange things to my brain. I am a really hands off god to my sims. I just let them screw up their own lifes lol. Prison challenge is this: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/472351.page It's pretty evil and fun. I have a love/hate relationship with decorating. Right now, my husband and I are finally working on building our house, (we're in an apartment right now) and its stressful in a fun kind of way using the sims to decide how we want everything to go. lol no my husband is not a male witch. Sorry, I kinda forgot what we had been talking about that led you that conclusion haha. Okay thanks, I was wondering how that brand was. I have a lot of trouble with nail polish too. I've bought expensive ones too but nothing seems to stay on. I usually just don't bother with them. Like I said, hope that eyeliner works for you too. Don't hate me if it doesn't lol. I was working in a nursing home, but I quit because it was too stressful. You get attached to the residents there, only to find out that they passed away during the night, or hours after you talked to them. So, I'm just chilling at home with my a.s.s.h.o.l.e. of a cat and my really weird dog. Ugh, customer service is the worst. I used to work in a children's clothing stores and it was so annoying dealing with the kids running around knocking over things, and their mothers who think their special little snowflakes would never knock over the displays. I'm getting mad just thinking about it lol that sounds hilarious. I can't believe you got asked that. I got asked for help one time from a guy who was buying clothes for his niece that he hadn't seen in years and he had no idea how old she was. How in the F was I supposed to guess her size? Dumb people are dumb. Yup, seems like sharing chores is logical but you'd be surprised how many of our guests are baffled by this system. "So you just take turns?" Yes, we take turns.

deluxepinkfairyAug 9, 2014

Yeah I looked up how to do the poses and videos on it, I just don't have a strong enough computer I use my sisters laptop to play sims and I cant download a lot because it keeps messing up. So I just kind of cope with what I have, hopefully I can get a job next summer and save up! Haha thats funny I have to do that too when it comes to writing things for English at school because then I feel stupid if I mess up on my sentence. Thats good I wish I ha 2 more weeks until school im not too happy about it because school just stresses me out.

chemyAug 2, 2014

Hi Sarah! I just want to thank you for the fantastic compliment on Cullen House...you really made my day!! \:D Have a good one!! ((hugs))

ekinegeJul 31, 2014

Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for your leaving such nice comment on the "Lace Textured Dress".\:wub\: Have a great day.\:wub\:

AlessaFayeJul 28, 2014

You're welcome! Yeah, I've talked to other writers here and some have said the same problems too, so I guess we all have trouble once in a while. Wow, you take the screenshots before you have the chapter written? How the heck do you do that? I have to have written, and then take the screenshots that most fit whatever I just wrote. Well I'm naturally tan, so don't know the problems of pale skin lol. I've heard from friends that it's painful though just getting red? lol I've seen videos too of 1000 ways for sims to die. Not that there's so many ways, but you know what I mean. Ha I've had an old person once who just wouldn't die of old age. He was really old too, but I just wanted him to go already. it happened eventually, but it took too long. I had a sim waiting to be moved in lol that sounds hilariously evil. Oh, what we do to the poor sims. Theres a prison challenge that I've been meaning to do (have you heard of it?) but I never get to do it because I usually forget or get so caught up in decorating ha. I have no idea if he did get pregnant. It happens in the sims 3 too where male sims get pregnant, but I was too weirded out to see Shade pregnant and just closed the game lol. Ah, that weather sounds nice. It's never less than 90 degrees here during the day, and some nights too. Except when my husband washes the car, for some reason it always rain. Every time without fail, it'll happen. I jokingly tell him to do the rain dance (which is code for go wash the car) and as soon as he's done not an hour passes when it rains. It's annoyingly hilarious. Cool, we have the same brands too. Hows Essence? It's hard to find here but I've heard good stuff about it for being cheap prices? Yeah, I don't really use the kajal eyeliner unless I'm going for a smokey eye because it'll get everywhere. I think it's called Rimmel Scandaleyes gel eyeliner. Like I said, it stays on all day in my hellish Texas weather. They have some waterproof kajal eyeliners too if you don't like the gel one. Haven't tried those but I've heard they're good. Hey, I have a nurse assistant license too. Crazy coincidence lol. Haven't had panic attacks, but I am avoiding places with tons of water so I guess that's helping? That's great for you though, he'll be the one cleaning lol. I'm the clean freak compared to my husband, but we share chores so it works out. If he cooks, I clean. If I cook (which is mostly never ha) he cleans. This way we don't take advantage of the other lol \:\)

LavoieriJul 28, 2014

hello Sarah, thank you so much for the message in my shoes. Glad you like it, have a good week \:\)

deluxepinkfairyJul 26, 2014

Maybe I also would like to take screenshots but I dont know about the whole downloading poses thing. I always used to think english was so easy but our language is hard because we will have like 4 different words for the same word like theyre their and there its kinda silly. I hope so too! I check everyday to see if anyone posted a new chapter! I hope your vacation was fun and relaxing!\:\)

xLyennerdJul 24, 2014

I hope you had a good vacation! The intro really seems interesting. And you're welcome! \:wub\:

deluxepinkfairyJul 24, 2014

No problem\:\) Well actually Drop Dead Diva is a show its really good my sister is obsessed with it I wish I was that smart to come up with an idea of a story like that im not that good at writing I have a speech problem and when I write I get all mixed up and it doesn't sound right haha or atleast that's what I think but I always have great ideas for stories but I could never write them. I will have to read your next chapter im sure it will be good\:\) I pretty much like all of the stories on TSR they are so good I enjoy reading other peoples stories on here than reading a book truth be told haha.

AlessaFayeJul 23, 2014

You're welcome, it really was a great start. Don't worry, I have no idea what I'm going to write most of the time either, so we'll just have to go with the flow ha. lol congratulations on your tan? I don't envy the sunburn part and the itchiness when you start to peel \:\) Lol wow we really do have fun messing around with our sims lifes. I tried the comet thing, and it hasn't happened yet either. Though my Shade sim from my story got abducted by aliens lol. Yup, really want to wait on having kids so I can go on trips and stuff ha. Omg I wish the weather here would be like your weather. We have humid weather too. The air is hot, everything feels sticky lol. Yeah, I had trouble with eyeliner staying put, but I don't know if you have the brand Rimmel there, but the waterproof gel eyeliner stays on forever! For me at least, so sorry if it doesn't work on you lol. Panic attacks are the worst, and I'm glad your mom is doing much better. That's sweet of you helping your mom out. I wish I had had someone handing me a chocolate bar \:\) Glad to hear things are going well, I bet you're excited to move in with him already. Its tough at first getting used to each others' ways of doing things, but I would not replace my husband even though it annoys me SO MUCH that he won't put the cap back on the toothpaste, and he leaves his shoes everywhere lol Yeah, I pretty much have a weird expression on my face too lol \:D

MarijaJJul 22, 2014

You're welcome \:\) That's okay, I know how much time it needs for only one chapter \:\) I'll stick to the story and I'm sure I will like them. \:D \:wub\:

NisukiJul 21, 2014

Oh goodness haha. Oh well, random idea pop ups for the win! =D Man, one chapter stories sound interesting though.. I would be posting more frequently.. but I'm not sure how that will end up with the longer ones xD Aw, just take your time and have fun with your boyfriend *wink* 8D Sarah, the secret poet. o__o !! Ugh! I don't really mind warm weather, but.. if it's all muggy, humid.. Just no.. Ouch, sunburns look so painful! I only get it if I forgot to put on sunprotection on my cheecks xD... yes, the only part of me that gets a sunburn really quick are my cheecks. I look like a ridiculously blushing lobster if they get sunburnt.. lol. Haha! That's nice that you've go a tan. Well... let me not tell you.. that I live at the beach xD .... lol :x Just 5 minutes walking and I can dive in. The water is pretty nice since it's the cold north sea haha.

Bby-LJul 21, 2014

Umn..I think amnesia is s2702913 story.. \:P LOL..You can do it! \:\) Beach?! I love the beach! XD I already 5 years didn't go there..oh my..\:confused\: Works in the edge of country and the beach is soooo faaaaarr from here..it tooks 5-6 hours \:confused\: Okaay~ have a nice day! \:wub\:

NisukiJul 16, 2014

Hehe ^o^ I'm glad to hear that~ I'm doing just as fine hehe. LOL, goodjob, that's what happens to me too, every once in a while xD I get a sudden idea, even when I'm shopping or working, and just scribble a quick draft in my phone lol. There are so many notes/chapters unused in my phone... o_o; Some are really weird though.. lol, lets not get into the details xd I'm looking forward to see more of her story! Huray for your boyfriend. We should all bring him a thank you gift hhaahaha, would be kinda strange lol. LOL.. the last sentences rhyme. "Bad/Said" .. Ye, Suki, that's what you're looking at.. xD The weather is the same as hear, but it's going to hit higher temperatures later this week. Oh joy... :\

AlessaFayeJul 15, 2014

Aww that's so sweet of you thinking of the toddlers wanting to sleep in the parents room. I see that a lot where some of my friends have to drag the cribs to and from their rooms lol. Haha omg I do the same thing with creating families with teens, and one of them just ruins the relationships for all of them. Lol I think we're all little evil when it comes to the sims. I spend a lot of time removing ladders from pools. Ugh, really need to start saving up for Rome then ha. Especially before any kids come, there's no way I want to be struggling with kids if we ever do decide, and if we can afford to go overseas ha. Yup, it's really hot here. It's noon and it's about 90 degrees, which is probably the coldest it could be for this time of day. I have mastered the perfect heat-proof makeup so that's good lol. Yeah, my husband was with me in the car wash. He was driving, but it wasn't like we could just get out, so I had to wait those 5-10 mins. I feel so bad for your mom, that's terrible. I've only gotten that panic attack once, and it was the worst experience. I can't imagine going through what she went through. Hope she's been better. How's life with the boyfriend by the way? Don't remember if you said you had moved in already, or were moving in? sorry, got a lot on my mind. \:\)

NisukiJul 14, 2014

Hello you! Woa, it's been ages..! How have you been? I just notcied your story, I didn't expect that at all lool xD and here you are! \:wub\: I hope you've been doing well and have fun on your vacation!

AlessaFayeJul 10, 2014

Lol hopefully that never happens again...Oh, sounds like you're building it the hard way then lol. How do you even decide what kind of theme you're going for? Aww you make sims for each other? I usually have my w.h.o.r.e. of a sim with everyone in town then I make her or him settle down with a sim I made for them. But I get bored too easily so I usually start with another family before the kids come lol. I don't really like playing with elder sims either. They have more to do with the Generations EP but I'll just have them and kick them out, maybe have my sim visit every once in a while because I feel bad ha. Ugh, baby sitters are the worst! I watch them like a hawk and get so angry when they don't leave the sleeping baby alone. I've never had them taken away though..Thanks! I really hope we get to go too. Some friends have decided to tag along, so I can't wait! Should be really fun. Nope, flight and hotels are definitely not cheap. we plan on going by car since it's like a day's drive from here if we don't stop at all. We're making it a little road trip and a friend has a cabin thing over there that he's letting us stay in, so we'll save on the hotel. More money to waste on Harry potter stuff lol...are you kidding me? Rome?! I've always wanted to go there! So jealous you've gone! \:\( lol tan skin=fun vacation? Nope, I never go into the water except for really quick showers ha. Don't know if you guys have those car washes where you drive up into this machine thing that automatically washes them? Well, I got a panic attack the last time I went in one. Yeah, it sucks but I've tried getting in pools, and it's just a bad time...Lol yeah aging is not fun. I swear I can see wrinkles already O.o Haha the US is out? So that's what people were complaining about here... \:\)

AlessaFayeJul 9, 2014

Yeah they can! I found out the hard way when I felt a sting in my arm while at a friends get together and I jumped up and saw a cockroach just fly away from me. Then my hopes and dreams were shattered when I was told they could fly \:\( I usually build a lot (or decorate since I don't build lol) with a certain household in mind. That way I know what look I'm going for. Usually I just play with single sims though, and have them w.h.o.r.e. up the town lol. Or I'll play with a parent, and teen daughter. Yup those game crashes are pain in the you know what. I played the sims 2 only on the ps2 I think so I wouldn't know about the crashes in that game...So jealous that you're going on vacation. The husband and I have a trip planned to Disneyworld and The Wizarding world of Harry potter in florida, but we still don't know yet if we'll go. We're planning to go for the Halloween horror nights where they decorate everything Halloween style with a theme. Last year was The Walking Dead, I heard there was Silent Hill once. Don't know what it'll be this year. Anyway, that island looks amazing! (had to google it) Too bad I'm terrified of water, hope you have fun! Time goes by way to fast. I have trouble remembering how old I am, and sometimes still say 20 or 21 ha. Yup, love the Meena sim...wow that is pretty impressive. I don't even know where the US is at in the games. Everyone here gets excited for it, we go to this huge park like a festival thing with food music while the game is on the big screen but there's like cops everywhere because people get mad if we lose lol.

AlessaFayeJul 8, 2014

lol my husband is the same way with spiders too. That's me with cockroaches. ugh, don't get me started. I just found out they could bite, and FLY. FLY! Yeah it really does take a lot of time building. I have to have everything matchy matchy so yeahhh. Then the game crashes randomly so I have to make sure I save every once in a while. It's so annoying. Ooo vacation. Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking? Thank you! She is the Evie and Aiden's sims child. She was born in game, I just tweaked some parts of her lol. Are those games still on? I don't really watch sports, can you tell? \:\)

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