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MajikGoldy's Guestbook

JessicaStarSongJul 12, 2012

I love your work so much. It's so beautiful. Thank you so much. And thank you so much for putting it for free, that means so much.

murfeelJul 12, 2012

I miss you! \:D

mwartisteJun 27, 2012

Hi \:\) I just wanted to thank you for the set about the Middle Ages, I wanted for a long time to make a city on this theme and you allowed me to realize it. Thank you again \:\)

murfeelJun 15, 2012

\:wub\: Miss you \:\(

DorianHApr 27, 2012

I lost interest in Sims until I found your incredible work. You are excellent\:wub\: and I am loving it all!

murfeelNov 26, 2011

\:wub\: I miss you! \:\(

gages_mummyOct 21, 2011

Thanks for all the downloads!! You create awesomeness!!  Keep it up!   Thanks again! 

thisisrequiredJun 9, 2011

I think I've dl'ed everthing of yours lol I love it all. Thanks for all the great stuff! \:wub\:

x Zombie Chick xJun 3, 2011

Just dropped by to tell you that you have some wonderful stuff, it's all awesome and I love it! \:D

murfeelJun 2, 2011

Just made a typo of my own just then! \:P

murfeelJun 2, 2011

Just read your other GB message--aHA!!! So it WAS the typo thing! *nods head* I'm so glad everything's wotking now! \:D Maybe I should tell Girl from Mars about that typo and see if she can get it changed? \:o Because I noticed that when I started making sets, how they say sim3set but the preview picture in the tutorial says sims3set, and wondered why they kept it that way. \:P Glad I was useful! \:D A heartfelt HAPPY SIMMING TO YOU!!!! \:rah\:

murfeelJun 2, 2011

Thanks so much! \:rah\: And I noticed your upcoming pod; you got your Set submission problem fixed now, right? \:\) I'm glad! \:rah\:

murfeelJun 1, 2011

Btw, been meaning to point this out: Cute avatar! \:D \:wub\: Widdle fishie! \:wub\:

murfeelJun 1, 2011

I always wondered why you didn't put your things together in sets! \:\( I just figured you couldn't be bothered; I can well understand that; submitting is a bigger chore sometimes than creating! LMAO \:P But I see; it's not working for you?! \:\( Okay, I never pay much attention, cuz my PC's got a lot of memory on it, but how big are your files? \:o TSR won't accept anything into Filestorage over 35 MB, so if your zip files is over that, that might explain why you can't Set it. Also, VERY IMPORTANT: the directions on the submissions page have a typo: they say to name the zip file sim3set. That's wrong, it should be named *sims3set*--they forgot the 's'! \:eek\: Did you notice that? \;\) Also, don't put any of the following in the title of your files: & or " or ' or - TSR can't seen to wrap it's pixels around those symbols for some strange reason. \:o I've done all of the above and could never get my sets into the filestorage, until I realized things that make TSR go berserk. \:P Let me know if you need more advice! \:wub\: Best of luck! \:rah\:

murfeelMay 31, 2011

Thanks for leaving comments on my stuff; I'm so glad to hear that they work in people's games; I get pretty darn nervous sometimes! \:\( And OOoo la LA about the sci-fi creations! \:wub\: those are gonna work out swimmingly well in my sci-fi lots I want to make later on in the year; the robot you made was hilarious! \:D Did NOT see that one coming! \:P have a great week, and take care! \:wub\:

SorianoL1980May 27, 2011

Thank you for your wonderful items and I love your self. Keep up the great work,\:\)

FlovvMay 24, 2011

I'm happy to hear it! \:\) That's awsome! \:\) So I'm waiting for your next objects and sets! \:\)\:wub\: Your creations are amazing! \:\) Have a very great evening! \:\)

FlovvMay 24, 2011

Halo! I thought I would create a tutorial for you, but now I think ther's already one it will be the best help. \:\) You can find it on the main page of the submission site, on the top of it. You must see this: "Welcome to Submit your Sims 3 creations to TSR! Read more about Submitting to TSR here: -> Choose the second blue sentence: How do I prepare a Sims 3 Set for submission to TSR?" Hope it will help, if not, please let me know, and I will try to help in my way. \:\) Have a lovely week! \:\)

murfeelMay 16, 2011

\:rah\: CONGRATS ON GETTING YOU COMPUTER ISSUES DEALT WITH!!! \:rah\: I KNOW how that feels; today I lent out my laptop to someone and the wench kept it all stinkin day--it's 10 PM right now and I only JUST got it back; I spent the day bored out of my mind, so I just played some Play Station since I read all of my novels already \:P . I'm so excited; I swear, when you said 'Can't Live Without' I LITERALLY jumped a bit out of my skin; my shoulder twitched and everything! \:P What the heck does that mean!? \:wub\: Awmigawsh I can't wait! \:D ^-^

murfeelMay 14, 2011

Gosh, every time I come here all I see is a blur of green and a bunch of words, with me just running my trap! \:P lol Anyways, thanks for liking the gramophone! \:D It was just a Artist-3d conversion, no biggie, but doing the textures had me up all night crying and sweating! \:P Honestly, I HATE creating; I'm lazy, and TS3 has me doing waaaay too much work! \:P lol Hope you have a great weekend, and good luck with yoir PC issues! \:\)

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