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Created for: The Sims 4
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The house has two guestrooms. This one is used by either Brant for being a monster snorer, or Brent for getting away from the snoring resource. When Brant's mother in law is visiting, she also sleeps here.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1538169
ItemID: 1538169
Revision: 2
Filesize: 49 KB
The room is designed for The Silo lot. If you are placing this room in the Silo lot, please check for any double windows and/or doors. You can safely delete these doubles.
I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available on Origin (20 April 2021).
For this room to show up just like in the preview, you will need: Eco Lifestyle. For the rug to show you need Laundry Day
I use cheats bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.showliveeditobjects and debug. Please use at least the bb.moveobjects before placing the room and or lot.
Credits: All artists here at TSR whose creations I use with gratitude!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
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