LuxySims3 (4532137)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (98 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (26 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Sep 18, 2014
About Me
My name is Lucía, but you can call me Luxy. I am CC creator from Spain. I love making clothes and makeup for the Sims 4 on my free time. My personal style is between alpha and maxis match, so my cc can work well with both 💜
I like to make monthly collections with a defined theme and color palette so that clothes match each other and save space in the mods folder.
All photos are taken in game (no renders or over edited images), because I really want to be honest with my supporters.
You can also follow me on:
- Tumblr:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
Terms of Use
- You can retexture my sutff, but have to give me credit (with link to the original post) and don’t include the mesh with the download.
- You can convert my downloads to other games if you give me credit (with link to my page).
- You can use my creations on your photos, stories and legacys. Use the #luxysims tag or @ in the post if you want me to share it with my followers.
- You can't upload my stuff to other web hosting (mediafire, megaupload, dropbox ...).
- You can't upload my creations to other sites, especially pay sites.
- You should never attributed my work.
My Guestbook Show All
KeepCalmNancyDec 03, 2022
Hello! Do you plan to update some of the wedding dresses? They have a Gloss effect on them now after so many updates of the Sim game
Are just some of the ones I found in game that are having graphic issues.
XMyzzprincessXNov 22, 2021
Hello Luxy Sims! Your creations are lovely especially the facial masks on Sims 4! I will be sure use your content in my game. Thank you so much for creating your lovely custom content. ^_^
XMyzzprincessXNov 22, 2021