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Katherine1091's Guestbook

JuzuSep 16, 2013

Hahaha! Okay, I'll be patient as patient as I can. >u< Thank you for appreciating my story, Have a great stress-free week! ^^

JuzuSep 15, 2013

Hello there! Thank you for reading my first story, Message in a Bottle \:D I will wait for your first story, I hope it would come out soon ^^ Thanks again and have a good day \:D Ps: your Sim profile picture is really very beautiful \:D

AlessaFayeSep 14, 2013

Yeah, I haven't had much to do.. lol and I don't plan on revealing who the shadow man is just yet \;\)

NisukiSep 14, 2013

I see I see I see. \:D That's a really good idea ^o^ ! Actually, there are some stuff in TS2 or items which aren't in TS3 :c . Wa~! Can't wait till you are able to make your first chapters ;D SEVEN MINUTES LONG. HAHAHA. That's just Sheldon! hahaha. Grrr, I will throw all the recorders away \:mad\: Oh wells, guess that they like to make fun of our voices. \:\( Lädderlappen, oh goodness, I'm seriously laughing now XD. It somehow reminds me of Lederhosen. \:D Well your writing looks good ^o^ So I'm sure you'll be fine . mewhehehe \:wub\: Hahaha xD. I only use facebook now. Twitter and insta aren't that amazing to me.. TWEETING WHAT YOU ARE DOING: "Going to poop" / "I'm done pooping" O_O.... Insta is taking pictures of everything you see? Oh wells xD some think it's fun I guess. \:D LOL. PERFECT TITLE. Do people actually even want to read it.. Probably yes, there's always atleast one person who does xD! ROBOTS IT IS \:D Or they must be sad people :[ aw.. I'm having a greaaaat Lazy day! The last two days were TOTAL CHAOS. Love you weekend. xD I hope you are having an awesome weekend too! Hugs & Likes ♡ Nisuki

MarijaJSep 14, 2013

Haha, yaay. \:D I know. \:eek\: You don't have to, I'll check it whenever I log in the site, haha. ^_^

MarijaJSep 14, 2013

Yeah, me too. \:\) 17°C at 13:21 \:D Yup. Well I'm not quite a fan of Twilight. Between comedy and romance, I choose romance \:D We'll have to sleep together hahaha xD Well I do like it, I go like that from the first grade. So when I go in the morning I have the whole day for me, but when I go in the afternoon I can sleep longer. \:D Yes it is. \:D Haha, too bad I couldn't see you, it must have been funny as hell hahaha \:D I have older sister (22 y.o.) but I like to do it more with my aunt's sister (cousin whatever haha) because she's more similar to my age. I'm 14 and she's 15 now. \:D It is fun haha \:D I suppose you have a younger brother? \:D I love my all sisters, because we are almost the same. And funny thing, I don't have too much brothers haha, I have like 3 or 4 brothers and then the rest are sisters. \:D Haha it would be better if you'd teleport, then we could eat pancakes together. \:D Hahaha, she accepts your apology. \:D :P Thank you, I'm sure I'll have it because today's my best friend's birthday. ^.^ Hope you'll have a fantastic weekend too. ♡ Sending more love than you do, haha. \:wub\: ♡ Maria

MarijaJSep 13, 2013

I saw you answered, MY TURN MY TURN \:D I don't know either. \:confused\: It's stupid, actually, why did they put that option if they don't send a notification? \:wacko\:

MarijaJSep 13, 2013

Haha, no, it's because I hate when I have to carry things, I like when my hands are empty haha \:D 16°C at 21:16 \:D Haha well chips and coke is a musthave \:D We should watch some comedy I think, if we'd watch horror I think we'll have to sleep together haha \:wacko\: xD It would ♡ You're not stupid haha \:D Well yes, one week I go in the morning and the second week I go afternoon. \:D How about you? ♡ But with music it's better haha \:D I just take my vacuum, play my favorite song and sing while I do my work haha \:D (Hate tenses to >.< ) Haha, well you had luck this time \:D Making pancakes is fun for me \:D Especially when I do it with my sister, and OH, SEND ME SOMEEE! \:D ♡ Yeah \:D It's actually HER. \:D She was surprised ^_^ So, so, so much hugs and kisses. \:wub\: Maria ♡

AlessaFayeSep 13, 2013

I'll answer your question about Evie, no, she or Aiden still can't see ghosts. Serena is helping Ellie, but I won't say anything else about that shadow man! You're just going to have to wait and see! \:D

matomibotakiSep 13, 2013

Hallo, fuer das -Aaian Lake House- sind nicht alle Packs erforderlich. Es sind so weit ich mich erinnere nur 2 oder 3 Teile aus anderen Packs, baue fast nur mit grundspeil und selbsterstellen Sachen, daher steht einer Installation nichts im Wege. Viel Spass und ein schoenes Wochenende!!!\:\)

SylvanesSep 13, 2013

Thanks for the comment on my screenshot of Sylvanas \:\) It did took alot of time to get all the things for creating her. \:\)

MarijaJSep 12, 2013

Btw, check your Private Messages, I've send you one. ^.^

MarijaJSep 12, 2013

Hey I forgot this too! 20:36 now \:D

MarijaJSep 12, 2013

Haha, that's a great idea! \:D That would be really cool. \:D Well, today it was raining here \:wacko\: I had to carry my umbrella which I hate, I don't know why haha xD Now it's 17°C, cold. \:\) Haha yeah, or we could make a sleepover \:D ♡ Of course \:D Hahaha, I hope that won't happen too xD No, my school starts at 13:45 but I have to get ready and all, maybe do some homework etc. \:D And then I come back home at 19:00. But when I go in school at the first shift (morning) it starts at 7:45 and (like you) it's till 13:00. \:D Really similar \:D Actually the same! \:D Argh, housekeeping \:wacko\: Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. \:D I did thank you, we made a surprise for our head teacher haha \:D Have a great Thursday and Friday haha \:D Much loveeeee ♡ Maria \:wub\:

NisukiSep 12, 2013

Hello beautiful!♡ Wa~! Congratulation on your job! \:D Hihi, yup, I'm sure you'll be able to get it soon ;3 ! I can't wait to see your coming, do you wait untill you get TS3? \:o Hahaha. I always think too, I have to clean some of my files, but I always forget about it xD Oh that scene is funny yea, but Now I try to look at the German one.. That just sounds way too funny LOL \:D . Meh.. I THINK THE EXACT THING LIKE YOU, WHEN I HEAR MY VOICE RECORDED LOL. \:P These recordthingstuff always make our voices weird. Well, some do sound good.. \:\( Unfair!! LOL LÄDERLAPPEN XD? THAT'S INDEED WEIRD, but hella funny Hahahaha! \:D But yea, I think German ain't that bad. But I guess it's because my German Teacher is a nice/funny one. \:D I always have "Google translate" with me too xD! In case I don't know a word either. I'm sure your story will work out great! \:wub\: Yup kind of haha, but facebook is a little dead lately. Everyone is more on Twitter & Instagram and that stuffles o_o Woohoo! LET'S WRITE MORE. nah jkjk haha \:D And hey, using smileys isn't bad at all! Because.. When you don't .. It actually feels emotionless sometimes! \:eek\: Slo using them is good! Yup! So do I love it to use them. haha \:wub\: Hugs & Likes ♡ Nisuki

linasalemSep 12, 2013

\:DTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR NICE COMMENTS!!!!!!\:wub\:♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Have a great day!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

MarijaJSep 12, 2013

Yup. \:D Well yeah, in summer it's too hot sometimes, in winter too cold (but yeah, it's great when you watch the snow fall when you're in a warm home) in fall, it's sometimes boring, because you can't go out, sooo... I think IT'S SPRING for us hahah \:D Yeah, it's almost the same weather \:D Now it's really cold and rainy, but I have to go to school. \:wacko\: Of course, haha, we can party all day, and then just teleport ourselves home! Hahahaa \:D I would love to meet you but I guess it's destiny's fault. \:\) Haha, yeah, lucky you, I could be mad at you and never talk to you again buahahaha \:D jk of course xD Hahahaha, well here it's 12:02 and I need to get ready for school \:\( Huggies! \:wub\: Maria ♡

MarijaJSep 11, 2013

I know haha, thank you again. \:D Well, Serbia isn't really similar to USA, but here is better haha, we have a lot more holidays than them \:D I like summer too, it's my favorite part of the year. \:D Well here, it was sunny these days, but the weather forecast says it's gonna be rainy. \:\( Hahahhaa \:D YEAAAAAH! You're right! And that we can teleport ourselves xD So I can come to your country and you to mine. \:D Well if you played Sims then IT'S FORGIVEN hahaha \:D Just kidding honey, it's okay ♡ Yup. ^_^ Now it's 23:01 haha \:D Hugs and kisses, Maria. \:wub\:

NisukiSep 11, 2013

BTW, I SEE SOMETHING WRONG IN THE FIRST MESSAGE! 3 minutes is short.. I meant 30 minutes! :P

NisukiSep 11, 2013

Ah yea you're right, some or even more expensive \:wacko\: Ah, that's a good thing that you are going to work for it =D! I got the sims 3 as a present and bought some of the expansions myself and some are presents haha \:D LOL. GRANDPA PC. HAHAHAHA. Wow, with that many downloads 10 minutes ain't much indeed. I think my game takes 5minutes to start up? I don't think i've that many downloads \:o Holy .. waiting 3 minutes or an hour is tooooo long O__O ! Hm you're right. and oh sht.. You remind me of a youtube videa.. Butterfly was also in that video.. haha XD EVIL? hahaha. I'm seriously laughing here. But sometimes I hear german girls talking, (Many tourists come here) and their voices are actually really cute and light! I'm sure yours is like that too. cutecutecute \:wub\: In my language.. it's Vlinder.. Sounds totally different than any other language lol. Ohoh! I have problems with all these time phrases too.. I had a hard time too choosing which time to use \:D Writing stories is fun and so are guestbook messages! \:wub\: Your english here seems fine, so I'm sure your story is going to turn out just as good!♡ I've been writing way too much too.. (I always do too). BUT what does it matter! haha. \:D Thank you! My day was good! Likes & Hugs for you ♡ Nisuki

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