Kriss (400261)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (68 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (416 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Maxime Build Set
Published Jul 25, 2014
About Me
Hi to all!
My name is Kristina and I have been playing Sims ever since the release of Sims 1 even though I was a late starter. I was a SimCity player and wasn't at all interested in Sims. After a couple of years I picked up a copy at bargain price, installed it and the rest is history as they say.
I learned the art of meshing by creating buildings for SimCity 4 and now I really enjoy creating objects for TS3. It's a different challenge but I love it. I am thrilled and honored to have become a Featured Artist and I hope that you will enjoy what I have done so far and what is yet to come.
Since the time I have available for creating CC is limited and my own personal to-do list is longer than my arm I do not take requests.
Custom Content Policy:
- All my objects are and will be TSRAA so you may use them however you like here on TSR.
- You may not reupload them to sites outside TSR and especially not to the Exchange.
- You may not clone my meshes without permission.
My Latest Updates Show All
Areto Bathroom Part 2 - RIPWritten Jan 11, 2014
Last time I lost a project folder was way back in 2010 when I lost all my Monterey Shelving files. Fortunately that set was then already published on TSR so I could download it and at least have something to save for the future. This time I wasn't so lucky. The models of the "Areto bathroom - part 2" have vanished. The folder holding the models must have slipped inside another folder which... ...More
Merry Christmas and Happy New YearWritten Dec 17, 2013
I am going to take a well deserved break from real life work and creating for sims until the beginning of January so I would like to take this opportunity and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ...More
Creating againWritten Oct 13, 2013
As you maybe have noticed I have started to create again for Sims 3 again after some time of absence. I lost all interest at the beginning of this year and considered myself done with the game. Apparently the game wasn't done with me, lol. Anyway, it's nice to be back again. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
MAWriterGirlJul 17, 2022
Hi Kriss ... I hope you still check this site from time to time! I've downloaded quite a few of your creations, mostly build items (window sets primarily), and have really enjoyed every one of them. I'm very "into" things Scandinavian, and most of the Scandinavian-style items I've found on here have been your creations. You do such gorgeous work and I hope that maybe one day you'll find the time and inclination to create more. Many thanks for all your beautiful creations and your hard work! Ha det så kul och sköt om dig! --Kim in USA
SugarMar 29, 2021
Hi Kriss
love your doors but the sims 3 doors Scania are labeled as Sims 4. they download as a Sims 3 pack so as ive put them into my sims 3 game i nearly had a heart attack ! LOL I take it they are Sims 3 doors
FluttereyesNov 15, 2020
I just started playing Sims 4 as I was still playing 3. I came here for your Scania kitchen and your gorgeous savoy curtain set but you didn't do them. I would love them in this game