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Katherine1091's Guestbook

AlessaFayeJul 7, 2014

hey thanks for still reading! The Wicked Enslave wasn't really my favorite to write, as Meena was still little, but hopefully you'll like The Wicked Entice waay more. As for the shadow man...he has still not been revealed as of now, but I'm pretty close to it now! \:\)

AlessaFayeJul 7, 2014

Really? I love spiders. Anything creepy crawly lol. I'd love to see your lot soon! It does take too much time doesn't it? I like making sure it looks very "lived in" for my sims. \:\)

MarijaJJul 6, 2014

Oh, it's not PG 13? I see what you did there hehe \:cool\: Awesome, I can't wait to download it \:\)

MarijaJJul 3, 2014

Awwww, thank you! \:\) I'm still waiting for that story of yours hihi \:wub\:

MarijaJJul 2, 2014

Saraaaaah, I really missed you! \:\) Thank you so much for the comment dear, have a wonderful week! \:wub\:

AlessaFayeJul 2, 2014

Oh, I see what you were talking about! I guess they do have a file limit. I think it should be in the guidelines when you're going to upload. I don't know, better ask someone that has done this before. I wouldn't even know where to start O.o

AlessaFayeJul 2, 2014

Lol it's safer on the floor, but I'm not going to do that ha. Oh basements sound creepy. I watch too many scary movies. Good thing they're not too common here in Texas. You should rebuild your home! I used to the same when I was first starting to play the sims. It was easier if I just copied my apartment lol. Now I'm too lazy to start from scratch, so I download lots instead. \:\)

AlessaFayeJul 1, 2014

I really do love my bed lol. Looks like you'll have to buy a bigger bed than when you move in with your boyfriend. Though I think it sounds adorable sleeping in a twin bed. I wouldn't do that though, because I have a tendency to roll around in bed, and I'd so fall on my a**. That's funny, I always see the laundry room besides the kitchen in movies, but here, it's usually by the garage. Or at least it is in the houses I've been to. Haha yeah, I think the same about the modern houses. "where are my sims toothbrushes? where's the makeup?" Really? I've downloaded a lot of lots from here that are PACKED with cc. Maybe you can ask one of them for help? \:\)

AlessaFayeJun 28, 2014

Yup, king sized bed here lol. Like I said, you do whatever is best for you. If he makes you happy, then go for it! Congratulations? Good luck? I don't know the formalities when someone's moving in with someone lol. Maybe google pictures? That's what I tend to do when I can't figure out what to put in a certain room, and have it go with the theme I'm going for. Definately love the realistic feel to sims homes. I love having makeup and brushes and random items spread throughout the house. As you said, it's more real that way. Now I'm getting excited to see what you've come up with! Haha I guess we're both cheaters with our simoleons.

AlessaFayeJun 27, 2014

Yup, I love not having to share a bed lol. Moving in with someone is a BIG step so as long as you're sure you really want to, then go for it! Just do what's best for you! Lol less work hours and more free time will be awesome! Sounds like you're making a huge house! Don't worry about the kitchen, sometimes I'd rather have a huge lot but have it be clutter free. Have you seen Peskimus lots here? They're amazing, and kinda what I mean about big but empty? The price doesn't really matter to me lol. I usually just use cheat codes and have my sims be filthy rich. There's more time to have them uh..repopulate the whole town! \:\)

AlessaFayeJun 27, 2014

Yup, his job has him leaving most of the time for a few days. Usually just one or two, but sometimes it'll be for as long as a week. It's okay though, I get to hog the covers lol. It's fine, you can read them if you get a chance to. There really isn't enough time in the day huh? Netflix doesn't give me much time for anything nowadays ha. sorry to hear that you had to start all over. I accidently deleted the cache files once, and had to redownload everything. It was a dark time for me. You should still publish it, sometimes I wish there were more houses without any cc. I'm sure others will appreciate it too. I don't know how that got approved. I've had people ask me, and I don't know if they just didn't read it carefully or what lol. Alcohol is bad, but I guess those naughty scenes not so much? \:\)

AlessaFayeJun 26, 2014

Aww \:\( Yeah, the weekend is way too short. My husband left out of town for work and he's going to be gone all week, so I feel your pain on being men-less for a while lol. that story sounds interesting, I really hope you'll get to writing it down eventually. It kind of sounds like my new story where my main character starts losing those closest to her. It's more sci-fi though... Will u be using the sims 2 then? I went straight to sims 3 never played the earlier versions...Yup alcohol is a bad word. I don't get it, but those are the rules.\:\(

AlessaFayeJun 19, 2014

Yeah, you have to be really careful about any death scenes here. There's no killing or even the mention of alcohol. I had a mod message me about my rejected chapter that I had to use the word nectar instead of alcohol. They said they knew it was lame, but those were the rules lol. I was thinking of starting a blog and doing the "unrestricted" version of it on it, and just link the page, but that's too much work. It's not not allowed. I've seen people linking their blogs on their profiles, so maybe you could do that?

AlessaFayeJun 19, 2014

lol im more careful with the laptops now \:\) it is very annoying being stuck in what to write next but hopefully that won't happen to you when you do decide to submit your stories. there are a lot of restrictions here though, just a heads up! \:D

altea127Jun 19, 2014

Hi\:\) thank you so much for your comment\:wub\:

AlessaFayeJun 18, 2014

Well, at least he lets you have it for a really long time, that's sweet of him. I've broken two of my husbands laptops already, so be careful with his lol. Thanks! I've been in a bit of a rut with this next chapter for The Wicked Entice, and it's so annoying not knowing what to write, but I'm trying. Still looking forward to you to submit your stories! \:\)

AlessaFayeJun 17, 2014

Hi! You just disappeared on us lol. Glad to hear you've been well, sorry about your computer, but thank god for your boyfriend's ha. I've been good, thanks for asking. Hopefully you still like the stories? \:\) Hope to hear from you soon!

AlessaFayeDec 28, 2013

Hello Sarah! Just dropping by to wish you and your loved ones many blessings and much happiness in the upcoming year! Hope you've been well, haven't seen much of you around the site anymore! \:wub\:

EsyraMNov 1, 2013

Hello,thank you for wonderful comment \:\), have a Happy Halloween ,Hugs\:wub\:

moonlightgirl13Oct 25, 2013


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