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MJxo's Guestbook

Flower Girldtbw13445Aug 26, 2009

Hi, thanks commenting on my screenshots!

maxi kingAug 26, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Mariah!Thank you for your lovely comment!Hey I got a new story out!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

MelanaAug 26, 2009

It was so sweet of you to leave comments for my  'Moonrise' and 'Sunset Valley Morning' screenshots. I very much appreciate it and I'm glad you liked them. Take care.

UltimaSimsAug 25, 2009

Ooooohhhh. RE 4 <3 I wanna play that one soo badly!! Anyways. Do you have Sims 2 BonVoyage? If you do, what dose it come with? Like clothes and hair and stuff? Cuz if it dont come with Hairs and clothes (What i like the most) im just gonna take the risk and download it for free as a torrent, but if its worth it imma buy it.

YukosanAug 25, 2009

Yeah! Eustace! That was his name. \:\) They do seem to rerun them sometimes, or at random times (like you said, midnight). Adult swim must not have been on. It's awesome when you can catch them on. Aww, haha. XD Sunday did sound fun for you. Gossip, huh? Hmm... interesting. \:P Your cousins sound pretty cool. Oh, your exam results? Eeeh, that has to be nervewrecking. \:\( As long as you did your best on the exam, guess there isn't anything else you can do. I'm going to sound like the majority by saying this, but I think you will have done really well. \:\) Haha, I will shut up now. You think this week will be crappy? Gah, I'm sorry. \:\( It's okay to be undecided over some things. Of course it's totally fine to be over a story though. And you don't gotta tell me what it's about right away anyway. ^ ^ Not many plans this week here. I really hope your results and week turn out to be good though.

DevalynAug 25, 2009

You're welcome, I love taking polls\:\)

Flower Girldtbw13445Aug 25, 2009

hi Mariah,  you are welcome\:D, hope you have a good day also....\:D...........see you around.

Jennifer_RAug 25, 2009

Hey Mariah, your such a sweetie for leaving such lovely comments on my first story. I really appreciate it. \:wub\: Oooo shopping, I love shopping! \:P I'm a bit of a shoe fanatic. I love heels! I've been pretty good lately though because I got a new car so I've had to curb my spending habits. \:rolleyes:  Hope you get some great stuff to wear to college. You must be excited. Goodluck with your exam results I hope you do well. I did check out the trailer for the new exp and it looks like it's going to be alot of fun. Can't wait! Chow for now \:wub\: \;\)

damnanoirAug 24, 2009

I know Mariah ^^ U gonna be great with ur results, i'm sure! ^^ And well... Yeah a new Neighboorhood in Victorian Age XD I'm creating the Museum now.. And i'm uploading some screenshots of the different "levels": prehystorical, romanic, greek, egiptian... etc.. since Victorian Age XD... This week end??? I don't know... XD maybe visiting some friends or doing a little party in my home ^^ XD maybe a water-fun party... don't know XD

francienAug 24, 2009

Hi Riah, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment at my screenshot Inverness, I'm happy you like it! \:D

Jennifer_RAug 24, 2009

Hey Mariah, thanks for the poll. Not that I really need the kudo's but they're always fun to take. There's not much to spend your kudo's on now when you've pretty much brought everything for your profile page. How are you anyway sweetie? I submitted my first chapter of my story, it's called Retirement 101. I've finished the second chapter and almost the third. Somtimes I think the more chapters you have the better you get at creating a story. I'm trying to take as many snapshots as possible before they die on me. lol \:P Thanks for all your lovely comments on my latest screenies. Did you have a good wkend? I had a really busy one. I saw P!nk in concert. She was good but I like Xtina better. TC and talk to you soon. \:wub\: \:\)

WandaJBowenAug 24, 2009

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my screenshot.It was nice of you to do so.I hope you are having a great day!\:wub\: **Wanda**

fredbrennyAug 23, 2009

Thanks Mariah for your comment on Daddy waving Fred goodbye! I'll be here till Wednesday night...Hope our second chapter of the story will be out befor I leave...It's been pending for two days now...

YukosanAug 23, 2009

You're welcome, it's the least I could do. \:D Omg, I agree with you 100% about that... used to watch and love those shows too. Dexter was the fave of all time, but Courage was just as awesome. Those were the best days, huh. \:\( Wow, that's awesome that you're watching all that again, though. \:\) They kept finding all the Dragonballs, then they get scattered, then they find them again... lol. Wow lmao over 100 or more? SO many. At least they're always be some to watch when you feel like watching it. Woah, you're starting a story? That's awesome! \:D I can't wait to read it when it's done. \:P My stories are still there, it just says they've been edited for some reason, I swear I didn't touch them... anyway, they'll come back up in a bit. But what's yours about, if you want to share that? \;\) And please do tell me about Sunday, I'd love to hear.

MelanaAug 23, 2009

Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my 'Sailing Boat' screenshot. I'm glad you liked it.

damnanoirAug 23, 2009

thanks *hugs* doing well thanks! and u? a great week end to u too! Well... I'm building a new Neighboorhoosd... Completly Victorian! Now i'm building a Museum in Victorian Style (figuring out with photos in the net XD) and trying to find some stuffs for it too ^^ and u?

YukosanAug 22, 2009

Quite honestly I think your currently look is awesome... \:eek\: and definitely NOT crappy, I can assure you! It reminds of me of the fun times in summer (argh, don't want it to end). Haha, but yeah. Dragonball!? That brings back so many memories. I watched it when I was a kid, too. That and just about anything that was on Toonami/Cartoon Network. Did you just feel like watching the first season just randomly? \:P That's awesome though. Sunday should be pretty good then, huh? \:D Lol. Talk to you later, then. \:\)

NawaAug 22, 2009

Hi Mariah! I don't really know what to think of the first Sims 3 EP. I think it's a weird choice for the first expansion pack because as far as I know, the holiday EP's were never the most popular. I own Sims 2 Bon Voyage but I never did more than one or two holidays, it just wasn't that great. Also "World Adventures" looks A LOT like a simple remake of Bon Voyage, just with slightly different locations. I reckon I'll buy it anyway, Sim addict as I am \:D, but I would have preferred a different theme. That's just my opinion \:\) What do you think? ~ Nawa

BrandonTRAug 22, 2009

Thanks For Nice Comments \:wub\:

YukosanAug 22, 2009

Once again, thank you. XD A new look, huh? You always have a good avatar. You are a good editor of images. \:\) Yes, infact I saw your blog and watched the teaser trailor earlier today. Egypt! LOL @ the mummy. It looks like it would be really good for story tellers, too. I want to see videos of the other places they can go. \;\) Thanks for posting up the links, though. It makes things pretty convienient. Heehe, so glad it's the week end. It's time to sleep in. :} Probably just going to chill on Saturday and go somewhere on Sunday. What about you?

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