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Katherine1091's Guestbook

NisukiOct 5, 2013

Heey sweetie! Sorry for the late reply >w< . Last days were hectic again. I'm dying to write my next story. So I already finished Sudden End's last chapters.. But the approving is slow.. 2 days have passed, and still not accepted or rejected. xD Guess the ones who are checking are busy. D: Anywaays, that's almost like how my day is Hahaha \:D. Indeed, I use these tutorials always too. Indeed that's real sibling love! I've a brother LOL. So I reallyy understand what you mean XD I feel exactly like that about him, what you just mentioned about yours hahaha \:D HAHAHA SARAH! Actually .. If you take my pc away.. yea.. Let's not talk about that *giggle* Aw, poor teacher, but glad that you have another great one. \:D YES I KNOW CROCS. Ooooh. I ALWAYS wore them when I went to the swimmingpool, some years ago LOL. \:wub\: Food is always good! Good Granny ^o^ Drama without Drama, SOUNDS AMAZING RIGHT? Hahaha. Non drama drama. You phrased it perfectly! \:D Don't worry.. I NEVER did Javelin-throwing before either! I WAS HORRIBLE. I just hit the 15 meter and then one of my friends, a boy throws. He hits the 30 meter. How the sims... I don't even want to know. XD Badminton is fun yes! I'm horrible at Volleyball hahaha e.e Fun moments at school, trying to remember... It was in PE. Well yea, the usual.. It's JUST... When you see someone falling, most likely a friend, you just HAVE to laugh for a moment X__X so yea, that happened hahaha. and at school, the teachers.. Some of my teachers are unbelievable, but fun. xD One randomly had glasses with lights on, another teacher almost fell... I DON'T KNOW HOW, but he did and he let out a little yell, which just sounded hilarious! I feel sorry for that teacher, but luckily he could laugh too xD And yea, another one, we were working on iPads. Yup, we are the first one in the school who are allowed to use them! \:D And yea.. We actually had to start an assignment.. But we all ended up taking pictures and edited them.. And editing pictures is fun. *NODS* OK. I'll put a dot here. XD I hope you had an awesome week and hopefully you're enjoying your weekend ^o^ HugeHugs from Nisuki.

MarijaJOct 5, 2013

Oh don't worry :* ♥

MarijaJOct 5, 2013

It's even more beautiful in real life. ^.^ You should come in Serbia haha \:D That's really bad, like I've mentioned in mail. \:\( MONEY, MONEY, MONEY xD I won't repeat, you have the answers in mail. \:D And yeah, I'm no longer sick. \:D Hooray \:D No school hahaha, I'm working on story today and tomorrow. :3 Now it's 13:10 and 11�C, it's sunny, so I think today will be okay. \:D Huggies ♥

Bby-LOct 5, 2013

Hi, Sarah..Thanks!! \:wub\: About the upcoming story..I have some random idea and I'll put them on one XD I'll write the intro today.. Tell me what you think, OK? ^^ Happy Simming! \:wub\:

JuzuOct 5, 2013

Haha, Take your time. ^^ Oh, I have a job today so, I won't be able to do the next chapter, sadly \:\( Oh, but I already have the next 3 chapters ready, just some screenshots to fill in. Well, we have to wait for approval, of course. xD I'm so excited to read your story! Have a happy day! \:\)

AlessaFayeOct 5, 2013

Yeah sometimes I use inappropriate language and since this is a PG 13 site, my chapters get rejected lol, so I have to change them a bit.

JuzuOct 4, 2013

Aww, I'm glad you're okay now. It's annoying to have a cold. haha! It's okay, I'll be waiting for your story, ^^ Have a healthy day!

MarijaJOct 3, 2013

Hi honey ♥ Yeah, I love that. We went three days to Zlatibor, the mountain in Serbia. \:D Oh really? You were so closeeee! arghhh and yes I do know the Plitvička Jezera (Lakes). \:D I'm glad you're doing fine. \:\) Aw shuuu, hour and a half longer? That's bad. >.< Oh well, it's good that your coworkers and boss is nice. \:D You don't have to, if his sister doesn't like her, you don't need to either. \;\) Thank you, I'm better already, still have sniffles but my throat is better now. :3 I know, I hate that, I cannot even breathe properly. \:wacko\: 19:45 and 9�C D: BRRRR colddddd. I WISH THAT TOO. \:\( Oh well, have a great Friday honey. ♥ Much kisses and huggies. :*

AlessaFayeOct 3, 2013

Thanks Sarah! I'm working on the next chapter already! Hopefully it won't get rejected \:D

NisukiSep 30, 2013

Next message! \:wub\: Oh my.. I'm glad to hear that you're doing good now ^^ And I know how you feel :c . For me, school and work are devouring my free time *sigh* !~ Gimp TOTALLY confuses me hahaha \:D So you're doing it better than me. Tutorials are miracles :3 You're right. Nasty they are! \:mad\: I don't want anybody to hear my voice via .. via some radio thing or whatsoever.. No, just no! O_O Funny brother you have there, hahaha Toilet-attack! ^o^ Daaamn, how would we be without all these high-tech stuff! If you took their acces to these devices, I'm sure they would show withdrawal symptoms \:P Hehehe, teachers are like that when they think you're a "brave" and "innocent" kid. \:wub\: Oh my gosh, that religion teacher is indeed awesome! Remembers me of my own former religion teacher.. Since I moved and went to a new school, I don't have it anymore. Too bad, it's quite interesting to learn about different cultures. \:D THAT GIRL, is really a nice job. Mind selling me some shoes? I really need new ones. hahaha \:wub\: Sounds like your grandma likes cooking! I know .. how that is.. 2 desserts O_O!? She definitely wanted to make sure you all eat enough. hahaha \:D Movies were OK, it was only DRAMA, but some of them.. Didn't have any drama o_O; But yea, luckily it's over now. My week is starting good! Some fun moments at school happened \:D But now I'm tired.. I blame physical education.. Why am I supposed to do javelin-throwing, when I'm never going to do anything with it later! I hope you're having an awesome and superbsweet week too! ♡~Nisuki

NisukiSep 30, 2013

Hello Lovely! I'm sorry that I made you read it backwards haha \:wub\: But damn, your guessing is really nice. You totally hit the marks which I wanted people to think when I was writing the intro. It had to be confusing.. yet it must make you think. YOU DID WONDERFUL OwO *APPLAUDS*

MarijaJSep 30, 2013

You really don't have to worry about it sweetie! \:\( ♥ I'm good, thank you. \:\) Well, the school is just annoying and I can't stand it anymore but we went for three days on a sightseeing tour (excursion) with school and it was awesome, but I'm just so much tired and I cannot work properly in school. \:D How about you, how's at work? \:D Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but it's great that you keep in touch. And about his wife? You don't need to like her haha. \:D But yeah, his happiness is on his first place. \:\) Oh, well, I'll keep checking for the story. \:D I'm ill too, I have a sore throat and sniffles -.- I agree \:D Now, 21:42 and 10�C IT'S REALLY COLD I HATE THISSS! -.- Sending you kisses and hugs ♥♥

smileface101Sep 30, 2013

Hey Sarah thanks for the suggestions \:D I'm going to use one in my next chapter and add a bit more to it \:rah\: I'll be able to extend the story if I use one, I hope you have an awesome day \:D And if you want to read more from me, please go to Wattpad.com and search for TashiJean you'll find my work such as 'Where Are You', 'The Punisher's', Doomsville', Adventure of A Lifetime' and my new fanfic for my favourite band 'Discovered'

Bby-LSep 26, 2013

Hello Sarah! Thanks for your comment..and sorry for my late reply >.< I'm looking forward for your story \:D

MarijaJSep 18, 2013

You're welcome dear. \:wub\: It was, thank you, I hope you're having a good week too. :3 Now 19:19 and it's 21�C but it's so much cold in the house. \:wacko\: Haha yeah, that's why we have Sims, to get out of reality and be young as much as you want. \:D Oh, well that's good. \:D If I may ask, just don't get mad please, you wrote "my dad and his wife". Are yours separated? \:\( I'm really sorry to ask this, but if you don't want to answer I COMPLETELY understand. ♥ Really? OMG I can't wait to read it, I hope I'll be first to comment \:D Haha, I send you hugs and loveee ♥ \:wub\:

JuzuSep 18, 2013

Thank you so much, dear! Oh, you're a fan of breaking benjamin too? that's awesome \:D I'm still waiting for your first story, hehe~ Have a great day! \:D

PralinesimsSep 17, 2013

Thank you SO much for your kind feedback! Have a super lovely week!♥ danke!!!!

NisukiSep 17, 2013

Wa, goodlucks with it if you are going to try it yourself. I tried to create my own item, but .. My photoshop doesn't want to co�perate. =__= *slaps photoshop* grr! Ohoh, goodlucks with your story, I'm sure you'll do it good :3 Exactly! our voices will never be recorded again! Omfg, you know what! This week I have a movie festival at school, and suddenly some woman was there, "interviewing" people who were on the festival. My friends and I immediately rushed away, heck no that we want to talk on the national radio channel LOL. // A PICTURE of everything you do! ... GROSS, I DON'T WANT TO SEE A PICTURE OF SOME POOP. HAHAHAHA. Oh damn exactly, but people like that exist! Hahaha, hilarious! But yea it's annoying if you will read it everyday.. just.. they don't have anything better to do! O_O That's actually fun to write a story together and yea that last one is a good idea. HAHAHAHA That's just hilarious. We should try that later! or soon hahaha \:D I JUST SAW I'm barely using smileys, well only the xD and lol and yea... I'm currently at school infront of the pc \:wub\: Teacher says I'm working good, bcus he hears me typing a lot, hahaha :3 Laughing at your own jokes is good, really ;D! (CUZ I DO THAT TOO). Poor sad robots :c anyways! Trouble you say? I hope everything is fine now, and aw! visiting your grandparents sounds fun \:D My week is starting good! Except that I'm in the cinema for 6HOURS LONG! =___= (for that festival) It's fun, but long! I hoep you're having an awesome week! Keep smiling ♡ Hugs&Love, Nisuki

Ms BlueSep 16, 2013

Thank you so much for the amazing comment on my screenshot \:wub\:. I agree with you although i think she would be a handful haha \:D

MarijaJSep 16, 2013

Sarah, it's okay honey, really. ^_^ I'm glad you had fun. \:D Well it s something at least. \:D 15:27 and guess how much... 27�C! Woohoo! \:D Yup. \:\) I like those shifts too. \:D Too bad I haven't seen you xD Haha, yeah you have to tell me. \:D Yeah, but now she's 22 actually and now in December turning 23. \:D She says she's old haha \:D Haha, well you have younger and older cousins, that's cool. ^_^ Well not really. My closest family are my parents and my sister. \:D And you? \:D Yaaaaay, CAN'T WAIT! \:D Haha, well of course she forgives you. xD It was great, we had a lot of fun \:D You're welcome, I wish you a lot of more beautiful days. \:wub\: About school right? \:D Sending you huggies! ^_^ \:wub\: Maria. ♥

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