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MajikGoldy's Guestbook

murfeelNov 18, 2010

\:eek\: Oh NO!!! \:\( Not again! \:\( Hopefully it can be fixed reasily and most importantly: CHEAPLY ! \:\( I went and sprained my middle finger (guess I've been using it too much against these crazy people! \:P ) on my right hand of all hands *SIGH* so it's made work a tad uncomfortable--MUCH! \:mad\: I'm looking at this huge goiter sized lump right at the joint. The whole finger was swollen and a bit tender since Monday, but now it's finally starting to show it's true colors and it hurts when I use it now. \:\( Proceeding with caution. \:puke\: At least it's not the whole hand or limb or something BAD, you know! PHEW Good luck with the computer! \:rah\:

murfeelNov 17, 2010

How's it going? \:\) Grrrrr I am STILL working myself to the calcium-deficient bone, trying to finish these frakking gypsy lots!!!! \:mad\: Know when I said that after I got over the gypsy high in my veins that'd be the last of it? SOOOOO getting tired of gypsies right about now! \:D LOL I just want them to wander somewhere away from ME \:P But I'm preparing to do the Medieval Dragon Tower as I type this: installing everything dragonesque and medieval I was saving just for this lot, and as soon as these freaking nomads leave me alone and set up camp in someone else's daggone frontal lobe I am SO getting to work! I can't wait! \:rah\:

ValcheNov 14, 2010

gr8 i cant wait \:\)

ValcheNov 13, 2010

those dragons are so kwl and totally ma style i absolutely adore dragons and mythical creatures 

murfeelNov 11, 2010

URGH! I keep thinking of things to say! \:P I just wanted to say I REALLY need an external harddrive on my computer. I know what you mean \:\) TS3 stole practically every byte of my space, and I'm holding on to my last 30 or so GB by my nostril hairs! \:D i was telling someone about getting one and they looked at me like I was a pathological liar -- pfft! And how many months will it take you to blow a TB worth of space? \:o They stared me down until I admitted, rather embarrassed: ONE. \:P LOL What can I say? I'm HARD on bytes! I just go THROUGH jumpdrives--it's all quite disgusting! \:lol\:

murfeelNov 11, 2010

Don't even feel bad about it; you know how long it was before I added a SINGLE pod to my minisite!? \:eek\: I wouldn't have even bothered until Ziggy28 pointed out to me exactly how to do it all -- I had no idea what I was doing! \:P I was worse: I had at least 20 or so creations out by that time and not ONE pod! LOL LMAO \:D \:D \:rofl\: Ahhh....that was a good laugh I just had at my own expense \:D HAPPY SIMMING!!!!

murfeelNov 11, 2010

\:eek\: JUST SAW IT!!! \:rah\: WOW, it's SO creative how the dragon's in some sort of cage or something! \:eek\: That's even better than what I asked! \:D \:D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I can't wait I can't wait!!! (I sound like a Stevie Nicks song! \:P ) Once I finish up my Gypsy stuff it's on to the medieval castle! \:rah\: *squeals with excitement* I'm going to make a draconian sim too, and I hope he turns out well -- I have a bit of a problem making realistic looking men, both in the Sims and in my drawings. \:\( Maybe it's the pretty boy fetish I have, but they always turn out looking VERY feminine. \:P  URGH! Can't wait! \:rah\: Thank you SO much for taking the time to do it! (GOSH you work fast! I feel like crap; it takes me 11 years to make stuff! P ) 

murfeelNov 11, 2010

\:D Thank you for liking the Fractals! I know, I saw them and saidf: You'd be a daggone fool if you don't make paintings out of these! Reminds me of Lava Lamps \:wub\: -- I still have this one pink Glitter Lamp: when I turn it on the whole room has this fuschia glow, and the glitter inside makes these sparkes on the walls like stardust \:wub\: But the bulb blew years ago and i'm too lazy to find another one \:P I used to just stare inside my lamps for hours at a time, like an idiot, and I wonder why I can hardly see now! PFFT!

murfeelNov 11, 2010

\:D \:D \:D clap clap clap *squealing like an idiot* I can't wait!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: THANKS SO MUCH -- MAN you did that fast ! \:eek\: I wasn't expecting anything so soon , and I look in my GB and you've already SUBMITTED it! \:P I said: daaaaaaang ! \:rofl\: lol \:nw\: \:ty\:

murfeelNov 10, 2010

^-^ Double hugs!!! XOXO \:wub\: Don't worry; before I got this computer I was on a 10+ yr old Dell that they didn't even make parts for any more, so when I had an electrical problem and it zapped the wires and fried the harddrive I had to dump my own ancient computer and get one that could at least be REPAIRED in the modern age! :P lmao A King's Throne is EXACTLY what I need! \:rah\: I'm so tired of sending ppl to Nukael at Mod the Sims every time I use a throne on my lots! *SIGH* Thanks for liking the column idea, I REALLY appreciate it! Thought I'd run that by you \;\) \;\) My castle is going to be SOOOO NIIIIICE!!!!!! ^-^ I just have to get this Gypsy nonsense out of my veins! \:P I was doing my Dracula thing, got into Romania, and next thing I know I'm up to my chinny chin chin in Gypsy witchy-poo creations! SIGH again. I FINALLY got some stuff finished, so I've got more murals coming out I think tomorrow. \:o And I just submitted the first of my Gypsy lots! Thank GOODNESS; that millstone was breaking my neck! If they rejected it one more time I was gonna SCREAM!!!! \:D \:D Ever seen Practical Magic, with Sandra Bullock & Nicole Kidman? \:confused\: Well, the outside is that house, but the inside.... Let's just say: I got carried away *BLUSH* \:o lol and listening to Stevie Nicks all day did NOT help! :P

murfeelNov 9, 2010

You know the idea I had? \:o Well--I have many ideas, but you actually MAKE stuff \:P (SO jealous! \:mad\: ) I've been craving a Dragon Column for a while now, something to grace the front entrance of a castle. Do you think you could make one or have the time to indulge me in this request, please? *blush blush blush* I had in mind a Medieval-type dragon sitting sejant (or in however pose, really!) and it looks like a statue, but it's a Column, so you can use it both ways? \:o That would be an AWESOME addition! You see, cuz I already have a TS3 dragon column that I found in a set by Iamcoming over at sims3Modeli ( ) , but it's the distinctly Asian type where the dragon is wingless, coiling around the column, and I'd really love a more Medieval dragon, because that one is CLEARLY Asian and I think it would slightly mess up the feng shui I'm gunning for in a Medieval European castle. \:confused\: Something in the pose of your MajikGoldys Standing Dragon Table Sculpture 3, maybe -- heck, if you could just blow up the size of that one and just enable it as a Column that would be awesome! \:rah\: Or have it blown up and then melded to one of the EA columns so it looks like it's hugging/clutching at the column? *swoon and drool* ARGH! I need to learn how to make objects, cuz the ideas won't stop coming! \:P Google Images have some neat ones under Dragon Pillar, if you're interested! \:\) But never you mind this silly request; you just keep making what you keep making, because whatever it is; I'm SO using it! lol I just have to FINISH the ones I'm already knee deep in and get TSR to accept them already! Every time I submit a lot there's a frikkin problem! \:mad\: I just can't believe it! \:eek\: Anyways, Happy Simming! \:D

murfeelNov 9, 2010

But on a happier note! \:D \:D Saw your Dragon tables and I BOW DOWN TO YOUR GENIUS!!!! \:nw\:  I can't get over how much I LOVE you and your creations!!! As soon as I finish these crazy lots of mine -- I just CAN'T seem to get them accepted; it's just one problem after another with these stupid lots and submission rules and TSRAA and garbage! \:mad\: -- I am SO doing that medieval dragon castle, and I've decided: I'm dedicating it to YOU!!! \:rah\: \:wub\: 

murfeelNov 9, 2010

Okay, two things. First thing: \:eek\: And second thing: \:eek\: Your screen went RED!? \:wacko\: !!!? Graphics cards! \:mad\: You had a desktop PC, right? Yeah, I heard that desktop graphics cards need to be upgraded from time to time, but I was told last month by the Tech Support for my HP laptop that there really aren't any upgrades for notebook PCs, so I had a STRONG fear that my graphics card might putt out on me too, cuz I read somewhere online that TS3 can eat away at your computer's functions. I asked the guy how you could tell, at least on a notebook, if your graphics card was dying out, and he said you can tell if your screen starts going dim or grey or something, and when it's just DEAD the screen goes jet black, like the computer's off. \:puke\: A friend of mine had her monitor actually BREAK apart from her computer, and that had me wondering about monitors too, so I asked him about the lightbulb in monitors and if THEY died out as well, and he said they can, but it's not very common as peoplde don't usually KEEP or use their computers long enough for that to happen, but when it does, the screen goes translucent, like there's a grey film over the screen that makes it hard to see everything. He said it's still able to use the monitor if you take a flashlight and shine it I think behind the monitor screen, or was it in front? I can't remember, it was over a month ago \:P but yeah, I had a niiiiice long chat with him about visual issues that could fry ur computer. But he never mentioned frikkin RED SCREENS!!!! I'm calling them back. And my battery died on me a few weeks ago, and he told me that since my warranty expired (which would cost some $200 bucks to renew) I would have to pay for a new battery, which would cost some $150 dollars. So I said, Okay, so every two years I would be expected to spend $150 on a new battery every time it died on me!? Plus an extra 2 hundred for the warranty!? I might as well go to Walmart and get myself a brand new computer for like 3 or 5 hundred!!!! \:mad\: Politely but quickly, I hung up that phone on him! \:P It was bad enough I got duped into buying the stupid laptop for almost a thousand dollars at PC Richards & Son! I could have gone to Walmart, cut that price in HALF, then skipped merrily over to the nearest Gamestop and bought myself a used Play Station 3 for like $200 and been in the CLEAR for Christmas!!! \:D LOL But let me stop rambling. that's just terrible that you had to go through that! \:\( Well, at least you're such an awesome creator that you can always MAKE whatever it was you couldn't get back! \:P It's good that you got at least most of the bulk back, though I understand completely how it feels when you've been working on something and it crashes and you lose all of it. It's TIME out of your life that was really wasted. Well--not WASTED, but just abused, or forfeit. Because at least you had FUN. It's just that proof of the EFFORT is destroyed, which ALWAYS bites! \:mad\: I play Play Station enough to FEEL the burn, especially when they TELL you how many hours you've spent playing each game. I don't even want to add up the total! \:o It's probably a whole years's worth of hours I've dedicated to Play Station ALONE over the years, let alone The Sims! \:P ppft!

murfeelNov 9, 2010

Oh, that's even WORSE, what happened to you! \:puke\: Might I ask HOW that happened? Did you do something or install or deinstall something that sent it on the fritz? \:o I'd like to know so I avoid it. TS3 LOVES to crash to desktop when you've got corupt CC like I did, but it never did a full blown dive on me, thank goodnes. What happened to make yours do that? Do you know? Did you get everyting you had back? \:\( I hope so! A heartfelt Happy Simming to you! \:wub\:

murfeelNov 8, 2010

I LOVED the fairy garden! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I am in the midst of a long line of other creations at the moment (if I even get finished in time for next Christmas! \:P ) but a fairy home like Tinker's Nook in Pixie Hollow for Tinkerbell is DEFINITELY on my to-do list! I went through this WHOOOOLE intricate process of using Create-a-World to create the entire island of Neverland, but at the LAST moment after I put down all of the geographical things like trees & mountains & waterfalls I realized that my CAW absolutely REFUSED to let me save lots on the world! \:eek\: I could have cried hellfire!!! \:mad\: MONTHS of planning & dedication, thrown out of the window with the single click of a button! \:\( And then I was trying to make custom roads, only to find that the Normal Maps were all off and haywire to do roads, but I had all these sidewalks done at least \:P It's....a long story, but I gave up on all of it eventually. \:\(  Oh well. I had such DREAMS!!! I was goint to do Peter Pan & Wendy, the Mermaid Lagoon, all five realms of pixie Hollow from the Tinkerbell movies -- my world was looking CUTE!!!! But I couldn't finish it \:\( I -- I think I'm going to start crying! \:wacko\:

murfeelNov 7, 2010

YESSSS!!!! Fairy garden! \:rah\: BRING IT OOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! \:D \:D \:wub\:

miraminkovaOct 29, 2010

Hi! \:wub\: Thank you so much! It means a lot to me \:wub\: Have a great weekend!

murfeelOct 28, 2010

\:D \:D \:D We could always settle out of court, since I like you. \:\) \:wub\:

murfeelOct 28, 2010

Saw the fountains today and almost PASSED OUT!!!! \:eek\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Just thought I should let you know that my lawyer will be contacting you shortly with that restraining order! :P

murfeelOct 27, 2010

And thanks for liking the Castlevania-Dracula pictures! That game brings back good memories! ^-^ Slightly creepy at times, yes, but still: good memories \:\)

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